Sunday, May 4, 2008

Dark Ryuji

Just a quick post for fun. Cain and Hellie Layne, after much trouble finally brought Dark Ryuji to his demise. The Arcane Brotherhood now owns the Underdark Fortress.


Deurack said...

For Now... :P

Simon Hawk said...

You're starting to become quite the thorn in ones side. :)

It's bad enough dealing with the Oki's.

Deurack said...

OUCH!! Did I just compared to an OKI?? Wow...all for taking back what is rightfully mine. What is the world coming to? :P

But I know what you mean. It's both frustrating and a little cool to have competition for the territories. Used to be I would log on, check and still have all of them even though I hadnt played in 2 days. Now if I log for a few hours they get snatched by the Brotherhood or the Legion. But competition is good, I just wish I could catch one of the Oki's in the main room of a territory I own after they kill the boss like I did with Raz that time. People never expect to get jumped when they use the portal after killing the boss :P

Deimonos said...

Hey.. like Deurack said, this territory claiming thing is fun.
But do not expect to have an opportunity to jump on any okis while they accomplish that task.
Why? Well, only one I've seen boss killing and claiming territories was cortezh and that fella is one of the worst competitors ever.
Everytime Cain jumped on him after he claimed any terries he would just log out to prevent his death, the infamous "death logs".
And he does that everytime..
He does get all brave and all when ball is online tho

Simon Hawk said...

Yeah, claiming territories is fun. I like being able to claim a few territories in a short amount of time. My gaming time has been cut short as of late so being able to login real quick and grab a terri is great. It makes me feel like I can still contribute to the game even though I'm not aggressivly building a new character.

Oh yeah, and thanks for the heads up on ambushing, I've made note of that for future reference.

Yeah, Cortezh is a lil-bitch too. And very annoying. He bugs the shit out of me anyways.

Deurack said...

agreed. At least Ball will fight you...most of the time...Cortezh is pathetic. I think he's actually topped my list of people I want to PK...even over Shadow...well, I still want to kill Raz over and over and over, so Raz is still at the top of the list :P