Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bragging Rights!

If our Blog is nothing else, it's a good place to pound our chests and boast about our dirty deeds done dirt cheap. And Pyro has every right to do just that! He sent me a short email with a few screen shots. It's hard to dispute what's in the picture and I checked the servers log just to make sure.

He did it and he did alone.
At level 16, Pyro killed not just the Royal Assassin, but Stride as well. Anybody that has gone up against these two, knows, that is no small feat even at level 40, and while in a group!

email from Pyro:

Dear Q,

You know, I'm not really one to bother you with this kind of nonsense. But I'm actually rather proud of this, check out the shouts on the pics and the stats. I've gotten both the Royal Ass and Stridast at lvl 16. Now unfortunately my printscreen stuff ain't working like it's supposed to, so I had to take some pics with my own camera.

I don't have the pics of beating the royal ass cause my game crashed(again), before I could get the printscreen to work like it should or come up with the bright idea to take a picture with the camera.

Everone has to brag now and then so this is mine, good luck with whatever you're doing.

Sincerely, Pyro


Qwildurn said...

To do a screen shot while inside of NWN: I change my key and I don't remember the default.

To reassign your print-key:
1) open "options" or press escape
2) click "Controls"
3) click "Change Key Settings"
4) click "Misc."
5) click "Screen Capture"
6) press the key you want to assign

When you want to capture the entire screen as an image, press this new key. NWN will do a screen dump and send it to a folder named "screenshots" in your NWN folder.

"BadLands RPG_0001h.tga" is the name of this shot: example image

Deurack said...

ROFLMAO...Deim, I didnt know that your Ironic Motherfucker mode had an Off button :P

But yeah...I remember how STOKED I was the first time I did something that was actually fairly simple. I gotta give it to him, doing it at level 16 is pretty cool, but it's not really something that is super difficult.

Congrats to Pyro and all, but the novelty of killing those 2 bosses with a mage will wear off pretty quickly. Now, you want a challenge? Try killing Bloody Sabbath, the Rakshasa or Mephistopheles with a mage. Meph is hard but do-able. If you can figure out how to kill the Rak or Sabbath with a mage (without getting a lucky shot with the Black Blade of Disaster) then we'll all be SUPER impressed :)

Deimonos said...

(weird, I'm getting e-mails only for new posts from Q and Simon.. I ain't getting nothing from the others -_-)

Anyways.. LOL.. I mean, 3 years playing here.. I've seen it all, I guess..
Even though I ain't been doing much Badlands stuff lately, these kind of stuff sometimes makes me wanna bash random ppl on the street..

Yeah, like you said.. killing Meph with a mage and not with a group of them.. bashing rak with anything else besides a pm.. same with royal.. that would be worth of a topic, for sure..

Ok, who's brave enough?

Qwildurn said...

Deimonos said...
(weird, I'm getting e-mails only for new posts from Q and Simon.. I ain't getting nothing from the others -_-)

Same here. I'm only getting email from self about new posts. I even went to the section for email notification and refreshed it. Maybe the Blog Admin can check into it.

Simon Hawk said...

Sabbath is a piece of cake with a pure caster. Rak, not so much.