Sunday, May 24, 2009

An Evening of No Great Importance

My evening started out in the usual fashion. Log on, look to see who is near my level, shout for a party "lvl 30 lfp", get no response from those near my level. Amazingly, no level 5's or 60's invited me. Terry was on with his level 30 toon, "Shadow Dancer". As typical for Terry, he refuses to party with anybody.

I rest, buff, and head up to The North Face to hunt ants. About this time I get a tell from Dano. The screen capture tells all.

Sometimes I feal like I'm my Grandfather and stuck in a world that no longer exists. "Kid, I remember when 'bye' meant 'the end'. Nowadays, 'bye' seems to mean, 'wait, there's more'.

Once I recovered from all that mess, I hooked up with a cleric near my level in my area and we ripped those ants a new pair of pants. Soon a third showed up and Dragon Ledek joined us. Ledek actually had a impressive build and was holding his own. Ledek wanted the quest item from the Krenshar, so we ran off in search of bigger and better things. The three of us died quickly, rested, buffed and changed our plan of attack. The second time went better, but we all died again. We went back for thirds to find Darian there with his 58 who healed us all afew times. This time we killed a Krenshar and got the boss drop.

The other guy (sorry, but I forgot your name) had to log, so me and Ledek headed up the hill to hunt a Prismatic Dragon named Sheelo. We needed some dragon blood as the other part of the quest. We saw Shadow Dancer heading out of Northbound while we were buffing. This lead us to believe we would have a clear path past the bears. Who am I kidding here? Terry had run past all his bears leaving them for us. Not that is was a problem, but, as Ledak said, "My how rude."

Shadow Dancer suddenly became our hunt. We eventually found Shadow Dancer and proceeded to pay him back for the bears. He ran all over The North Face spawning spiders with us hot on his tail. No, we never did hit him, but we certainly tried. He finally used his HIPS to sneak off like a coward, leaving us with some spiders. Since we had killed what we spawned, while in search of Shadow Dancer, we only had a few spiders to go back to after we lost Terry.

We finally got killed by Sheelo the dragon. Twice we had him near death. Twice we both died. After that we wanted to go hunt cats to gain a few levels before going back for a piece of Sheelo.

Deurack was there alone and immediately attacked Ledak on sight. Ledak went down after just a few hits. Since we were all the same level, I decided to help my party-mate and jumped in. I wasn't so easy to kill. Although I died and Deurack lived, he was hurtin bad in the end.

Ledek wanted to know what his brother had done to piss off Deurack. I said something about Deurack hating his sister too. Ledek said, "What sister? I don't have a sister. Oh my God! What has my brother done this time?"

Ledek was even more surprised to find his 77 AC didn't help him much against Deurack while my 55 AC held out much better. What can I say? Raw AC isn't the only thing that helps to protect you from attacks.


extomorf said...

Just the same shit diffrent day with Dano, but i do agree with 1 thing he said about troll snot not being on much these days, which is all fine and dandy becuase none of the other guild leaders or members seem to be either.

Also aren't all the guilds made up of all the same persons toons and maybe there afew of there friends as well.

For example what is the point in having a guild with say 10 members if all said members were built and are controlled by the same person?

Unknown said...

Once again I have to disagree, Tombs the leader of the new lawful good pussies also known as the Red Guard(if I remember correctly) is still on regularly and he's got more members, I think psyammy is in the LG guild again. Granted, the evil leader seems to be out on vacation and our mighty dragon hero's replacement hasn't revealed himself to me but I've seen some green goo-ish guys wandering around every now and then.

extomorf said...

When did there become a new good guild and what happened to the last one?

Qwildurn said...

