Tuesday, October 16, 2012

ISP Troubles

My finances have changed and I changed ISP last week.  Now I have an intermittent internet connection. The technician should be here in a few days to fix the problem.  Until then I have shut off the server.  I may lose my connection before I can finish posting this note.


Qwildurn said...

OK. I got that posted. The other thing I need to talk about is that I may not be able to keep the server on much longer. My electric bill was $150 last month. I know I can trim that down to $30 or $40 a month.

What has changed is this: For the last ten years I've been taking care of my aunt. She paid the bills. My aunt passed away recently. She was 100 years old.

I gave up my job in order to take care of her. Now I don't have a job or an income. I don't want to stop hosting BadLands, but . . . I may have to make that decision soon.

Qwildurn said...

Oh, yeah. One more thing. My email has changed to "onelesscar at roadrunner dot com". I wrote it the way I did to prevent spiders and trolls from spamming me. You know how to convert it into a legit email address.

Qwildurn said...

The technician came and went. He seemed to think the splitter I added to the coax line was causing a disruption. The server is back online and time will tell if the connection is stable or not.

Blade said...

So sorry to hear of your Aunts passing, and change of circumstances.
I will try to get on Badlands RPG to play a bit and say Hi if i can, and if it is already not "too late". Would be nice to play a little once again, especially during the run up to Christmas :)
However, when the time comes to take the server down, i will understand, as i am sure that will herald a new era of opportunity in your life for new beginings. I would just like to put on record here how much i have enjoyed being a guest on your server and playing and building my "toons" with you and all the old crowd. God Bless you Qwildurn, and all you choose to do.
All the Best ......Blade :)