Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Dark Hunter of BadLands

Drago Dirge Blade and Brandy Brent got lost in somebodies basement.

They found an Ice Cube and Spoiled Jelly.

Lack of toast and lemon aid got them killed (bad nutrition).

After resting and buffing, they scrubbed the basement clean but fell through the drain.

Arrows started singing past there ears.

Unfortunately, they didn't have what it takes to beat the Dark Hunter. No doubt he guards something important, but we haven't learned what it is yet.

A Rodeo with Gorgon

After a night of serious drinking, Brandy Brent challenged Drago Dirge Blade to ride the mechanical bull. Drago had never heard of a mechanical bull and responded with a slurred, "You first."

"I can do that, but first we gotta sneak past some (burp) little baby dragons.", Brandy drooled.
"Baby dragons? Sneak? Hah! Watch this!"

"These little baby dragons got bad breath."
"Yeeha! I feal sick."

"Any idea who's bull pen this is?"
"Ouch. I got kicked in the gut."

"It's horns ripped me a new hole."

After Gorgon the mechanical bull killed both them, the Gods took pity and breathed new life into their worthless bodies.

After they slept it off, they both rode Gorgon for a full 7 seconds. This allowed them into a secret chamber that they claimed as there own.

The Wastelands Grand Hall as decorated by "true blades".

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Anatole, The New Boss

One of the new bosses of BadLands RPG is Anatole. Brother Soul Blade tried to take this guy on alone. After what seemed like forever, neither had hardly a scratch. It was an even match (obviously) as both the boss and the player are Monk/Cleric in build. Anatole has a total of 65 levels while Brother SoulBlade was at his max level of 58 (ECL 2). Both have a similarly high AC and high AB (80+ / 80+).

Eventually, Trisha Trash came to help. It took the two of them a long time to whittle away at this guy. If it wasn't for SoulBlade's Cleric Heal spell, both would have died. Several times Anatole cast Cleric Heal on self to prolong the battle.

Finally, Anatole ran out of Heal spells and when he was near death, succumbed to a Knock Down hit (his first and only). Like the dogs that they are, they kicked him while he was down and finished his life. Without the strength to hold his Kama, it dropped to the ground. Brother SoulBlade grabbed it quickly and ran through the portal that opened to claim the Outpost, "Castlevania" for the guild, "true blades" (formerly "Free Blades").

Thursday, January 14, 2010

BadLands RPG 095f - The overdue update...

After a year of no updates to the game, I have finally done it!
BadLands RPG 095 (f) is posted and ready for testing.

About a year ago, Deimonos, Darian and a few others did a lot of marvelous work building new areas, bosses, and such. It was my job to script it in as well as fix some other issues. Just as I finished my part, my computer crashed loosing all of my work as well as some of my hardware. Deimonos sent me a copy of the mod (ver 95a or 95b) and I started over using my laptop. About halfway into it, my laptop crashed. I lost my work again as well as the entire laptop. Well, I wasn't too keen on redoing it, yet a third time. but, I finally picked up my sorry ass and did it.

In truth, I have done little parts of the work over the last year, making it hard to remember just what is there. So, we all get a new adventure and a new set of bugs to work out.

For the most part, this is untested. There will be bugs. So be patient and tell me about the bugs you find. No matter how trivial it may seem to you, please tell me. Even if it's not related to this update, tell me please. Post your comments here or send me an email.

This includes new subraces. The complete list is posted here
There are three TRUE monsters to be play-tested. These are player-monsters only available to beta testers. See the bottom of the subrace list.

New areas: I have lost count of the number of new areas, but there is a group of four named Underground Wastelands.

New Outposts: There are five or six new Outposts to be claimed. Normally I would say, "Go find 'em!". But this time I will give you some clues. (read on). The total Outpost count is 18 now.

New monsters and Bosses. Beware, some are F*&$#@ing tough! About six new bosses, some control outposts. The Boss Count is just over 30 now. This does not include low-level area bosses such as the Green Dragon near the Smoke Shack.

New Boss drops to go with the new bosses. Please note: The Trident is +8 to make up for the broken feat: weapon focus trident (standard). The 1.69 upgrade added all the feats for the Trident, but you will be down 1 AB because of a Bioware thing. Most Boss Drops are +7, so in the end you will be even.

A new weapons shops inside Castlevania. This is a level 24 melee shop with no restrictions. It is the only shop where you can finish your Great Axe as per the standard rules of BadLands RPG. Hmm, did I mention the guard named Betty?

The fixes to old problems are endless. See BadLands RPG: Updates for the partial list.

Doom Mines boss and outpost.
Castle Sheelo boss and outpost.
Castlevania boss and outpost. Yes, to get inside the castle you must first kill Betty, then another boss awaits inside.
Undergrounds Wastelands boss and outpost.

In some cases you will need a good archer or a good rogue...but wait, I'm spoiling the fun now...

To answer an old Question: Is the Lich Quested Subrace ready yet?
Answer: Not yet. If the undead skeleton test goes well, then the Lich will be possible.

For those testing the undead skeleton... The spell scripts have not been altered YET. Only the hard-coded racial type of the player. Most of the scripts will automatically treat the subrace as undead. This mean that a heal spell will hurt the skeleton and a harm spell will heal it. Turn and Bless Weapon as well as Favored Enemy should work and need to be tested. Turn, Bless Weapon and Favored Enemy are hard-coded. Most spells are scripted and can be adjusted, but some are hard-coded. If this test gets around the hard-coding, we are in business!

Qwildurn Bluemoon,
server host of BadLands RPG