Monday, October 29, 2007


I’ve seen a lot of ‘odd’ names on the NWN servers. Some people do what we’ve done and create a family of characters, Bers Dias, Bers Arcanos, Bers Militar, Bers Gladius, Shana and Rana Ellow, Razius Clango Razius Asslove, And of course the Darkfyre kids. Other people rip of names from fiction. Gandolf the Cool or the people who picked names from the Salvatore books for instance. Than there are people who just pick funny names, like Toenail Face, or make up things that sound cool.
I like the names that tell you something about the person playing the character. Like HA HA I Got UR Weapon, Or |\/|/\2\/3. The first guy is obviously a tool and will try to disarm you. So if you see him, unequip your weapon. The 2nd is obviously 300 lbs and destined to either die a virgin or make some poor hooker really earn that $100.

So, what is the dumbest name that you’ve seen so far? I’m going to nominate “OoOoO I’m going to kill you OoOOoo”


Simon Hawk said...

One name that sticks out in my head has been "Tard Arner". I mean seriously, can you imagine meeting that guy? "Hi, my name is TARD." Dumb, but not as bad as some of the ones you pointed out Garble. Good post.

Jim Brannick said...

My vote for most annoying is anyone with a name that involves weird ass characters that don't make any sense. That's just plain irritating.
Toenail Face is fine cause I laugh every time I see it. I also like: