Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Guilds, and their Leaders

The server got an unexpected wipe caused by my confusion. I wish it had not happened, but it did. I have a temporary server up. When I get the real server fixed, (I need to re-install everything including the OS), I will transfer all your new toons and the new database.

I would like to honor the old guilds and their leaders by allowing them to start new guilds. I have only seen Dano making an effort (and a damn good effort too!) to get to level 50.

Others have asked to be guild leaders. To them I have said, "If the old leaders don't make an effort and you make it to 50....".

We don't have the numbers (of players) to support more than 3 guilds. So I will only allow three guilds,
  1. Lawful Good
  2. True Neutral
  3. Chaotic Evil

Each will be given a Fortress when they meet the usual requirements. Five Outposts owned. After that, it's up to you to keep it from being stolen.

I welcome any and all views to be spoke here in this thread that cover Guilds


Dark_1423 said...

Sweet im all ready lvl 45 im going for Neutral, Hope i can get the guild lol

Unknown said...

Well it's gonna be a ratrace between the darkclan and shadowblades since both seem to be competing for the Evil clan. Someone already running for the good clan anyways?

Simon Hawk said...

I won't have time to deal with being a guild leader, so whomever gets the 3 guilds first, more power to them and happy hunting.

My highest level toon so far is 15.

Simon Hawk said...

I'm going to remove the current guild section on the blog, and then redo-it when all three guilds and their leaders are completed.

Qwildurn said...

This all sounds good.
Conan was the Good leader, but he is busy trying to build his own game world now. I know this because he keeps picking my brain about how to do stuff. He had about 25 areas the one time I logged on. When it's more complete and he has his second computer running 24-7, I'll post a plug here for him.

Deurack said...

I'm definitely not leading another Guild. I seem to suck at it for some reason, I've been the leader of 2 different guilds that have gone inactive. I'm better as the crazy PK'er that the guild leader sicks on people :)

Simon Hawk said...

You definatly have the "crazy" part right, Deurack.

Qwildurn said...

Slade (dark1432) has earned 50 levels and started a Lawful Good guild named "Phoenix's".

Deurack said...

Congrats, and look over your shoulder :)

Qwildurn said...

Our second Guild has been started by "shadow opal [DCN]" (opalfish). The new True Neutral Guild is:

Dracionis [DCN]
"May the power of Dragons and power flow through your vains", is their outlook on life.

Good luck Opal.

Qwildurn said...

Behold The Power Of The Godess Which Watches Over You"

Lead by "Slade" (Dark_1423) is Lawful Good.

Still waiting on a third to step forward an lay claim to the Chaotic Evil throne.

Qwildurn said...

Slade wanted to rename his guild from "Pheonix's" and the only way is to disband the guild and start over. So he did just that. I can change you Guild's description if you want, but I can't change the name.

The third and final guild has also been started by Shady Cranky Bull. Good job Cranky!

If a DM has not already done so, each guild will be assigned a Fortress as soon as they own 5 Outposts.
Good = "The Great Hall"
Neutral = "Emerald Fortress"
Evil = "Zurs House of Weirding"

These are your rightful Houses. You're on your own to protect what is your's and try to steal what is not.

The three guilds are:

Good & Lawful:
- Blades Of Virtue
- "Protecter's Of The Helpless Ones"
- lead by: "Slade" (Dark_1423)

Neutral & True:
- Dracionis [DCN]
- "May the power of Dragons and power flow through your vains"
- lead by: "shadow opal [DCN]" (opalfish)

Evil & Chaotic:
- The Shady Undertakers
- "Infamously dubbed for leaving their victims where they fall and ready for public veiwing . Their only callingcard, the bloody letters" R. I. P" on the dead. Shady Undertaking indeed !"
- lead by "Shady Cranky Bull" (dano1122)

Please remember that you, your Guild, and it's members need to play the appropriate alignment.