Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cave of Tits.

This is exactly why nobody would let me DM a pen & paper DnD game.


Simon Hawk said...

I'm thinking BadLands needs a cave like this in the next update.

Jim Brannick said...

I agree.
If just to balance out the giant duodenum/colon cave that StridAst resides in.

SF Daishi said...

AH the massive racks....

Qwildurn said...

Uhm, wouldn't that be Mount Tits?

Or, Sir Humpsalot went into the Forest of Fur looking for the hot and steamy swamp of rotting fish stench. He carried a big stick and a magic bag. He was looking for a maiden in distress. After slaying the Dragon, she said that it was her ex-boyfriend. She thanked him very well.

Is this PG-13 rated?

Dark_1423 said...

Hahah Mount tits that should be a nice area to go to.

Jim Brannick said...

Blogger Qwildurn said...
Uhm, wouldn't that be Mount Tits?

Not necessarily... depending on the stalagmite formations, a cave could definitely look full of juggs.

I suggest the next BL update include an Island of Lesbos, with one rule: only my toons can go there.

Qwildurn said...

Didn't South Park use that in one of their episodes? A lesbian bar named Lesbos. But had a French sound to it, trying to pretend it was something other than what it really was.

Simon Hawk said...

Just make the 'Isle of Lesbos' full of Dryads and Succubuses.

With a big female minotar boss "Bull Dyke."

That would be hilar.