Monday, May 26, 2008

Maze of the Lost

Ok, this place sucks total balls. But here is a very basic map of what it looks like. I'll do more work later to label the different way points. Just as a side note DO NOT go into a place called "trapped". (I know, I don't wanna hear about it.)

[***editor's note: the map of the maze has been removed from this post***]


Deurack said...

Oh, come on, I love that place! It's so cozy, with lots of dead ends, Epic Level Traps on everything, doors that take you to random places and then lock behind you, and let's not forget a really fun Boss that looks like a Chicken and hits like a Dragon!

What's not to like?

The only place that's MORE enjoyable than this wonderland of pain is the Ancient Caverns :P

Simon Hawk said...

So, are you totally screwed if you don't have any 'open lock'? I killed the stupor-chicken but I'm at a total loss where to take the feathery key. An advice is appreciated.

Deurack said...

I dont think it does anything, I usually just drop it. There are a number of keys and doors around that dont seem to go anywhere or do anything. There is a Key on Monasul that you cant get out of his remains (maybe you have to be a certain alignment/class?), there are doors in some of the Outposts that lead no-where, one in the Sewers that you cant use, and there is even a door in Newport that you cant go through.

I usually just avoid places like the Maze and the Ancient Caverns as I would a S.T.D.

But if you like that sort of thing, then feel free to explore! :P

Simon Hawk said...

Oki, with that being said, where do you go to actually claim the territory? I killed that damn bird but couldn't find the territory marker. Is it out in the maze somewhere? Or do I need something special to claim it?

Deimonos said...

Like I told you yesterday Simon, the maze does have an exit. You just have to keep looking for it. And yeah, if you can't open locks, well, it's gonna be hard to find it..

Simon Hawk said...

That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure if there was an actual exit you could get to without open lock.

I have memory problems lol so if I get redundant just thank my parents for dropping me on my head repeatedly when I was a child. :P

Qwildurn said...

In all seriousness, I don't appreciate the spoilers. Let the players figuare out these kind of things. That's why it's called an "adventure" and the players are called "adventurers".

With this map it is hardly "Maze of the Lost" anymore.

As to the circular questions about keys, locked doors and Outpost claiming: I am ROF-LMAO! The last time I tested it, the Super Chicken key got me into the Outpost somewhere in the maze.

The locked door in the N/E corner of Newport goes to Leaf's private apartment. I started converting over to be part of a quest I never finished. A DM can open the door and snoop around and even allow a few players in. The door will self close/lock.

Some of the doors and things were never finished or changed by Leaf or myself. Remember that BadLands RPG is a work-in-progress.


Jim Brannick said...

To respect Q's wishes, I went ahead and removed the map of the "Maze". I agree that it was a "spoiler" and the map should not have been posted.

As a novice module-builder, I can appreciate the time and effort that has gone into the creation of the Maze of the Lost and the Anchiant Caverns. They are massively complex areas, and for that, Q should be commended.
HOWEVER, since this is a blog where all opinions are welcome, I have to agree with Simon and Deurack in my dislike of the "Maze" and "Caverns". My dislike stems from the fact that you cannot port out. I've been through both places one time and I had to commit suicide in the Maze to be released, and a DM had to port me out of the Caverns. Since there's not always going to be a DM on to bail me out, I've avoided those areas ever since.

Also, the fact that the Maze and Caverns are legendary areas means that no one rarely gets to see all of Q's hard work. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I don't want to see new high-level areas... I just would rather see future work on the server go into fixing some of the existing problems that Deurack mentions above (i.e., dead-end doors, undroppable items, etc.). One thing I'd REALLY like to see fixed is the Monasul quest. I've been wanting to try that quest for some time, but I've been told by DM's and veteran players not to bother with it because it's "buggy".
Also, it'd be cool if there were some "mini-quests" for low to mid-level characters. Many of the people who play on RPG never make it to epic level... maybe some low level quests would keep them interested and they'd stick around longer. Bane and the Green Dragon in the Old Forest are some likely candidates for mini-quest bosses. There are lots of ideas that I won't list here (perhaps this topic deserves it's own thread), but you get the point.
Overall, I really like BL RPG... there are many features that are excellent. There are just a few things I'd like to see fixed/changed IMHO.

Simon Hawk said...

First of all let me start by saying I never intend on spoiling anything or posting stuff to be a ruiner of the game. I consider myself an adventurer (more than a character builder) and this blog my little adventurers log. I enjoy playing on BadLands a lot and also making posts and maps of the different areas I visit. Any good explorer would do this sort of thing. I don’t feel the map is a spoiler for a few simple reasons.

1.) There’s no plot that I know of tied to it other than claiming a territory.
2.) It really isn’t all that detailed of a map.
3.) I never explained how to actually find the maze.
4.) Nobody ever goes there other than the die-hard players.
5.) I think more people would check it out if they know it exists. I think it’s wasteful to have such a big area that’s virtually unknown.
6.) Only certain character builds will do well there anyways, so that goes back to the fact that people will probably avoid it all together once they learn how difficult it is. It would be a great place to hide a +6 shop in my opinion.
7.) A lot of players login when DM’s aren’t available, so they should be able to research aspects of BadLands without even bothering a DM.

I have to agree with Jim that more time should be spent updating and fixing existing issues and then adding new places later. I also like the idea of mini-quests for low-mid level characters. I also think if you are trapped in an area where the only means of escape is by a DM porting you out is a bad idea and should be addressed.

Anyways, just a few thoughts, don’t take it the wrong way. We all like playing and don’t want to ‘open a can of worms’ so to speak.

Happy Hunting.

Qwildurn said...

Thanks for removing the map. I'm really old school about certain things and spending the time (play-time) to draw maps as I adventured was the only way it could be done (years ago).

It's your BLOG, not mine. You can complain, bitch, dislike, and so on. This BLOG seems like a good place to do that sort of thing.

Teasers are great. Helpfull hints for new members of BadLands RPG are much appreciated. Some of you guys have a real knack for writing and might want to think about writing a column as a carer.

There are a lot of things I should do to continue with the Realm. Lately I've been doing other things with my life.
    My brother and I bought an old car we are trying to convert into a race car. We're hoping to get it ready for an event at the end of this month. (The car's virgin race.)
    I've been building a web site to support that interest. Escargot Racing
    I was recently given my Grandfather's old motorcycle with sidecar. He died about 12 years ago and the bike is now in pretty bad shape. It's well worth the effort.
    I'm helping my girlfriend do a lot of work around her house. Painting, brickwork and stuff.
    The good news is that I'm getting FiOS (Verizon Fiber Optic Internet) installed soon (16 June 08). My upload bandwidth should be 30 times faster from 500k to 15,000k. AND I am finishing the new server hardware. The new machine (server) has four (4) 2700 mhz XEON CPUs instead of the four 500 XEONs CPUs we have now.