Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Why is the Server Down?

Because I screwed up!

I'm so ...... I can't even begin to express myself.

I was trying to add a new Raid Bank (more hard drive storage) and accidentally wiped the entire server. Not just the game files, but everything including all my pictures of my bicycle trip across America some years back.

Not sure when I can get to installing and configuring the Operating System. That is a week long job alone and I don't have a lot of free time right now.

To say, "I'm sorry.", is not enough nor does it even start to say how I feel.

Qwildurn Bluemoon, the mush head.


Dark_1423 said...
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Dark_1423 said...

Oh man that sucks, Does that mean are toons are gone or server just down?

Qwildurn said...

Everything is gone. Your toons, the database, the web site(s), the Operating System, you name it, it's gone. All of it.

I have a copy of the module on my laptop, but, it will be a few weeks until I can rebuild the server and get the game online again.

I think I have a CD of my bicycle trip, but that's about where it starts and stops for my pictures I've taken over the years.

Dark_1423 said...

Ouch, wish i could help lol, but dam this sucks

Dark_1423 said...
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Qwildurn said...

Do you live anywhere near Los Angeles, California USA? - And, do you know anything about IT stuff for servers? I'm game for the help.

Dark_1423 said...

Sorry i live in PA, and dont know much about servers, sorry

Simon Hawk said...

I'm trying to punch you with my thoughts, Q. Feel anything yet? lol

extomorf said...

I'm almost annoyed, my assassin finally gets freed from prison then he gets lost (more ranger lvls may of helped). but i do think we should blame the correct person and that is dark cos he smells.

Qwildurn said...

Well, after some sleep, it occured to me that I still have my old server with a working OS (Operating System). For the most part it is ready to go. Might be able to get it up and running the game in a few days. We would all be starting fresh again with noobs.

Handing out free 40's would be a good start.

Don't hold your breath. I ain't makin' any promises I can't break.

extomorf said...

i think it could be fun for everyone to start from scratch, never know might get some diffrent builds for a change from the usual bard/pm/rdd or monk/clr/sd and there variations. also if you give out free 40's it does take the fun from lvling by hacking heads off.

Dark_1423 said...

kev i dont smell, hmm i dont think i do... but when the server is back on im kicking ur butt again :)

extomorf said...

will you have help like the last time though? at least i won't be in jail for 2 weeks like i was the last time cos of you.

Dark_1423 said...

There will be no help just slicing u up and roasting u over a fire

Dark_1423 said...

I'm thinking about changing my account name i dont like the 1423 think lol

Deurack said...

Noobs :)

You know, having a hard reset of the server and toons might not be such a bad thing in the long run. Clear out all the dead wood (old characters, guilds, items) and start from scratch. I know I would be motivated to play more if I didnt have such a large stable of 55+ toons to pull from. I'll get to re-make all my fun power builds instead of trying to come up with something new and original that takes a few weeks to level and doesnt end up working well anyway.

Deurack said...

Although...it will suck not having some of my old items :( I had created quite a library of rare scrolls & wands of some of my builds, I'll definitely miss those...and the pre-rule change Kukri's and Darts...those rocked :P

Dark_1423 said...

I'm looking forward to starting fresh now Ive been putting together a good build :)

extomorf said...

Baggsy my left thigh, i might get some early nights as well for a change.

Qwildurn said...

It's nice to know that you all are very accepting of this. And you have seen a bright side to this that I didn't.

Connan sent me a "Get well Ecard."

Dano wants an award for something. I told him his reward was all the fun he had.

My Dad called me and said he had a big soft shoulder for me. It sounded tempting, but with a quivering (qwivuring?) lip I said, "Big boys don't cry!"

After supper tonight I will see what I can do to get a band-aid server going.

Anonymous said...

Why not pick a server to "invade" during the "off-season"? It might even bring more people in when this one is back up.

Blade said...

Hiya Blade here :)

I am sorry to hear about your computer server problems Q. Don't worry too much, we all had a great time, and I am sure there are still plenty more "Good Times" to be had.

Starting over is not really a big deal, and actually a great leveller.

I have lost probably as much as anybody else in terms of Chars built and actual Game hours spent making my toons.....but it really doesn't matter to me now. I had a great time on Badlands RPG, and learnt plenty of stuff about builds and the game which i didn't know before I came.

Special thanks go to you Q and to Darian and Deimonos and Simon who all did the DM and Admin team proud.

You may have some hope of being able to recover your personal pictures etc through Data Recovery Specialists......I don't think you have shot bullet holes through the Drives yet lol.

I am currently spending all my time on Dalakora PW which requires a lot of dedication and time spent on it.

I built most types of Build on Badlands RPG that made sense, and hence have no real reason to return except to enjoy the company of old friends :)

Many "Old Friends " awaited me on Dalakora PW too.

All the Best ........Blade :)

PS sorry if i didn't do a rollcall mentioning everyone on the server, you all know who you are ....so ty for the Party guys :)

devon luckblade said...

hi guys can some one help am trying to find out how to make recall stones like the dozo stone dose anyone know how it is done.


armageddon is not such a bad thing new life will come soon and badlands shall rise from the ashes from wich it has gone

Simon Hawk said...

Jim and I think that Q does this on purpose every so often in order to "clean the slate", so to speak.

But, it is what it is, no going back now. Best of luck to you all.

The bright side is that I know what I would do differently now on a couple of toons that I had. But I hate the thought of putting all those hours in again, only to have them wiped out.

Raid drives are cool, but they aren't as cool as having a hard back-up of all your information on CD or DVD. (Like I suggested not to many months ago in a private e-mail. I promise I wont't say "I told you so.") lol.

LOL on the get well E-card, thats classic.

Simon Hawk said...

Dano wants an award? Okay, I say we nominate him for dumbass of the month. hahaha

Deurack said...

Month? Surely he deserves a bigger reward than that...

Qwildurn said...

devon luckblade said...
hi guys can some one help am trying to find out how to make recall stones like the dozo stone dose anyone know how it is done.

This a bit off topic unless it can recall the server back.

The recall stone works by having the ability to cast a "special spell". That in turn gets picked up in the "on activate" script.

There are plenty of forums dedicated to that subject. You should look there for more detailed information.

Qwildurn said...

I have the old server up enough to host a web page. Same old address.

One small step forwards, three giant steps backwards.

Qwildurn said...

In this new post: BadLands RPG is back on-line

Qwildurn says that BadLands is back up now. I can't believe that and need to go log on to prove her wrong.