Thursday, October 11, 2007

DM Qwildurn

Here's an email I received from Jim Brannick regarding some character build and server issues.

"Grimlock and I were running around Sheelo Mt last night when DM Qwildurn logged on and reset some things on the server. In a nutshell, when you kill a boss, you now feel a "rush of power" (it doesn't really do anything, but it shows up in your text log). Grim and I beat the piss out of StridAst while Q watched to make sure his changes took. He said he also changed it so that you can only equip a boss's item if you kill that boss (i.e. I can't kill Strid, then take her kukri and give it to a 21st level PC... they won't be able to equip it). However, you can still sell boss items for booku gp. Speaking of StridAst's "Mysteria" kukri--- that thing is +6 enhanced with 3 maxed out 1d10 bonuses. I can't equip it since I don't have exotic wpn proficiency but I wondered if Ndammitt wanted to buy it off me since he's playing a kukri master (Ndammitt, let me know).
I was also able to find out a few things from DM Q:
1. You can't change your alignment on the server. Which means my Bard/RDD/DD won't work. But, Q was really cool and allowed me to start a noob dwarf and he gave me 10 levels and a port stone to get me started!
2. You have to have the Holy Avenger to beat Monasul and you have to be at least part paladin. (Ndammitt- those blackguard helmets that someone gave you are from Monasul).
3. When I asked Q if there was anyplace to upgrade items past lvl 21, he said "not at the moment". He almost sounded like he would add something like that in the future.

I've been farming frost giants and azers for gold. I was able to drop 500k on ColdCut's Sheccol character. I hope to collect enough gp to be able to fully stock ALL of my lower level PC's (and everyone elses too!).
When you all get a chance, let me know what level everyone is. Vic is 35 right now, but I don't want to get too far ahead of everyone. I've got other builds in the 18-20 range that I can work on until we all can play our badasses again- I just might need some help conducting gold transfers.

Finally, I'm going to research the guild thing a little bit more. I wonder if we couldn't get our own guild started if we got enough Uber-level characters.

Jim "

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