Friday, January 9, 2009

The Building of an Ogrillon

Like all races and classes, an Ogrillon has it's good points and bad. +4 to strength (str) and constitution (con) is offset by -4 intelligence (int) and charisma (cha).

The easy choice here is to go pure Barbarian and use the Greataxe and Tower Shield. Only Earth Genasi and Ogrillon are large enough to wield a Greataxe and a Tower Shield. With all this str and con, they are a perfect choice for Barbarian.

On BadLands RPG, you can become an UBER Barbarian. This allows you to use your Rage bonus after reaching the +12 cap. With 35 Barbarian levels and all three Epic Rage Feats (Thundering Rage, Terrifying Rage and Mighty Rage), the Barbarian can gain +12 to str and con during Rage. This use is added to the existing rage use from Greater Rage to allow for extra UBER Rage turns. UBER Barbarian and UBER Rage is unique to BadLands RPG and probably not available elsewhere.

This leaves 5 more levels before starting the Legendary Levels (levels 41 to 60). Taking Rogue or Bard for UMD and Tumble skills is a good choice. You will need to buy 25 UMD points to be able to read any scrolls and use most items like Helms. Every 5 points of Tumble will gain you 1 AC, 40 Tumble is +8 AC. The Ogrillon's low int actually makes this hard to do. Bard Song is a real plus just as Rogue Sneak would be a good thing to have.

Both Rogue and Bard will have a short time limit on spells cast from scrolls. Bard would have a slightly longer time and higher DC to reflect their natural Arcane Spell ability, rather than the "Gee, I hope this works", approach of the Rogue.

Another good approach is Barbarian/Bard/RDD (Red Dragon Disciple). 10 levels of RDD will get you a lot of choice improvements. +8 str, +2 con, +2 int, +2 cha, +4 AC and immunities to Fire, Sleep and Paralysis. Taking 20 Barbarian levels first will insure the max BAB (base attack bonus) of 20 at level 20 and 30 at level 40. Take the first Bard level at 22 so you can buy 25 Tumble and 25 UMD. Take all 10 RDD levels and the last (2nd) Bard level at 40 to finish with Tumble 40. Staggering Barbarian levels and RDD levels here is recommended. Epic Rage Feats can only be taken on a Barbarian level-up. Don't forget to take Overwhelming Critical and Devastating Critical.

Another idea in Ogrillon building is to start with Ranger. This will get you all the two-weapon-fighting feats that you would not otherwise qualify for. Taking 20 Ranger levels first will insure a max BAB of 30 at level 40. Ranger 21 will allow you to take Bane after you start the Legendary Levels. Bane will get you extra +2 AB and 2d6 extra Damage to all favored enemies. This is on top of the +1 damage per 5 levels of ranger.
Example: Ranger 21 with favored enemy ELF and Bane would be damage 4+1d6 and +2 AB (attack bonus, not enhancement bonus) while fighting an ELF.
+2 AB and extra damage 5 to 10 to kill a Mage or Monk Elf? Sweet!

One weapon choice is to train for Dual Scimitars. The Ogrillon does not get as much of an AB penalty as does a smaller race. When in a situation where Dev Crit can't help, switching to Greataxe and shield would work. I did this on a build and my AB ended up being the same. It ended up as a draw for damage, but my AC was better.

The other weapon idea here is the Double-Axe. The Ogrillon can two-hand this for extra attacks, of hold a Tower Shield and the Double-Axe.

Taking Pale Master (PM) 10 would gain a nice AC boost and immunity to Critical Damage. PM 15 will qualify you for Epic Warding (damage reduction) or Epic Mage Armor (+25 AC) "note: Epic Mage Armor is 5 AC to each type of AC and will not stack with existing armor". This will stack with Dodge AC (on boots) and will show +5 AC as shield AC while not holding a shield.

Taking PM 16 will get you another boost in AC and the ability to take the second of those two feats. The problem here is that we spent 3 levels (probably Bard) just to get to PM. Since we want another Bard level at 40 to top off Tumble to 40, we have a problem. We can't get Ranger 21, Bard 4 and PM 16. That's 41 levels.

What to give up?

  • Bane? (Ranger 21) Extra and Damage.
  • 15 Tumble? (Bard 4) AC +3.
  • An epic feat and +2 AC? (PM 16) Damage Reduction 50 and AC +12.

In these terms, +3 AC from Bard Tumble is the looser.

Cleric would be a good choice as well. The Ogrillon does not gain or loose Wisdom, leaving Cleric as a usable class. Most other classes are out because of the terrible loss of int and cha.


Qwildurn said...

