Friday, August 2, 2013

GameSpy Work-Around

There is a GameSpy work-around for NWN now.  I don't know how long it's been up, but it works.

There are not any instructions as how to use it.
I would suggest that you copy the IP Address (Server Address) of the game server you want to try and paste it into the file


in your NWN folder.

Open "nwnplayer.ini" with notepad and look for the header

[History Page]
[Favorites Page]

Then replace an existing entry or add a new server entry.

It will look something like this:

[History Page]

[Favorites Page]

Save the file and close it.
Finally, you can start NWN and the server will be listed in your GameSpy history of favorites.

The IP Address is four sets of three numbers sepperated by a period.  Any leading zero is dropped.  The colon followed by a number is the port you wish to access.  The IP Address is the public IP that the server is on.

The IP:port is the current IP:port to BadLands RPG.  It will change from time to time.


Qwildurn Bluemoon, server host BadLands RPG

PS... If you have any questions about this, please post them here and I will try to answer them all.


Jaqstar said...

Is the Badlands RPG Down for good or will it return online in the near future?
I miss playing on a near perfect module.

Spucki said...

Hello Q

I could help to bring the Badlands RPG back online.
Please write an email


Unknown said...

Anyone can tell me what is going on and what happened with BadLands?
