Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Great Blight

There was a sever crash on RPG, total loss of all client data. That means all of our old characters are dead. I'm pretty annoyed. Q Said he might write a script so that people can remake 1 character. I've got no idea how he'd do it but this really sucks. We should think about a new server for tuesday. I'm officially good with whatever anyone else wants, 3 towns, gondor v mordor, or whatever

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Odd thing

Has anyone else noticed that sometimes things will hit you when the window says they rolled below your ac? It happened to me with the scorpions just now.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Legendary Levels

"My skills should be put to use. Sitting idle is such a waste."
~Vic Vega

Okay, so you've run around the Badlands and you've actually gotten your character up to level 40. So what's next? How about LEGENDARY levels? Yup, that's what levels beyond 40 are called. Qwildurn put in an add-on to RPG that's lets you level up after 40 if you have enough experience. It uses the same algorithm to figure levels as if you were epic.
For example:
Lvl 41 820,000 xp
Lvl 42 861,000 xp
Lvl 43 903,000 xp

You get one feat every three levels starting with lvl 42. You also get an attribute bonus every two levels. Saves progress more slowly, with a +1 to all starting at 44 and every 4 levels thereafter. BAB does not increase.
You have to level up using your highest class. Things like Monk speed do not increase. Skill points are given similar to epic levels.
To see the Legendary level system in action, you can go to a server that runs it:
Action- Path to Ascension CEP Legends at

CEP 2 expansion pack download

Many of the servers (especially Persistent World Action servers) on the NWN Gamespy network require a CEP talk table which comes with an expansion pack that is downloadable. Only prob is that in order to find out if a server requires it, you need to go through the hassle of making a brand new character before it lets you in or not. So, it's best to just take the time to download the expansion pack. The easiest download I've found is an executable that you can get from the NWN vault website. It took about 30 minutes for me to download it to my machine over a cable connection, and about 60 seconds to run the executable which places all of the files in their appropriate NWN directories.

Here's a link to the executable:

Water Logged : Update

I fired up my computer last night without any troubles, I guess you can spill a full rum&coke onto your computer and get it all over the motherboard without worrying. Still, this doesn't mean there won't be trouble in the near future, but it's running for now.

I should be back in game mode come next week.

Monday, October 29, 2007


I’ve seen a lot of ‘odd’ names on the NWN servers. Some people do what we’ve done and create a family of characters, Bers Dias, Bers Arcanos, Bers Militar, Bers Gladius, Shana and Rana Ellow, Razius Clango Razius Asslove, And of course the Darkfyre kids. Other people rip of names from fiction. Gandolf the Cool or the people who picked names from the Salvatore books for instance. Than there are people who just pick funny names, like Toenail Face, or make up things that sound cool.
I like the names that tell you something about the person playing the character. Like HA HA I Got UR Weapon, Or |\/|/\2\/3. The first guy is obviously a tool and will try to disarm you. So if you see him, unequip your weapon. The 2nd is obviously 300 lbs and destined to either die a virgin or make some poor hooker really earn that $100.

So, what is the dumbest name that you’ve seen so far? I’m going to nominate “OoOoO I’m going to kill you OoOOoo”

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Water logged

To make a long story short, if you don't see me on any NWN servers for awhile it's because I spilled a full glass of rum & coke on top of my computer tower. I did manage with cat like reflexes to shut the power off before anything happened, once the thing dries out I'll know if it still works.

Monday, October 15, 2007

New Wit Da "Q"

I had a lengthy discussion with Qwildurn about the BadLands RPG server yesterday. All the other BadLands servers you see are just different variations of the original server, but hosted by other people. I guess the whole thing started as a private server for a few friends to play on and then went public after the creator got tired of it. It was originally an arena style place for players to go and fight each other, one disappointing thing that I’ve learned is that there isn’t really an in-game point or a story to go along with playing. You basically login, level up your characters, and fight with each other.

