Wednesday, February 10, 2016

WTF!? What year is this? Who & Where AM I?

Hey everyone! I forgot about this place for the last few years until I found old files used to post here. Just wanted to see if any of the old crew are around for fun. Leave a comment if any of you still exist, and if you still play Neverwinter Nights or any other RPG for that matter! I played a ton of Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn last year. It was my first experience playing an MMORPG and I was immediatly hooked on that game. It did have it's annoyances but I managed to overcome them. Although I'm not playing anything currently I just wanted to reminisce about the good old days of badlands RPG, if anyone has anything please share! Thanks! On a side note here are a few random screen shots of my FFXIV Character Alyrloef Guldwilfwyn (Aly).


Simon Hawk said...

Just a test comment. :)

Deimonos said...

Hey man, long time no see.
Nah, stopped playing a long time ago. Tried to install NWN but impossible on the new Windows version.

I've been playing some games on and off like Shadowrun, Dragon Age and The Witcher.

Anybody else still alive?

Simon Hawk said...

Good to hear from you Deim! Yeah, I tried the same thing but it was a pain in the ass. Oh well, there's tons of other stuff to play around with. I wonder if Darian is alive or if his night job as a stripper finally got to him XD XD XD

Unknown said...

Hey dudes.
My copy runs just fine on Windows 10.
I've been working on a module that uses Badlands and a many of my own creations.
I want to package a NWN client that's ready to go for download and play then advertise it to people.
The plan is to host an expansive world made of many modules using server portals.

Maybe we could team up and take it to a grander scale.

Simon Hawk said...

@ Crytoif,

Sounds interesting! I personally would be of no use to you on the technical aspects of a module that large, but I may be able to jump on from time-to-time (Assuming I can get up and running on windows 7) to see if things work. I guess It'd be on a minor beta-tester type thing. The idea sounds cool, all I can do is wish you luck, Crytoif.

Unknown said...

Hey people! Been a while, this is Deurack. Does anyone have the CBC spreadsheet they can email me? The link on here doesn't work anymore.

Unknown said...

and yeah, I tried to install on an older computer but it wouldn't work. I think I can get it to work with a Linux system but my current computer sucks so bad I can't even install that. Anyway, I'll be around.

Simon Hawk said...

Deurack! Glad you're still alive and kicking, lol! Here's a link to the CBC. I have not downloaded from here though. This spread sheet is like a work of nerd art lmao.

Simon Hawk said...

I updated the links in the side so now it works too, lol not that it matters much anymore. :))