Saturday, May 24, 2008


It has begun. Paine has his own guild and apparently the support of some of the DM’s. He has begun to take all of the Territories away from the other guilds and has even taken some Fortresses.

As the leader of House Thanatos, I officially declare war upon the Death Dealers, or whatever Paine’s guild is called, and anyone who helps them either kill members of, or capture territories belonging to, House Thanatos.

A new age of conflict has begun. Long live the guilds, but death to those that oppose mine.


Simon Hawk said...

Sounds like a fine idea. Does anyone know off the top of their heads the character names that are members of the Death Dealers? I realize you can use the ammy when you login, but still.

Deurack said...

Other than Paine, no. I have heard rumors that the other 3 members are those belonging to some of the DM's but that was all second hand info. I believe that they all glow Red (apparently House Thanatos is Orange, not Red...which irritates me) so if you see something glowing Red and you're feeling 'froggy' then Jump it :P

Simon Hawk said...

Man, this whole thing wreaks of Darian. Do you guys smell something? lol!

Deurack said...

Lets just say that I have a theory as to:
1) Who Paine actually is
2) What his primary mission is / was

If I say anything other than that on this Blog I might get myself in trouble. If you're interested in my opinion, send me a tell in game :P