Not actually having built an Ogrillon using a Double Axe, I only assumed it worked normal because it is listed as such in the Stat Sheet.

I liked the concept so much I built a Ranger with a Double Axe to find out that it does not "hit" like a Double Axe.

This is bad and good. After some experimenting, I found that an Orgillon uses a Double Axe just the same as if it was a one-handed weapon. With or without a shield, it hist the same. The interesting thing though is this: You can wield a second weapon, like a Scimitar and get the missing second hit. That does not explain what I found.

When wielding a Double Axe with fire 1d4 and EB +2, and a Scimitar with acid 1d4, both weapons hit as if they both have EB +2. The primary weapon (double axe) will hit fire damage and the off hand weapon (scimitar) will hit for both fire and acid. I put 3 different elements on each and the scimitar hit for 6 types of elements.

Although an exploit of sorts, I doubt if there is anything I can or should do about it. This certainly opens up new built opportunities.
As for now, my main weapon has a larger base damage (1d8) and a critical threat of 20, while the off hand weapon has a 1d6 base damage and can do nearly twice the rated element damage and has a crit range of 12-20 (after keen and improved crit).

Jim Brannick said...

*first off*--- how do you come up with +12 to str/con? Mighty rage gets +8 to each, but it doesn't stack with greater rage. Also, terrifying and thundering rage don't add to str/con (at least according to the wiki). Am I missing something here? or did you add custom scripting to get to that +12 you mentioned in your post?

Ogrillons are very cool... for a select few class combinations.
Obviously, they make excellent barbarians with their Str and Con boosts. However, their main drawback (IMO) is their horrible INT hit. Half-orcs already get hammered with a -2 INT racial hit. Combined with the -4 from ogrillon subrace, this poses a serious roadblock for any builder. Skill points and their distribution are single most important factor behind class distribution. In order for a player to simply not LOSE skill points (i.e. get to INT 10), they have to spend 10 ability points at character generation. If they drop 16 on Str (to max it out) that only leaves 4 points to spread around. Dropping back to STR 18 (by using only 10 pts) will free up 10 pts for other abilities. Skill points (surprisingly) aren't much of a concern for barbarians which get 4+int mod per level. But other classes aren't so lucky.

Ogrillons make powerful str-based clerics. My latest build, Orcus, was one such cleric. I combined Cleric/Bard/RDD. It's a fun build, and it's easy to get an AB well above 80 if you take that build into the 50's.

I still think deep orc is the BEST subrace for melees, but Ogrillon barbarians are cool nonetheless. I do have some concerns about movement speed though. It seems like some of the subraces with irregular bodies move slower or faster than regular bodies. For example, the hasted ogrillon is slower than a hasted deep orc. Also, a shade is considerably faster than a normal body. Is this something hardcoded in the subrace body, or can it be changed?

Qwildurn said...

I thought there was a post dedicated to the UBER Barbarian of BadLands RPG, but I can't find it now.

In short, because of the +12 cap to attribute enhancements, I built a custom script system to allow a Barbarian to continue his Rage and be a playable class in BadLands RPG. Talk to the guy on the 3rd floor of the Stone Conjoint.

You will need to be level 21 with 10 levels of Barbarian and have 3 pieces of gear (not boots) each with +5 AC, +4 STR and +4 CON.

Part of this UBER Barbarian is that the Greater Rage ICON will work the Mighty Rage ICON for more uses of the better Mighty Rage +8. If your UBER Barbarian has 35 Barbarian levels and the three Barbarian Rage Feats, Thundering Rage, Terrifying Rage and Mighty Rage, your Rage will be +12. This is exclusive to BadLands RPG (unless we got copied).

I agree there are better sub-races if you want a better build, Deep Orc is one. But this is about the Ogrillion and how to build for it's shortcomings.

If you start with the minimal Int (3), you will get 1 skill per level. I think at Int 8 you will get 2 skills. Usually I prefer more Int, like 12 or 14, but that's just not going to happen with an Ogre. Tumble, Discipline and Heal are the crucial skills to take for a Mêlée build.

Yes, the speed and reach and camera height are listed for each body type. It's not hard-coded. It's in a 2da file. In order to change it, a HAK-PAK would be best. An over-ride would not work well unless the SERVER and every player had the same over-ride file. Bioware has done a good job at setting these variables and I don't see any need to alter them.

As part of the server balance, we took all that into consideration when we gave the sub-races what we did. In some cases, we took away to help with the balance. We don't want any one race or class to stand out and be the only thing worth building. There was a time where all that was being built were Mages and Monks of one or two races. Now a wide variety of builds are out there all doing good.