I don't remember in what order, but it was all in a rather short period of time:
1) Dano disband the evil guild because he got PK'ed.
2) I removed Dark_1432 as leader of the good guild because he and his guild acted more like evil than good. Dark had evil toons in his good guild, and Dark himself killed a noob in Dozo with an action that only evil builds can get.
3) The neutral guild simply vanished back into the nothingness it had came from.
4) Troll Snott's "Skullcrusher" wanted to try running an evil guild, which Dano has a toon in. But, with no opposing guilds, it must have been boring owning every outpost and nobody to fight with.

I did want to say to Dano, but I knew it was to deaf ears, that a guild is a group effort, not a one-man-army.

Deimonos said...

The thing is.. we don't have a player base to sustain any guild vs guild action. That's for sure.
Opalfish is long gone, Dark lost his and troll snott can barely be considered a leader.
Saw him on once and the guy was just shouting stuff like "I want something to kill". He was level 51-55 and everyone else was mid 20s. You can't run a guild by only getting your 50 into it and asking for targets.. gotta make an effort and create more builds and leave them at specific lvls for range..

Moving on to dano whining about a possible evil guild. We all knew it would happen.. again.

He had his guild. He obviously used it as an excuse to bash many a player on north face and sheelo.. always claiming "shit, I didn't know he was that low!"

"dropped it til I could defend myself.." not true. He had plenty chars when he had his guild after the wipe and before he disbanded. His monk got to legendary lvls fast. Perhaps he was even the first to reach that high after the database got wiped.
He wanted to pk someone. There it was the monk, running around and bashing ppl. What happened is that a few players (Deurack and Simon) made monk basher builds, which totally owned the build he thought was invincible.
So if he wasn't with his sidekick, he wouldn't fight you.

I vaguely remember when he killed his guild, shouted about how annoyed he was at everyone, the server.. his impotent problems..

1-2 weeks later he was back.. laying low, grouping with his sidekick only.. whispering that he wouldn't do anything until he had enough chars.. and probably not only him, he was considering quad as well. Cause you know.. he needs the guy for moral support..

And that being said.. what's the point? Everything is paper and scissors cause nobody plays it the way it should be. Like you are farming drows or azers, you see someone and decides to pk and go for it.
You don't know the guy's build. You can win or you can get your ass handed to you on a plate. 50%/50%. But now it's just players logging already knowing what the other is and choosing the exactly build to kill the target easily.. bah, no skill or excitement involved. Just for bragging rights, that is..

It would be cool if one could hide the build info on the server menu before you log in, like Dark suggested. Things would be different..

Now, talking about Terry and being neutral about it.. the guy doesn't have an obligation to group with others. Hell, I try to avoid some ppl at all costs, unless I'm in the mood lmao, like I did yesterday.. it was fun.. lol

Deurack said...

Couple of comments:

1) Yeah, ledak has officially made the top of my shit list and will automatically be attacked on sight. I'll be posting the reasons for that in the future.

2) Q said: "...and Dark himself killed a noob in Dozo with an action that only evil builds can get." - Not true. He killed a newbie with a Pale Master ability, and the alignment restrictions on Pale Master are "Any Non-Good".

3) I have a Neutral level 50 Toon ready to take over the Neutral Guild, I just need a DM to be on and for me to remember :P

4) I posted the events leading up to dano (AKA: The Bitch) "leaving" for ever and disbanding his guild. You can find this hilarity in the post "Will the Real Slim Shady Please Learn the PK Rules?"

Unknown said...

To answer extomorf's question, if I understand correctly the "Red Guard" are the new LG guild led by Tombs(he's got a number behind that username but this should tell you enough). I've said once or twice that they should put this kinda thing on the blog asap, but since the guilds seem to rise and fall at a moments notice I guess noone thought they'd bother.

Qwildurn said...

I agree that the DM who allows the guild to be made should make an announcement here in The Blog. I was not the DM to allow a new guild. I did hear about it later, but as of yet, have never seen a guild member on.

I'll be happy to give you a neutral guild Deurack, or another DM can do it.

I need to remind all of you:
- Only the Guild Leader can transfer leadership of the guild.
- All a DM can do is remove a guild and allow a new guild to be started.

