Friday, February 3, 2012

Player Security System

After much frustrating thought, I finally started doing some work on making your accounts secure. I actually considered abandoning the whole thing, until I started jonesing for my BadLands fix.

The biggest problem here is how to correctly identify legal ownership of said account(s). And what to do when a second person claims that they are the rightful owner.

I finally settled into:
- One account per CD Key.
- Wipe all the accounts and start over.
- Each CD Key is linked to the one logon account name.
- Anybody trying to access an account that's not theirs will be frozen before they can do anything and then booted.

Now, I got play the tough guy and tell you not to loose your CD Key or forget your logon name. I won't send you or anybody else that information. It's your CD Key, you paid for it and you own it. It's your account name, don't forget your own name. It's your responsibility to keep track of your personal stuff, not mine. I will do my best to keep others out of your account.

All the player information has been wiped, the only thing that remains is the list of permanently banned CD Keys. Gart, when I said I was banning you for life, I wasn't messing around.

I fixed the problem that was allowing banned players to login, a typo...duh...

So, log in and secure your favorite user name before some dweeb takes it.


Blade said...

Hiya Blade here, I just read the Blog and have made a new toon "Brother MasterBlade" for my ZenBlade account.
It is actually quite refreshing to start over, and i look forwards to playing my toon, when i have the time {he is lvl 9 with a haste cloak as i write}.
It is nice to see that a good number of players are playing at the moment. One player particularly impressed me by killing Bruce when he was Level 46, as well as other Bosses like Hound Archon and Sheelo :) Great progress :)

Look out for me on line :)
All the Best ......Blade :)

Qwildurn said...

There are more players on and more often too. Some are new and some are returning. Shadow_Tomb made 50 already and started an evil guild. I just made 21 and then spent two days looting so I could upgrade my gear. Obviously I don't put in the hours that Shadow Tomb does.