Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Friendly Public Service Announcement

I have been talking to some of the DM’s lately and there are a few things they wanted everyone to know.

1. Don’t beg the DM for Buffs or Resurrections or Bruce might chase you.
2. Don’t beg for Gold or Xp or Server Info might chase you.
3. Don’t spam invite the ‘MG’ to your “Team”, he doesn’t need you leeching his Xp.
4. If DM Veddartgaz gets bored you need to RUN, because Bosses WILL be dropping on you.
5. Newbies that bash NPC’s in Dozo and then run around like crazy crying for help when the NPC’s start chasing and killing them are extremely amusing and will not receive any help from the DM.
6. If you see an Oki dying repeatedly while attempting to do something his build cannot do, make sure you tell your DM so he can come watch. It’s therapeutic!
7. If you want a good answer from people, just say “u level” and “team” a lot! Most people will answer you like you were their best friend!
8. One of the most amusing things in the history of the civilized world was Shadow218596 crying that the server was broken because all of his belongings got Pick Pocketed. “This is Game Mistake!!”
9. It’s not a good idea to call the DM an Asshole when he catches you cheating.
10. If you want something from the DM, ask politely and then wait. It is not your right to have him stop what he’s doing to come and bow before you.
11. And last but not least, DM’s are players. The log into the game to PLAY, not to fix your Fuck-ups.

I hope that this will increase the enjoyment that you get from your experiences in the Badlands. Have a nice day.

PS: Feel free to add to this list!


Qwildurn said...


#9 Did happen to me once. I caught a new player cheating. He had found a way to start a new char with 200 str, dex, con, ..... AND get past my login checking system that was suppose to catch that sort of thing. When I called him on it, he call me an ASSHOLE.

I did not waste any time banning him!
And I have improved on that checking system since then. If the server catches an illeagle character, that char will be booted and modified in such a way that it can never logon again.

Qwildurn Bluemoon, Server Host for BadLands RPG

Simon Hawk said...

Ah, good old #4. Yes I have been the victim of a "bored" Veddarthaz.

Hilarious list. Love it.

Deimonos said...

"One of the most amusing things in the history of the civilized world.."
Wow man, you got the gift of writing!! This is a masterpiece!!!
I have to say that I was on when shadow was crying about his stolen gear and I pretty much fell down to the floor laughing and almost died because of it... :(

I like this topic. It should be posted on the sidelines to "help" players understand the DMs.. lol