Dark's Pale Master should NEVER have been in a good guild AND he should not have been trying to use any offensive actions in Dozo.

Troll Snott said...

I am the DM that removed Dark and his good guild. I was on in player mode in a NO PVP area when Dark performed an offensive action on me. When I confronted him about it, he said to me, "Because I can."

When I re-logged as DM and removed his guild, he asked me why. I said, "Because I can."

Unknown said...

You guys might wanna make the rules about this thing clear since it's getting more and more confusing by the minute, can for example a guild make alignment restrictions or are these made by the DM? If there are I'd like to know what the restrictions are and get em either on the blog or on a sign.

Qwildurn said...

The following is the Guild Journal that every guild member gets.

Please note:
This is a Role Playing Game. (RPG)
Please play your alignment.

.: Player Guild System :.
BadLands RPG Guild System II

(not in any order)
- Territories and Strongholds are now called Outposts and Fortresses.
- All Outposts and Fortresses are claimable and stealable
- To claim a Fortress, you must own 5 Outposts
- There is no limit to how many Outposts and Fortresses you can own

- There are only 3 (three) Fortresses,
- Zurs House of Wierding (evil)
- The Great Hall (good)
- Emerald Fortress (nuetrel)

- More Outposts will be made when I find the time
- Differant Outposts are gotten into in differant ways, most are through a Boss Portal, but not all
- To get into a Fortress, you must kill a Champion or Warlord that owns the Fortress. On death they drop a key
- The key drop is a random chance
- The more Fortresses you own, the greater the chance of a key drop.

- Anything and everything in the Fortress becomes property of the new owner.
- If you die in a Outpost or Fortress, you can't respawn back into it...This prevents unearned theft
- If you login to an Outpost / Fortress was taken while you were logged out, you will be ported out...This prevents unearned theft

---------- Any guild that does not play thier high ranking members (to prevent theft) will be considered abondoned and removed

- To be a guild leader you must be level 50 or more.
- To be a Champion. you must be level 41 or more
- Guild Lackies must be level 21 or more

- Guilds and there members must play thier alignment

- There are no real rules in a Guild War
- Do what it takes to win
- Non-Guild members are NOT part of the battle
- It is the added responsibility of being in a Guild to pay attention to who you attack
- Characters not in a Guild can-not help Guilds
- Do not remove you Guild Color or Rank in order to "trick" your enemy.

Creating Guilds -
Guilds are used to organize, and manage other player characters. They require leaders with high levels of commitment, and dedication. Players may only be associated with one guild at any given time.

Joining Guilds -
In order to join a guild, you need a guild invitation. Members from a guild have the ability to send these - depending on their guild rank. Some guilds may have a joining fee, which, if you cannot cover, will prevent you from joining.

Guild Factions -
Factions among other guilds allow for a more in-depth player-guild interaction. Guilds can have allies, enemies, or remain neutral to guilds. Enemy guild members are considered hostile, while allied guild can share guild messages. Factions are persistent, meaning even after server restarts enemy guild members will still remain hostile towards your player character.

Qwildurn said...

The following is a copy of the player's journal that every character has always. This was written by Leaf Stone, the original author of BadLands.

Follow these few rules listed here and all will be well for the.
- Abuse shout
- Harass others
- Use racial slurs
- Log out to avoid death
- Log out to avoid being pick-pocketed (PPed)
- Reserrect players just to kill them again (res kill res kill etc...)
- Stock inventory with useless items
- Leech XP from others
DO NOT perform the following actions No-PVP areas:
- Set Traps
- Cast offensive spells
- Perform offensive actions
- Perform offensive actions with summons

* Locking onto players is permitted *

Deimonos said...

Btw, was Dark a champ or the warlord?

Qwildurn said...

