Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Exploiting Good Looks

When Bioware released the 1.69 upgrade, they included a ton of new stuff. Included was armor and robes. Bioware did not add any of these new items to the crafting menu. So I did.

Among this new wardrobe was what I call a 'surcoat' that is used to protect expensive armor from sunlight damage. Bioware did this in a two-part method:
Part 1) The top, chain mail or plate mail only.
Part 2) The lower skirt.

This is suppose to be a one-piece cover that slips or drapes over. Quite often the surcoats were colored to show which House or Kingdom the soldier was representing.

For the 1.69 upgrade I built a new crafting system from the ground up. Yes it looks and feels like the old one, but it's new. I included all the new armor and robe parts. In this, I chose to only allow the bottom to be used if you already had chosen the top.

The 1.69 upgrade also included the ability to change body parts, tattoos, colors, heads and such. Although crude and unfinished, the ADHD Tattoo Girl was born. She can even make your torso look like armor.

If you craft your cloth armor to have a bare chest, then your new Tattoo will show and take on the color of your armor. This can allow a Monk to look as if he is wearing full plate.

Using the normal method of crafting, you can't get a Surcoat while wearing cloth armor. My toon, Qwildurn Bluemoon, found a way around this. She looks like she is wearing a mix of chain mail and scale mail and a surcoat. And can cast Bard spells without arcane failure. She is wearing cloth.

How she did this is kind of complicated, but I will explain.

1) She bought a Dye Kit in Dozo.
2) She bought a new Chain Mail armor.
3) She crafted the chain mail to look like she wanted it, parts, color and surcoat.
4) She used the dye kit to store the color and armor parts.
5) She went to see the Tattoo Girl and made her chest (torso) look like the armor type she wanted. She used a surcoat over chain.
6) She put her cloth armor on and made the chest (torso) look naked.
7) She used the dye kit to restore her armor color and parts.

Now she looks like she is wearing chain mail with a surcoat and can cast without arcane failure. She could do this to look like full plate as well.

I should point out: If you can't wear chain mail or plate mail, you probably can't do this. With the help of a friend, you should be able to get it done.


Deimonos said...

Damn, dunno what's more disturbing.. the one leg girl kinda floating around or the very weird looking Qwildurn Bluemoon :(

Yesterday, I saw a halfling-kobold monster thing with a darth vader's head.. wow, is it already halloween? wtf..

Unknown said...

Ssssshh, keep it down. Next thing you know we'll be swamped with idiots that want to make an evil empire guild and the entire place is filled with stormtroopers.

extomorf said...

Could be worse the place could be crawling with Jar Jar binks

Unknown said...

*looks suspiciously at the Q's red dragon disciple wings*

Simon Hawk said...

What is that head that Q's toon has? Must be part of the custom downloads from Q's website.

Qwildurn said...

Pyro said... *looks suspiciously at the Q's red dragon disciple wings*

How do I deny being level 9 (or more) of Red Dragon Disciple? and make you believe me?

Simon Hawk said... What is that head that Q's toon has? Must be part of the custom downloads from Q's website.

Oh my God! What is that on top of my shoulders? Cut it off quick before it spreads.

Oh. Wait. Never mind. It's just my head. Been so long since I took off my helmet I forgot what my own face looks like.

The black and white it a tattoo. It's War Paint to make me look scary. If I change the colors of my tattoos, the colors of my face will change as well. This head does not have colored eyes.

Unknown said...

Q said: How do I deny being level 9 (or more) of Red Dragon Disciple? and make you believe me?...

I was referring to those wings looking an awfull lot like jar jar binks ears but whatever-_-