Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dano's Still a Bitch

Dano asked me to Blog some things, so I'm doing it. Wouldnt want him to think I'm uncooperative.

Dano killed 3 of my builds tonight. There's no way around that. I wont sugar coat it or try to say he didnt. He did. And he's still a little bitch. Here's why:

Dano has a build called Man-Bear-Pig, a 26 Bard/4 Black Guard/10 RDD. It's a fun build with lots of Str that relies on Bard/Curse Song and Taunting to lower his opponents saves, skills, AB and AC, then tries to knock them down or Dev them. I had one before the most recent crash, it's an XP machine. Anyway, he was fighting some people in the Underdark and some harsh words were traded (he tried to draw me into the conversation and I told the bitch not to talk to me like he knew me). I was playing Sidian (20 Monk/15 Cleric/ 5 SD) who is level 42 and still getting his equipment together. I was on my way up Sheelo to upgrade my helm when dano came and Dev'ed me. I think he was suprised when the server shouted that Sidian was only level 42, so I asked him if he wanted to try fighting someone his own level, to which he said yes. I logged on Necur (lvl 58, 28 Cleric/ 2 Bard/ 10 RDD) and fought him. Necur is a fun build but doesnt have enough AC to go toe to toe with a high AB Str build, and Dano got a knockdown the first fight and killed me, then I rolled low on a Dev the second fight and he killed me again. Shouting that I should "Blog THAT!!", he sent tells to people in my party that I was a "Weak little turd" and asked if I had anyone else he could "Turn into a pin cushion, since I was a nice sheath for his scimitar."

So I logged on Mordred. Mordred is still a work in progress, but even at level 43 I was fairly sure that Man-Bear-Pig wouldnt be able to kill him, and I was right. We started fighting and I was hitting him regularly and he was having a hard time hitting me. Then one of the mages in my party began casting IGMS's at him and killed him. When she started casting I said "lol, it wasnt my plan for her to start casting" but he still shouted that I should "Blog THAT" again, like it was my plan to have her help because I needed her help to kill him. So I told him to go rest, buff and we would try it again.

But Dano is a bitch. He knew that my build was a match for his and he wouldnt have an easy victory, so he sent me a tell "I have a cool build, brb" and logged off, returning with his Mage. Mordred is basically a Cleric, and anyone that knows anything about PK knows that Mages kill Clerics fairly easily, and anyone that knows anything about Dano knows that he cant stand a fair fight. But, because I'm a good sport and I dont need to switch builds to win and boost my self esteem, I stayed in the Underdark with Mordred, suspecting that I would be killed by the Mage, which is exactly what happened.

After the fight I asked Dano the bitch "What about that challenge, not interested in fighting Mordred with Man-Bear-Pig? Mordred is only 43, your 57 should be able to kill him easily". He said something about "not wanting the PK points" and that I should go level up. Funny, he didnt care too much about the PK points before when he was one-shot Dev'ing the people in my party, but when I had a build that could stand up to him, he didnt seem to want to fight.

Dano might have some high level builds, but he's still the old Dano that will run from a fair fight and come back with either a different toon or help from his buddy Quad. In short, he's still a bitch.


Qwildurn said...

Hmm, I got a bunch of one-liners, but....

Do you think Dano will sulk for a week this time too?

To bad Dano doesn't have a guild to disband this time.

How many toons does Dano have in jail now?

I bet Dano doesn't have the balls to make a reply here.

I could say something that really hurts, but I'm too nice of a guy to be that big of a jerk.

But I like sugar coated cat-crap, it almost tastes like candy.

Man-bear-pig, the South Park monster. It's a man that's also half bear and half pig, but mostly man. Yes, that's right, just like Dano it does doesn't make any since.

Unknown said...

Funny that, the pk points didn't seem to bother him when I fought his lvl 56 MBP with my lvl 45 sorc/rdd/pally. We fought 3 times, the first fight got him a lucky dev on the first hit. I rolled a one with my 70 fort against his 59 Dev DC.
The 2nd time we fought I won. It was a bit close but I managed pretty well against something over 10 lvls higher. The 3rd time was hardly a fight since he beat me up when I was resting.
For some reason though, I seem to be the only one that can get him to reply to me normally before or after a fight. No matter who won, however I'd like one thing changed. I want the server to make shouts when a lower level kills a high level. Cause this way it looked like I got beat up bad and from my point of view, this certainly wasn't the case since we fought pretty evenly.

Simon Hawk said...

I don't mean to give Dano any credit here. But this is fucking hilarious in my eyes.

"Turn into a pin cushion, since I was a nice sheath for his scimitar."

LMAO, every dog has his day Deurack, I've been there. It's not fun but shit happens.

Even though Dano can be a turd, part of me is glad he is around just for something to bitch about! lol

Deimonos said...

I agree with Pyro. There should be a shout for any pk action going on, no matter the lvl difference..

About that story.. anyone really surprised at his behaviour? I think we've seen enough (at least I have) to know what to expect from him..

Deurack said...

No, I wasnt surprised. Really I just wanted to test Necur, I hadnt used him in PvP before. When he died, I logged Mordred bacause like I said, I was fairly sure that he would be able to handle himself, and since he was 13 levels lower than the bitch's build it would be, even by his standards, a fair fight. When he logged I was pretty sure he was getting a mage, and I thought about getting Belpheron and smacking him around mage style, but I wanted to see if he would be the bitch I've come to expect, or whether he's grown up some.

I wasnt disappointed, like I said in the main post, he's still a bitch that runs from a fair fight and switches toons to get an advantage.

Qwildurn said...

"man-bear-pig cries like a little girl". LMAO-ROF. I'm in tears and my gut hurts. Just how would you collect and calculate 'bitch' points?

BTW, I'm still waiting for man-bear-pig to man-up and post some sort of a reply here. Geeze what a coward. It's suppose to all be in the name of fun. It's not suppose to get personal.

extomorf said...

I don't know but maybe you could just give them to all the known offenders and they have to do a man quest to get rid of them.

extomorf said...

Actually thinkiing about it man quest sounds a bit gay, oh well if the cat fits ride it.

Simon Hawk said...

LMAO!!! "A Man Quest"

Deimonos said...

When you see it.....

Unknown said...

It isn't such a bad idea though, just allow the server to make a shout for every pk with more than 5 lvl difference
"**** has killed **** and earned 3 little bitch points!"
That'd be friggin awesome to see, especially with the crying little girl login shout.

Qwildurn said...

A "man quest"? Is that the one with the little girl and her kitten?

The little girl asks you to find her missing kitten. She offers some of her candy as a reward.

You find 'Fluffy', the white kitten in a tree. So you break-out with your 'Bow of Unlimited Arrows'. "All I need is one good shot.", you say to yourself.

Fifty shots later, you hit the helpless cat and it falls out of the tree, dead.

Being the bottom feeder that you really are, you skin the cat and make a fluffy white hat. The carcass makes for a good stew using an old family recipe you stole somewhere.

Sporting your new 'Fluffy Cap', you go back and to the girl hoping to steal her candy cause you want desert now. She takes one look at your 'Fluffy Hat' and runs off in tears. "Hehe, she dropped her candy, now it's mine."

Her big brother comes out to see why his sister is crying and you get pulverized into smithereens by a ten year old boy and his 5 year old sister.

Yeah, your a man.

Deurack said...

These revealing little peeks inside Q’s mind are getting more and more disturbing..