PK’ing is okay to do so long as you are fighting a player of equal level (no baby killing as Q put it). Q also told me that he has taken care of, or banned a lot of the players that PK the lower level characters, he’s also made adjustments to the level of power that a mage has. Q said certain mages could go through the server and kill multiple bosses without resting. Of course once those players powers were reduced they complained and supposedly quit playing on BLRPG. If you’ve been wondering why it’s been quiet around there lately that’s why.

Q seems like a cool guy, he’s got background in playing pen & paper D&D (of course) and was surprised to find out that we all played as well, so I told him about our D&D games and that we even dabbled with some whitewolf stuff as well. Just so you know, Jim and Garble, I told Q that you guys were our regular DM’s, maybe Q will hit you up for ideas or help or something someday.

I tried steering the conversation towards getting some help with my Rana Ellow 40th level fighter that is forever stuck in the server vault, unfortunately I didn’t get that far yet, especially after Q and I talked about all the annoying people that pester him on a regular basis. I felt weird just meeting the guy and trying to get him to fix Rana’s “problem”, oh well, I’m sure it’ll happen someday so until then it’s leveling with my other builds. And if you’re in my level range, LOOK OUT! I’m a going huntin’! :)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Mind Flayers

To get into the Illithridum, you need to kill the battle devourer (located in the beholder tunnels) and take the Subterraneum key. There is an unmarked cave north of the Underdark Sanctuary that is full of Umber Hulks and Azers. When you kill an Azer, grap their axes- they're worth 7,000gp.
Here is a screen shot from my battles in the Illithridum. The mind flayers can drop a decent psionic attack on you (around 50 hp), but they are easy to knockdown. Sneaking up on them works well, unless they're with a Battle Horror (b/c Battle Whores have true seeing).

DM Qwildurn

Here's an email I received from Jim Brannick regarding some character build and server issues.

"Grimlock and I were running around Sheelo Mt last night when DM Qwildurn logged on and reset some things on the server. In a nutshell, when you kill a boss, you now feel a "rush of power" (it doesn't really do anything, but it shows up in your text log). Grim and I beat the piss out of StridAst while Q watched to make sure his changes took. He said he also changed it so that you can only equip a boss's item if you kill that boss (i.e. I can't kill Strid, then take her kukri and give it to a 21st level PC... they won't be able to equip it). However, you can still sell boss items for booku gp. Speaking of StridAst's "Mysteria" kukri--- that thing is +6 enhanced with 3 maxed out 1d10 bonuses. I can't equip it since I don't have exotic wpn proficiency but I wondered if Ndammitt wanted to buy it off me since he's playing a kukri master (Ndammitt, let me know).
I was also able to find out a few things from DM Q:
1. You can't change your alignment on the server. Which means my Bard/RDD/DD won't work. But, Q was really cool and allowed me to start a noob dwarf and he gave me 10 levels and a port stone to get me started!
2. You have to have the Holy Avenger to beat Monasul and you have to be at least part paladin. (Ndammitt- those blackguard helmets that someone gave you are from Monasul).
3. When I asked Q if there was anyplace to upgrade items past lvl 21, he said "not at the moment". He almost sounded like he would add something like that in the future.

I've been farming frost giants and azers for gold. I was able to drop 500k on ColdCut's Sheccol character. I hope to collect enough gp to be able to fully stock ALL of my lower level PC's (and everyone elses too!).
When you all get a chance, let me know what level everyone is. Vic is 35 right now, but I don't want to get too far ahead of everyone. I've got other builds in the 18-20 range that I can work on until we all can play our badasses again- I just might need some help conducting gold transfers.

Finally, I'm going to research the guild thing a little bit more. I wonder if we couldn't get our own guild started if we got enough Uber-level characters.

Jim "

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Why it's funny to drink and play NWN.

Here's a screen capture that ColdCut sent to me while he was leveling his monk in the Shadow Tombs, the conversation that someone named Grimlock is having is great. That's one of the reasons I like playing on a server, you never know what hilar' thing someone is going to 'shout' out to the entire server.

BTW. I like the symbol on the back of the cloak, I haven't seen that before.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


This fan blog (hopefully) will be dedicated to the Neverwinter Nights adventures that take place on the BadLands RPG server.