Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

Cuinoe has been permanently banned for cheating. His toon, Arcane Wall, a Bard / PM / SD, had tons of extra feats. Feats exclusive to Barbarian, Fighter and Ranger as well as just plain to many feats.

When questioned by Glub DM, he wouldn't say much. Too bad Glub didn't take a screen shot.

Some of the player started talking about Cuinoe being bothered that others could kill Bosses and such while he couldn't. Amazingly, he didn't have any feats that could help him kill Bosses.


Simon Hawk said...

In my experiance, Cuinoe was just plain annoying to be around.

A mister know-it-all of sorts.

Jim Brannick said...

Ah yes, "Cuinoe the Megalomaniac".

Many had complained about his Arcane Wall toon. Seems he was quite full of himself and enjoyed proving his greatness in the Arena by bashing melee builds that couldn't even touch his 100+AC (not sure why no one brought in a decent wiz/pm, but I digress).
After spouting to Garble how his Bard14/SD10/PM16 build was so difficult to make and level that no one ever creates it, I had to do a little investigating.
The Arcane Wall had several strange and uncharacteristic abilities for his class split. First off, I noticed he always rode a horse. Okay, so he took mounted combat and cranked his ride ability to add to his dodge AC in combat. Second, he was dual-wielding kukris. To do so, he'd need to take three feats so that he wouldn't get a huge AB hit. Third, he was dex-based, yet his damage output rivaled that of a kukri weaponmaster. He was consistently dropping crits for well over 110 hp dmg. Not impossible to do with Mysteria, but really? every crit that high? Seemed to good to be true. This all being said, I pulled out pen and paper to try and duplicate the build. To get everything that toon had, it was virtually impossible given the limited feats, etc.

The biggest irony here (IMO), is that Cuinoe was Infamous for criticizing the builds of others. "Why'd you do that split? You screwed up that build?" etc.etc. While boosting his own ego by touting his personal builds as perfection personified. And he was especially good at this last part, infuriating anyone he talked to. Perhaps Cuinoe and Terry could face off in a "who's the greatest builder" contest? On second thought, that might last so long and contain so much blathering and narcissism that it would crash the server.

Terry17 said...

Thanks Jim. Now I feel all warm and fuzzy. Not sure what I did to piss in your Wheaties, but I promise I'll try to steer clear of you in the future, so I can avoid getting slammed.

Qwildurn said...

I could copy Arcane Wall into my folder and load it up to study it, but I won't. As I recall from looking at his feat list before I banned him, he was level 58, SD 10 / PM 16 / Bard 14. His feat list included:
Barbarian Fast Movement (10% faster)(barbarian)
Bane of Enemies (ranger)
Every Favored Enemy (ranger)
A whole bunch of Resist Elements
A wad of Great Str / Dex
Weapon Specialization (and epic)(fighter)

Remove all those and it still seemed like he had more feats than this feat starved build could get.

Gosh, only Fighter / Barbarian / Ranger / Bard / SD / PM? I would have taken Weapon Master and Monk as well. If we're going to plan a cheat build lets do it right. Build a Superman not some "oh why is my toon so crappy still" thing.

Deurack said...

Well said Q, it's pretty funny that even while trying to create a "God-like" build by cheating and getting anything he wanted he still made one that sucked.