Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year

Hiya Blade here.

I have been inactive as far as Badlands RPG is concerned for some time now. Also this site has had little activity for some time. It has been a little while since I saw the Badlands RPG server up too.

I have been playing Dragon Age Origins (new Bioware game) on a new quad core computer and have just finished my first runthrough. Username "Fizzbangblade" if you want to send me an invite on the Bioware server.

Also I still regularly play NWN1 online, playing on Dalakora PW which is a longterm commitment for me.

Would be fun if it was possible to meet up with the old crowd over Christmas or in the New Year.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year,

All the Best .........Blade :)


extomorf said...

merry christmas and a happy new year to you to blade. What did you go for on dragonage?

Deimonos said...

Howdy. Hmm, I thought Dragon Age was single player only.. I must be mistaken then.. oh well

I had to format my stuff so I lost pretty much everything I had. And now I'm mainly downloading shit via steam or just smashing some zombies and other dudes in the x-box 360.

Counter Strike Source. Wow, it's been forever since I played that shit. Poor graphics and lousy scenarios but it's good to waste some guys for a while..

Merry Christmas and and blah blah to you guys. (No, I'm not wasted.. yet)..


Qwildurn said...

Yeah, Merry Christmas and all that crap.

BadLands RPG is up and running. It never went down. Well, not for very long. I did have an electrical problem for a few days, and some other thing that was outside my home. They (those from over there) finally got their end of it fixed.

I've been busy doing other things as well. Other interests or needs. There aren't many players on usually. Was four on the other day, plus me. No updates or changes to the module.

Have a good Christmas and a better next year.

Qwildurn Bluemoon

Blade said...

Great to hear from you guys again. Extomorf, I went for a Human Noble (Sword & Shield Tank). This worked out well for my first play through the game. I unlocked 44 out of 87 Acheivements. Eventually I will play all the different Origins (6)
I would like to play a Mage with Mage origin, a Dwarven Commoner with Dual Weapons as an Assassin Rogue type, a Dwarven Noble with 2 Handed weapon skills as a Fighter, and a Elf Commoner as a Rogue Archer (Ranger). I am still unsure exactly what build i can use for the Dalish Elf, not sure if i can make that one Mage or not and miss the Mage Origin.

Dragon Age is Single Player only at the moment, but you can upload your Acheivements and Characters and Screenshots etc to the Bioware Social Server. And you can Add other players you know to your "Friends" in the Bioware Social Server too. So i am just trying to stay in touch with people who played with me on other games but are now playing Dragon Age Origins too :)

I will try to get on BadlandsRPG, but maybe the server address has changed since i last put it in my favorites.

All the best .........Blade :)

Qwildurn said...

Blade said: "I will try to get on BadlandsRPG, but maybe the server address has changed since i last put it in my favorites."

Yes it has. Like most people, I have a dynamic IP, that it means my IP address changes every few months.

See Tip 43, The Desktop Shortcut for a logon that will never fail.

Unknown said...

Evening all, yeah that happy christmas/drunk newyear stuff and whatever's supposed to go along with it. I ain't too good with it, still twitching just like the rest of you. Been playing rp servers for the most part lately, action just, I dunno, just kinda seen it is all. I keep an eye on some of the badlands occasionally. Maybe see you lot around sometime, cheers.