Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bragging Rights, Revisited

Big Bertha Butt

The DM was droppin Slaad bombs inside the Tunafish Tavern today. As usual for DM Qwildurn, they started fairly easy and progressively became harder. The players were having fun killing or being killed.

Eventually Black Betty showed up. As expected, nobody in the room had what it takes to kill Black Betty. Most were just to low in levels to take on any boss, especially Betty. So I eventually relogged with Big Bertha Butt. Not that Bertha is anything special, she is the only toon I have.

Betty was obsessed with killing the Guard, the one that is unkillable. This was good for us because she never tried to hit us. No doubt my Bertha wouldn't have lasted long if she had become the dinner special.

Bertha buffed up with all of her 22 Bard levels and went charging in. Bard song can be an amazing spell and Curse Song is just the melody needed to weaken an otherwise untouchable Boss. The mage in the room was useless against Black Betty as was the Monk. I think Raz got in a few pot shots as did a few others. Even Bertha with all her 41 levels only hitting on a 20.

Bertha is a Fighter 8 / Weapon Master 10 / Bard 22. Being a Deep Orc she has a naturally high strength and charisma and uses a Double Axe. Unfortunately she has low constitution. Bertha has what it takes to kill Betty, good crits.

It was an epic battle. Some of had to break for lunch yet others had to go out and rest several times. Bertha was able to re-buff a few times without resting, but was low on spells. Finally Black Betty's big body fell to the floor shaking the entire tavern. The server let out a shout that Big Bertha Butt had slain the mighty Black Betty and we all stood around bragging and patting our own backs.

Not too much longer, the server let out another shout, "Krenshar has exploded Pyro Taranto into smithereens!"
Shortly the server let out another shout, "Lycan has slain the mighty Krenshar!"

Of course I wanted to know if this was the same Pyro the had killed Stride at level 16. Being an off-duty DM, I have access to certain information. As the screen shot shows, Pyro, level 37, while in a party of 2, got killed by a boss much easier than Stride and Royal Assassin.


Unknown said...

I do feel I have to respond to this, I was not in a party while I fought krenshar. I fought him alone, he gave me a rather hard time being able to hurt right through EW and 61 AC didn't help me much. And I while I was busy respawning Lycan decided it was a good idea to come over since he needed that skin.

I got there with lycan at around the same time, and he was polite enough to actually wait for me to blast the crap out of it while he tanked. Lycan got the skin.

We've killed it the same day before that, and we've also killed sheelo cause of the need of dragon blood. Then as well did Lycan take a leap to the dragon to get the blood before the person actually doing the killing got what he came for.

Well I know one person that won't get my charity anymore, twice in a row does get annoying. I'll admit that Krenshar was too much for my con based sorc, but my death was alone and his kill was with my help.

extomorf said...
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extomorf said...

Yay i'm famous i'm in the picture

Deimonos said...

LOL.. well, what I meant with my comic post on the other topic is that braggin' about something that simple was funny as hell.. and really not worth mentioning.. even deving black betty or the dev beetle on the first hit would be more "wooow, you're awesome" material.. but that's just what I think..

Bashing black sabbath and rak with a melee build that ain't a pm with EW is one of the most thrilling experiences you can have on this server.
Against rak, even the classic monk has some trouble trying to keep himself alive. You go there with a bud, and it's one bashing while the other run away for a bit to cast a greater restoration and the other is already half dead when the partner is coming back.
I prefer this kind of fight over the typical 2 mages killing the shark. One play bait and keep running a marathon while the other mage igms spam the damn fish til death.
Easy but boooring..
But since rak is immune to magic.. you gotta get close to him.. and he crits a lot..

Jim Brannick said...

The Rak isn't completely immune to magic. 9th lvl spells actually can do some damage. But I don't recommend spamming meteor swarms... better to try insta-death spells and hope he fails a save (5% chance).