Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The last Outpost falls to "True Blades" :)

True Blades have control of all the Outposts now. They don't have any intent regarding the Good and Evil Fortresses at this time :)

Bungle BoogleBlade has secured the premises to keep out the Riff Raff :)

All the Best ..........Blade ( For Warlords Conn & Basher Bladeless )


Qwildurn said...

That can just never be!!!

This just ain't right!!!

How can we live in a world of neutrality? Without the ability to make a decision? Do I go left or do I go right? Oh my God!... I am so confused!!! Which side should I be on? Good or Evil? Oh pleases, please help me.

The non-winged pacifists have taken over and now we're not allowed to have a personality. With Good or Evil you know where you stand, I mean it's pretty clear how things are run, but with them indecisive, unsure, wishy-washy, no-color, no-fun, Neutralite's in charge, we haven't a clue what the rules are.

The shame. The shame. The world has come to an end as we know it. It's just disappeared into emptiness.

We are standing in the middle of the "No Fun Zone" now. I say it's time to break out with the big guns and and show them what REAL fun is. Lets blast em back into the nothingness that they came from.

We'll hurt em so bad, that they won't be able to say, "I'm not sure how I feel."

After we're done with them, they'll all say, "That hurt like hell!"

After they get done healing, they will say, "I feel good now."

And anybody that doesn't see it our way, we'll just keep hammering on them until they do see it our way.

Ladies, this is WAR. Break out with your pink panties and let's go to town!!!

Qwildurn said...

It seems that the Black League has been on the prowl and claimed a few areas. Probably just the act of a coward. The kind that steal candy from sleeping babies.

Blade said...

All has been restored i believe :)

Is that the best the Black League and their minions can do ?

All the Best...... Blade :)

PS tell me if i failed to restore any outposts please :)

Blade said...

"Davys on the road again,
wearing different clothes again, Davys turning handouts down, to keep his pockets clean!!!!!"

@ Said

Please stop posting crap and mucking up our Blog.


All the Best .......Blade :)

Qwildurn said...

Is it possible to restrict the posting to English only? That spam isn't even using symbols I can read.

Also, can you BAN those that do post spam?

Spam, by the way, is a mix of pork and ham in a can. Very salty and greasy. I can't stand the shit,... err stuff, myself.

Blade said...

Hello Simon :)

I was discussing our problem with "Q", and we were wondering if possibly you could make the Blog "Read Only" so that only the members who can initiate the posts can post ?.......or would that be too intrusive ?

The problem is that this spam could end up everywhere if we dont clamp down on it.

The other idea we had was to maybe disable HTML, but that might spoil our ability to post some of the stuff we like to post ?

Failing all of this, a daily springclean might do the trick ?

All the Best ......Blade :)

Simon Hawk said...

Hey guys,

I changed the blog settings so only members can leave comments. If any players want to join we'd have to approve it and then add them later. Hopefully this helps with the spam issue.

Qwildurn said...

Simon Hawk said...
I changed the blog settings so only members can leave comments. If any players want to join we'd have to approve it and then add them later. Hopefully this helps with the spam issue.

That works for me. We should set this up so it's not too difficult for players to gain access.

My thoughts are as follows:
1) Set-up a permanent and easy to find posting that explains all the "what's and why's".

2) This post should include Simon's email so they can ask to be added to the list.

3) We should attempt to verify that they are indeed "players". This could be them telling us their log-in name as well as one of their character names.

4) I can read the game's database and verify that the names exist and report back to Simon who could then add that person to the list of "Who's Who" (or in our case, "Ho Ho's").

Now, I know this sounds like a **&&**&& monkey chase, but, @#$@#$ I hate spam!

Just my two cents worth.