Friday, April 18, 2008

Naked buffing can kill you

So last night, I'm running around the drow stronghold with Darian and Deurack. Deurack was playing a Bard/RDD/WM that he kept claiming was "going to be much tougher later on" (usually he would say that after he died). Anyway, it was a good thing that I was stocked up on Raise Dead scrolls, since we really needed them last night! But the main point of this post is to discuss the issue of naked "buffing" that so often takes place in the Badlands. Almost always, it's a bard. Your party has just rested, you prepare for the next encounter, then you look over only to see a half-naked female half-orc casting ghastly visage (and yes, seeing a female half-orc with the "fat" body shape is definitely ghastly). Characters like that need to be careful, however, if they decide to put Constitution on their armor or shield, since when they unequip those items, they lose the associated HP. Hence, each time (yes, that means multiple times) Deurack was raised from the dead back to 1 HP then removed his shield to "buff" he died. So be careful when putting certain abilities on your shield and armor. Also, some critters can strip your armor off with a successful attack and if you fail a Discipline check.


Garble said...

I like how you subtly ripped on Deurack several times in that post.

Deurack said...

Well, that night I honestly deserved it. I was having one of the most brainless nights of my life, with a build that was ... resticted at best. Trying to get Weapon Master without Fighter or CoT levels is tough, and this poor build was struggling to stay alive.

If my stupidity can help some others not die as much, at least it serves some purpose instead of me just bumbling around like an idiot for no reason.