Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pathfinder Pen & Paper RPG

Hey everyone, just a quick post to say that I have been reading about Pathfinder.  It's a Pen & Paper RPG based off of D&D 3rd edition rules, and it's supposedly backwards compatible with 3.5. So far I'm just reading stuff online and haven't played a real game (Since I don't know any GM's IRL). Pathfinder is SUPER similar to Neverwinter, it's a blast thinking of build ideas while looking through all the feats Pathfinder has to offer. If you're bored or looking to play Pen & Paper RPG I really suggest looking into Pathfinder.

1 comment:

Simon Hawk said...

And yes, I do realize Pathfinder is old as hell and was released back in 2009. But hey, it's never to late to check out something! :))