Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ideas for Guild stuff

Seing the other topic about ideas for mega spawns I thought this one was needed as well, so everyone could write here your ideas to improve our guild system. What you think should be changed, what would work better.. anyways, this is the place for it..


Blade said...

Hiya Blade here:-

Just to say that "Free Blades" has 50 members at the moment which is currently full capacity. If the capacity could be increased it would be great help to me as I like to enlist all my chars ( Most are Champions now )

Also if there was a way to list your guild members and even dismiss them from the list ( for defunct players or guild members etc )

These things would help me, I already have one char i cant assign to my guild because of the full capacity ( Speedy AirBlade is racing around like an orphan looking for a home )

It might be best to update the list of current guilds on this Blog to reflect the changes as some are now defunct I believe.

Ok, new ideas for Guild Stuff Hmm.
Some sort of " Capture the Flag " ?

Anyway, I will get back to you after others have posted some ideas. I think SF mentioned the idea of "Quest Stuff for Guilds " but I'm not exactly sure what this would involve apart from more work for the Builders / Quildurn ?

All the Best .......Blade :)

erik!!!! said...

I dunno, I guess that it should be made that EVERY guild member drops a key when he/she is killed. because this fortress crap isnt really working for me.. i lost my 2 fortresses for going on holidays for 12 days, but the free blades dont lose theirs even though their leader was gone for 3 weeks.. = wtf? so if the fortresses changed hands a little more often than once every month or two, maybe every 2-3 weeks would be better.

Qwildurn said...

Dreams of Grandeur

Before I changed the Guild System over to what it is now, some of the Territories were impossible to penetrate. A DM would give a territory to his favorite player and it belonged to that guild forever. There were more guilds than private headquarters, and about five territories to squabble over.

With the help of DM Krown, I changed the guild structure to Outposts and Fortresses, all claimable and steal-able. Three Fortresses, Good, Neutral and Evil, and the rest are Outposts. I simply gave them to the first guild of that alignment and let nature take it's course. I've added a few Outposts also.

My Idea was that the entire Realm would become a giant Capture The Flag playing field.

By allowing guild members to hunt any level guild member, this would reduce the cowardly PKing. Simply put, those that don't want to play are not in guilds and somewhat safe. Those that want to play PVP can hunt any guild member without fear of PK Points and jail.

At one time I was thinking to limit a player to only 5 characters as guild members. I never implemented that, but it's still an option. The guild system does not have a "50 member" limit that I know of. I was just looking for it last night when I was fixing the "claim jump" script and did not find anything like that. I can look a bit closer though. Having more total players in the guild and less characters per player would help with the capture the flag (key/fort) thing.

There is no rule that says you can't be in more than one guild. That's for the guild leaders / members to police. One character cannot be in two guilds. The server won't allow it.

The only way to "dismiss" a member is for that member and the Warlord to be logged on at the same time.

I kind of figured that if every guild member could drop a key, nobody would be invited into guilds until they're level 50+++. It would be to easy to kill a level 21 with a (weak) 50+++. As it is now, 21's can work as scouts and spies, relaying info back to the other guild members. Kind of like a permanent team, always in play.

It's not a perfect system, but it certainly is better than what it was before.

I do agree that the Forts are not changing hands very often. And other things could be changed, added or removed.

I am open to fresh ideas and other changes.


erik!!!! said...

monthly/bi-weekly tournaments for the fortresses is what i suggest

Shadow Blades said...


Shadow Blades said...

Tournaments are cool, but we are never here at the same time.
So how will we overcome that?

The current system is fine. Just kill more champions and grab keys.Right?
Again we all play at different times....., hmmmm?

I believe you can also issue a weekly challenge to any guild champion u find online...who has to accept.
Is this correct?Q??

SF for president :)

Qwildurn said...

Shadow Blades said...
I believe you can also issue a weekly challenge to any guild champion u find online...who has to accept.
Is this correct?Q??

I never heard of such a rule....
But I figure only a coward, or a cowardly guild, would run away and hide.

■ The key drop is random and controlled by the server. The key holding Guild Member must be killed by a guild member (not in the same guild). When the Guild Member dies, the server rolls a 4 sided die (1d4) to see if a key is dropped.
■ There are 3 Guild fortresses, each with a number, 1, 2 or 3. If the die matches a Fort you own, you drop a key. The more Forts you own the greater the chances that you will drop a key.
■ The key is created at death and is never actually on the Guild Member. Pick Pocket and such won't work.....Death is your only hope.
■ If you are in certain areas, like The Arena, a key will never drop.
■ I chose the three territories to be Forts based on accessibility and ability to defend the area. Homelands, Zurs House and Emerald Fortress. They all have good fighting areas and monsters to go through to get there.
■ Like a Territory, a Fortress can't be claimed while any living member of that area is in the area. You must kill 'em dead.
■ Is it easy? NO! It's a FORTRESS and it's not easy to get one. A guild must be tough and it's leader must be tougher.

■ Q ■

Deimonos said...

Shadow Blades said...
I believe you can also issue a weekly challenge to any guild champion u find online...who has to accept.
Is this correct?Q??

Qwildurn said...
I never heard of such a rule....
But I figure only a coward, or a cowardly guild, would run away and hide.

That was actually my idea to make fortresses rotate owners.. you got challenged? You fight, win and keep your fortress or lose and give it to the guild that defeated you..

Qwildurn said...

Shadow Blades said...
I believe you can also issue a weekly challenge to any guild champion u find online...who has to accept.
Is this correct?Q??

Qwildurn said...
I never heard of such a rule....
But I figure only a coward, or a cowardly guild, would run away and hide.

Deimonos said...
That was actually my idea to make fortresses rotate owners.. you got challenged? You fight, win and keep your fortress or lose and give it to the guild that defeated you..

Maybe this is something us DM's should talk about outside of the Blog....
Maybe this is exactly what the Blog is for....
Maybe a wider input from the players is really needed here...

I don't have a problem with a challenge system. To add to what Deimonos started: The challenge should be met on the grounds of the Fortress being challenged. The challenger is responsible to get to the fortress, without DM help, and killing spawns along the way. The challenged has time to prepare a defense around the outside and inside of their property.
I can set it so that there is no respawn box for this battle on the home turf. Dead is Dead unless your cleric can rez you. (Of course the respawn box would need to be allowed after the battle is over).
Can you set/disarm traps? Rogues do have their purpose in life.

This brings up the issue of how and where a challenge should be made. And what happens if the challenged does not show up.