Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Legendary Levels

"My skills should be put to use. Sitting idle is such a waste."
~Vic Vega

Okay, so you've run around the Badlands and you've actually gotten your character up to level 40. So what's next? How about LEGENDARY levels? Yup, that's what levels beyond 40 are called. Qwildurn put in an add-on to RPG that's lets you level up after 40 if you have enough experience. It uses the same algorithm to figure levels as if you were epic.
For example:
Lvl 41 820,000 xp
Lvl 42 861,000 xp
Lvl 43 903,000 xp

You get one feat every three levels starting with lvl 42. You also get an attribute bonus every two levels. Saves progress more slowly, with a +1 to all starting at 44 and every 4 levels thereafter. BAB does not increase.
You have to level up using your highest class. Things like Monk speed do not increase. Skill points are given similar to epic levels.
To see the Legendary level system in action, you can go to a server that runs it:
Action- Path to Ascension CEP Legends at

1 comment:

Qwildurn said...

That logarythem is:
Current level times next level times 500 equals XP needed to be next level.

21 * 22 * 500 = total XP to be a level 22

59 * 60 = XP for level 60