Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Anatole, The New Boss

One of the new bosses of BadLands RPG is Anatole. Brother Soul Blade tried to take this guy on alone. After what seemed like forever, neither had hardly a scratch. It was an even match (obviously) as both the boss and the player are Monk/Cleric in build. Anatole has a total of 65 levels while Brother SoulBlade was at his max level of 58 (ECL 2). Both have a similarly high AC and high AB (80+ / 80+).

Eventually, Trisha Trash came to help. It took the two of them a long time to whittle away at this guy. If it wasn't for SoulBlade's Cleric Heal spell, both would have died. Several times Anatole cast Cleric Heal on self to prolong the battle.

Finally, Anatole ran out of Heal spells and when he was near death, succumbed to a Knock Down hit (his first and only). Like the dogs that they are, they kicked him while he was down and finished his life. Without the strength to hold his Kama, it dropped to the ground. Brother SoulBlade grabbed it quickly and ran through the portal that opened to claim the Outpost, "Castlevania" for the guild, "true blades" (formerly "Free Blades").


Blade said...

Actually "Free Blades" is no more, but i have all my neutral chars in "true blades" which i have a Warlord in now aswell as the Guild Founder Conan :)

We are doing quite nicely as it happens :)

We need to make a "Perfect Rogue" to take the Newport Outpost, and Mephistopheles and his outpost need to be defeated.
Also we need a good Archer build or 2 to defeat the new Dark Hunter at Sheelo Castle :)

I really enjoyed fighting Anatole, and he is certainly worthy of respect :)

All the Best .......Blade :)

PS If you get to read this Q, 3 of us went to Medusa and the Boss Spawn failed :(

So no Portal out for us

Qwildurn said...

I found a typo. Medusa spawned in for me.

Qwildurn said...

Lord Watric had a typo that was preventing him from spawning. It's fixed now.