I was a regular player on the original BadLands. I got tired of the mindless PK'ing and all the other nonsense that goes on. Leaf and his DM's didn't seem to care. I wanted to play in a slightly different game world. I knew better that to try to change the world around me, so I started hosting my own game world.

BadLands was the bestest, funnest game world I had ever played on.

I got a copy of BadLands with the intent of using it as a template to help me build my own game world. About this time, the original BadLands went down forever. I changed the name by adding RPG to BadLands. I simply enforce the DND concepts and the RPG concepts.

The only confusion is started by those who don't want be held accountable for their own actions. They want to what they want when they want and avoid punishment by making cheap excuses and justifications as to why they're special and should be treated different than everybody else.

Most of the people that play on BadLands RPG understand and accept this without confusion. Dark and Dano are a few that insist on fighting the straight-forward rules and have the ability to make it seem like they are correct and the rules should be changed in their favor.

Just the other night, I was in-party with a new guy who started telling me that a new subrace was going to be added soon.

A Draolich.

It's amazing how things can get changed around and seem to become "The Truth".

Deurack said...

Qwildurn said...

I don't remember in what order, but it was all in a rather short period of time:
1) Dano disband the evil guild because he got PK'ed.
2) I removed Dark_1432 as leader of the good guild because he...

Troll Snott said...

I am the DM that removed Dark and his good guild. I was on in player mode in a NO PVP area when Dark performed an offensive action on me. When I confronted him about it, he said to me, "Because I can."

When I re-logged as DM and removed his guild, he asked me why. I said, "Because I can."

So Q = Trollsnot?

How fascinating.

Qwildurn said...

Deimonos said... Btw, was Dark a champ or the warlord?

Dark was the original Warlord of that guild. After Troll Snott removed the guild, Dark said he had just given the guild away. Personally, I believe he just made that up to blow smoke. Even so, the Guild Leader is responsible for the actions of the guild and all it's members.

There have been a few Warlords with the maturity to remove the few select members that refused to comply. Raz got himself kicked out of a guild.

Deimonos said...

- Guilds and there members must play thier alignmentHmm, if you look at it from a different angle.. like role roleplaying, you can't look at it as black and white. One could pretend to be neutral, could trick the warlord to get in the guild so he could be protected if needed but doing his stuff while nobody else was looking.
Neutral Evil style would fit the profile.
Even Chaotic Evil. Like I see it, this sneaky bastard could pretend to be something he isn't just to get where he wants, lying, persuading.. back stabbing. It's not something to be taken like the end of the world.

It should be up to the Warlord to choose wisely his guild members, not just "You're good. So you don't do this and that." "You're neutral? So you should be boring and do nothing unless someone attacks first."
Even good alignment people feel like bashing something sometimes.. unless he makes it a habit, I don't see a motive for drastic measures.

Deurack said: 2) I removed Dark_1432 as leader of the good guild because he...

Troll Snott said...

I am the DM that removed Dark and his good guild. I was on in player mode in a NO PVP area when Dark performed an offensive action on me. When I confronted him about it, he said to me, "Because I can."

When I re-logged as DM and removed his guild, he asked me why. I said, "Because I can."

So Q = Trollsnot?

Anyways, like I said on my big post.. you can't expect much from our current guilds and player numbers.. everybody now just wants to have a good time xp'ing or some (dano) want to get a guild so he can use it (again) as an excuse to bash ppl all over the server..

extomorf said...

Just make it where the good guld has to have good alignment and so on as people can't be trusted to do it properly.

As for Dano don't give him a guild because he acts like a twat with it, but is strangly and ok bloke to talk to when certain others aren't on.

Garble said...

What if we reduce to 2 guilds from three and require that you join the guild BEFORE you’re level 21 and not after? This could be really bad or it could be really good. If people want to be in guilds than it’ll require some cooperation between members or the other guild will PK the crap out of the newbi toons.

Jim Brannick said...

Glub, Q, Troll Snott...

Has anyone ever seen the movie "The Prestige"?