Friday, January 9, 2009

As a tribute to bygone days of table AD&D, my recent naming convention for Badlands toons has been based on the original Monster Manual and Deities and Demigods. One such build has been an Ogrillon named Orcus. It's really too bad that Ogrillons and other non-standard body types can't get RDD wings, cause that'd be badass. But I digress.
It seems like there are a LOT of common criminals and other PKers running around the Badlands lately... more so than usual. If you're not familiar with the mythology behind Orcus... he's sorta the Roman version of Hades, he is the "...punisher of broken oaths." Today, Simon and I had a rare opportunity to hunt some PKers. After Osiris Ellow bashed Syndie Shadowblade, dano logs in (who else?) Shady Shadowblade (part of our plan, btw), Badlands #1 prick and most hated (as voted by pretty much everyone I partied up with over the holidays! lol). Shady teams up with The Assassin and heads to the NP docks for an old-fashioned game of chase Shady around for 10 minutes. The Assassin falls quickly under an IGM storm from Osiris, which leaves Orcus to chase Shady around in circles. Unlike the giant in 'A Princess Bride' or the gladiator in 'The Life of Brian' (two analogies there- one for US and the other for UK), Orcus does not tire from chasing... instead he just gets more and more mad. After several KDs, lots of grt restores, and Simon's usual verbal abuse of "runners", Orcus smites Shady. True to form, Shady blames Osiris and wants to fight Orcus 1 on 1. (*footnote- this exact situation occurred before, and Shady always brings help). Little does dano know that Orcus was designed specifically to deal with Monk20/Cleric15/SD5 builds. Orcus agrees and after much waiting outside the UD sanctuary (while he buffs/rests/buffs again) Shady comes out and the throwdown ensues. In typical anti-climactic fashion, once Shady quickly realizes he has no chance against Orcus, he says "one min phone", and runs to the sanctuary. My next version of Orcus (currently under construction) will include Dev Crit. That will (hopefully) reduce the amount of chasing.


Jim Brannick said...

I just noticed that the picture of Orcus in my post has nipple rings.
For the record, my Ogrillon-version does not have nipple rings!

Simon Hawk said...

But you wish he did! LOL

Qwildurn said...

I was on in DM mode snooping for a few while this went down. Shady did challenge Orcus, then like the good coward he is, wasted time to try and get Orcus's buffs to wear off. After a couple of good smack-downs from Orcus, Shady ran away. Orcus waddled after Shady and caught up to him while he was healing, which is frowned on in true PVP battles. After another good smack-down from Orcus, Shady ran into the safety-zone, err, I mean the Underdark Sanctuary.
Clearly Shady was getting a good old-fashioned-ass-whoopin from Orcus.

While waiting for Shady to "man-up", Shark Bait challenged The Assassin to a dual. That didn't last long and the server shouted that "The Assassin, level 51" killed "Shark Bait, level 32". The Assassin was almost dead when Shark Bait died, making me think that Shark Bait will be one scary Orc when he grows up.