Monday, April 14, 2008


This was so good it HAD to be an original post and Terry17 doesnt have access to submit original posts, so I cut and pasted it in but wanted to give full credit to him. His post can be found in a reply to Q's post "WFT, my build still sucks, Again!" His post follows below:

ARMOR: always read the fine print.

One mistake I've seen alot of with newbies, is when they put AC on their armor. They don't check the type of AC.

There are 5 types of AC, and you will only use the highest of each type.

AC types and Locations.

Armor AC - Bracer and Chest
Deflection AC - Belt, Cloak, Helm, and Rings
Dodge AC - Boots
Natural AC - Necklace
Shield AC - Shield

Example: +3 belt and +2 helm = +3AC total.
+5 Belt = +5 AC total

I've tried to explain this to several newbies in game, but the usual result is they put +5AC on helm and leave the +3AC on belt, or make both +5AC. At this point, I log off for a while to pull at my hair...

I hope the above chart helps the newbies and reduces their questions.


Jim Brannick said...

I always place +5 AC on my robes (or heavy armor) and leave my bracers open. That way, I can drop a lot of ability enhancements on the bracers, and they can't be stripped off (like armor can) by verminforms and the like.
I'll also put +5 AC on my helmet and leave the belt open for enhancements. The cloak is the only item you can place haste on, and you can add spell slots to it, so you wouldn't want AC on it either.
Amulet +5
Boots +5 (the dodge AC is the only kind that stacks)
and Shield +5

When it comes to abilities enhancements on equipment, there are some more efficient ways of doing it than others, but I think that requires a separate post. More to come...

Deurack said...

Yeah, I do the same thing. If you have access to 'Epic Mage Armor' you can leave alot of those bonuses to armor off and rely on the spell to give them to you, since E. M. A. cant be dispelled. That leaves ALOT more room for Ability boosts, regen, ect.

Also, I know most people already know this, but the Rings and Amulet are the only place you can put the +5 to your saves. Spending the 'space' on the ring for AC or a ton of ability points instead of buffing your saves is a mistake that WILL end up killing you later :P

Jim Brannick said...

If you are ever bored and want to be amused, follow an oki around newport or the stone conjoint and listen to their dialogue with the upgrade NPCs. I once watched *insert polish name* slap +5 AC on EVERY piece of equipment he had (seriously) that you could add AC to. Even though he hit the cap, I'm sure he had piece of mind :D

On a side note, I'd like to say how much I enjoy the upgrade buy system on the BL. I've played on a number of servers, and nothing comes close the RPG. Many servers force you to buy a new piece of equipment for every upgrade! Or there are severe limitations on what you can/can't add to any particular item.

Deimonos said...

Good tip by Deurack on the E.M.A thing. I also would like to remember that the Ritualist Whip also has Haste. So does The Helmet of The Balor, but the latter is not so helpful, if you want to max your spell slots..

I'd like to point the fact that you can still put a couple of stat points on your rings, along with the +5 on the three saves.

Come to think about it, except for fortitude for dev saves you don't actually need the other saves that much.. why? Well, at lvl 40, you'll have SR 45 as a gith and SR51 as shades/drow. Or SR40 as the other subs with lower SR growing rate.
No enemies can hurt you with spells, maybe trogs can sometimes go through your SR40 with their implosions and Zahn and Drow Lady can cast what they want on you, but 99% else can't do anything against ya..
And if you are a pm.. well..

Tell me you with wiz/pm, Gnimble and Belferond, how many times u had to roll any save these days??

Deimonos said...

Oh, unless you have a pk mind like Deurack, of course.. who sets his quickslots if someone will jump him on the first corner.. paranoid much!? lol

Qwildurn said...

Terry is seldom wrong, but this is that one RARE occasion.
Terry said: AC can go in types like
Deflection AC - Belt, Cloak, Helm, and Rings
Natural AC - Necklace

Correction is:
Deflection AC - Belt, Cloak, Helm
Natural AC - Necklace, Rings

Probably more of a typo on Terry's part but I want to set the facts straight.

Jim Brannick said...
...I'd like to say how much I enjoy the upgrade buy system on the BL. I've played on a number of servers, and nothing comes close the RPG. Many servers force you to buy a new piece of equipment for every upgrade!...

Thanks Jim :) BadLands was just like the other servers before. I spent a lot of sleepless nights changing the Upgrade Shops over to what they are now. It was really a pain to forget what you had put on your armor and then get it wrong and have to go sell it so you could start over.


Deimonos said...
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Deimonos said...

Hmm, actually Terry's post was 100% accurate. Tried to post a link of a screenshot i took showing the deflection bonus on the ring, but it didnt work..

Qwildurn said...

OMG! Those smart pills wore off! I suffer from "Humantites" once again!
I logged on and built some rings and stuff and Terry was correct the first time. I told you Terry is seldom wrong, didn't I.