Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More Awesome People

Not alot needs to be said on this one, the pictures speak for themselves.



Unknown said...

lol, now now deurack carm down and tell us what u meen.

Deurack said...

I'm carm, I'm carm...Gooos-frah-bahhh...

Qwildurn said...

(lead in melody)...
The first ever I saw your name...
(more gentle melody)...
I knowed you were related...
(break into dark metal)...
to Dragon Ledek and nubbie...
(pick up the tempo)...
But you tricked us all...
(star wars death march)...
Buff me, Oh Great Master...
(full revereration)...
Ledak, I am your Father...
You will join me in the Grey Side...
(closing crash with all the instruments)...

Simon Hawk said...

lmao! And after ALL that bullshit, he was gonna leave and go watch The Simpsons anyways!

Good thing you didn't waste your time traveling to Dozo.

"HA HA!"

Hilarious post, Deurack.

Deimonos said...

wow.. that guy really didn't have the power of dragons and power..

Every month.. maybe every week, the server gets tools like that.. 12 year old kids who just makes you wanna relog a pk build to kick their asses.. but then again, they are usually as skilled as mickles.. so they spam sad shouts looking for help and log a few mins later..

I remember last week a guy logged on and asked for some help killing rats and zombies in the noobie mines. When nobody answered his request, he just shouted a "Wow, I know an unfriendly server when I see one. Laters" and logged off


Qwildurn said...

Just for grins and giggles, I have gone into the noob ruins with a level one. I mean, I never took my starting levels, I never bought any gear. I think I used a fighter with the recommended stats and starting package. But, And, I was able to wend my way around without much trouble. I didn't have any buffs of any type. If you watch your XP, you know that at about 100 XP you can level-up to five. At that point I had not made a complete lap and had never even been close to dieing. Back in Dozo I took my five levels and bought some gear.

I have started enough crappy builds to know that even the worst possible build can survive in there alone including a mage.