Friday, May 8, 2009

A New Spring Migration/Invasion?

For those of you who might not have been around about a year ago, the Badlands had a bit of an invasion for a while of a peculiar species of player that some lovingly refer to as an "Oki". They were players from Denmark, and we called them Oki's because if you asked them a question, they would always answer "Oki" instead of "OK". If you're interested in learning more about these fascinating creatures I'm sure you can find a few old posts that can help you understand just how special they were:

Well, hopefully if you read through some of those you'll get an idea of how frustrating these people were, but unless you were there you just cant relate. But, for your viewing pleasure, here is a nice screenshot of a typical Oki in action. Check out the lovely shouts by Shadow Mendon [PL], he is good person.

I think he left because of Game Mistake.


Qwildurn said...

Fondly I romanticize with, "u not nice person" and, "oki".

Huh? Oh---whew---I dozed off for a second and had a nightmare. Some memories were ment to be forgotten.

Unknown said...

Oki infestation needs cleansing team, we should get every last one of them to be automatically put in opal's neutered guild so they can be torn apart whenever we wish.

Simon Hawk said...

The best part is the last comment... "i gone :("


Deimonos said...

I think Deurack was still lol'ing due to dano's yesterday's 4 times death and sudden loggin off that he misplaced the real origin of these dark creatures...

The oki are actually from Poland. And except for Jajus and his brother Mnich, they all seem to be "no good person and I no spike good enligh oki?"

They are awful players and usually the ones fond of the "team" buttom.. oh my.. I think we've all hit the "Never show this again" once when shadow and his buds were around.. :(