Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Great Armageddon.

Badlands was filled with corrupted hearts and souls. The people lost faith in their gods, and slowly became cocky, self centered and delusional. The people gained so much personal wealth and power that they no longer needed to worship the Gods. They felt that they themselves were indeed Godly.

The people then challenged the Gods, thinking that they were invincible. The Gods became furious with this insolent behavior, and unleashed a devastating Armageddon upon Badlands, wiping clean all the insolent beings that dwelled upon its soil.

But out of the darkness birthed a new era, Qwildurn Bluemoon the goddess of life, used her magic and brought life back to the desolate landscape. All the people and living creatures had been restored, but to only a fraction of their former glory. Time will tell if this new life on Badlands will be a virtuous one, or will the people slowly deteriorate into that which brought upon their own destruction.


Deurack said...

Ok, that's a nice little piece of "role-play fiction" and all, but if that's what actually happened, I'm gonna be really pissed :(

Simon Hawk said...

Just trying to spark creativity. I've never been much good myself, maybe this will help someone else get a decent idea for a story.

Qwildurn said...

I think you just described Corporate America and it's Evil CEO's.
Who will wipe the slate clean, restoring The American Dream?

As to what really happened to the server, I told you all the truth the first time. I was running low on storage and added a new RAID Cabinet. I got confused and formatted the wrong set of Hard Drives. I lost more the your game files, I lost a lot of my own personal stuff.

Unknown said...

Dude, that's friggin epic:P Badlands will come out of the ashes allright, everyone is working on it like mad already. The darkclan leader seems to have put down roots in Dozo this morning so he ain't going nowhere.
The rest of "everyone" seems to have diminished by half orso :( I hope they'll be back though, it feels rather empty this way.

Deurack said...

I believed you Q, I was just messing around. I guess I could have made that more clear in my post.

extomorf said...

People will come back, at the moment i think people are abit like can i be bothered, as i was at first but once i started playing i found i was having fun again so i think the server being down for those few days did me good and gave me a break. is annoying that i get to lvl 21 and can't upgrade completly due to lack of funds though.

Qwildurn said...

Well, yes and yes. It is fun to build a noob and watch it grow and level. It is annoying to hit 21 and not be able to max out your gear.

But isn't this just what every person goes through with their first few toons when they're new to BadLands RPG?

What I think it should be, nobody does, and I don't enforce, is for every toon to be played as if it's your first character on the server. Nobody does, not even me! It's to easy to say, "I've got a rich uncle and he gives me all the gold I want."

But, knowledge of the server rules! Knowledge of your build and your build on the server helps. In responce to the (past) complaints from noobs, I have randomly built noobs with only loot gold. It really isn't that hard to get good loot if you know where to look and are willing to look. This is suppose to be an adventure after all.

For my first build (re-build?), I too am searching for loot just like everybody else. I'm up level 13 now. Whoopy!

And YES!, finding piles of Death Gold (dead players gold) is part of the game. Can you spell PVP?

Deurack said...

Yeah, it's been interesting building my original toon back up without my rich uncle Belpheron, but it's really made me appreciate the process too.

And yes, there are plenty of ways to make good money on the server. You can raid the tombs for gems, kill Vampire Warriors (when you can see them) on the second level of the Newport Sewers and sell their swords, kill Azers and sell the hammers, kill Frost Giants and Ogre Berserkers for their weapons, and then there are the bosses where you can make real money.

If you'll notice, I mentioned those money makers in ascending levels of difficulty, from newbie all the way to level 40+. There are others out there too, but those should help people start out.

And I must say I'm proud of the fact that I haven't taken any money from people for this toon, I'm doing it all myself. And while that is making me level MUCH slower than I would like and slower than others on the server, it's helped me appreciate both the server and the experience more.

Simon Hawk said...

I made a Wizard for my first toon since the wipe. It sucked balls at first, but I am now able to kill the Royal Ass & Strid at a realativly low level. So that means phat-cash time!

extomorf said...

it's my birthday today so i think we should have a badlands wrip around for me.

Dark_1423 said...

Happy birthday kev :)

Qwildurn said...

Gang-Pike the birthday boy!

Happy re-spawn-day.