Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Water Logged : Update

I fired up my computer last night without any troubles, I guess you can spill a full rum&coke onto your computer and get it all over the motherboard without worrying. Still, this doesn't mean there won't be trouble in the near future, but it's running for now.

I should be back in game mode come next week.


Jim Brannick said...

Too bad your tower will continually smell like Sharkys bathroom floor. Might as well light up a big stogie and set it on top of the monitor to waft that burning turd smell around... that will complete your computer room-o-skank ambiance.

Qwildurn said...

Kind of late for a reply now, but... The Coca Cola (most any soda pop) is acidic and will eat at the fine metals that make up the circuits. Eventually your computer will start having irratic behaviar before it dies completly. A fresh water rinse should work just fine. Unplug it first and try to dry it without touching it. Yes, I have spilled beer and soda and even coffee on my keyboard and / or computer. By doing a fresh water rinse quickly it all seemed to work fine until a faster computer came along.

I have seen other peoples computers that did not get cleaned after a Coca Cola spill and by the time the computer got to me it was beyond hope.

Qwildurn Bluemoon

Simon Hawk said...

The last thought on my mind at that point was "Damn, my computer is soaked in booze and coke, I better douse it with water."

I didn't know you could rinse componants with water, just doesnt seem right. I did manage to swab as much area as possible with q-tips and alcohol.