Friday, April 1, 2016


Hey everyone just wanted to say I did a little Google searching and updated the links in the "Neverwinter Links" section of the blog.  they should be good for awhile and relate to all the classic Neverwinter goodness we were all accustomed to.  Cheers!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pathfinder Pen & Paper RPG

Hey everyone, just a quick post to say that I have been reading about Pathfinder.  It's a Pen & Paper RPG based off of D&D 3rd edition rules, and it's supposedly backwards compatible with 3.5. So far I'm just reading stuff online and haven't played a real game (Since I don't know any GM's IRL). Pathfinder is SUPER similar to Neverwinter, it's a blast thinking of build ideas while looking through all the feats Pathfinder has to offer. If you're bored or looking to play Pen & Paper RPG I really suggest looking into Pathfinder.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

WTF!? What year is this? Who & Where AM I?

Hey everyone! I forgot about this place for the last few years until I found old files used to post here. Just wanted to see if any of the old crew are around for fun. Leave a comment if any of you still exist, and if you still play Neverwinter Nights or any other RPG for that matter! I played a ton of Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn last year. It was my first experience playing an MMORPG and I was immediatly hooked on that game. It did have it's annoyances but I managed to overcome them. Although I'm not playing anything currently I just wanted to reminisce about the good old days of badlands RPG, if anyone has anything please share! Thanks! On a side note here are a few random screen shots of my FFXIV Character Alyrloef Guldwilfwyn (Aly).

Friday, August 2, 2013

GameSpy Work-Around

There is a GameSpy work-around for NWN now.  I don't know how long it's been up, but it works.

There are not any instructions as how to use it.
I would suggest that you copy the IP Address (Server Address) of the game server you want to try and paste it into the file


in your NWN folder.

Open "nwnplayer.ini" with notepad and look for the header

[History Page]
[Favorites Page]

Then replace an existing entry or add a new server entry.

It will look something like this:

[History Page]

[Favorites Page]

Save the file and close it.
Finally, you can start NWN and the server will be listed in your GameSpy history of favorites.

The IP Address is four sets of three numbers sepperated by a period.  Any leading zero is dropped.  The colon followed by a number is the port you wish to access.  The IP Address is the public IP that the server is on.

The IP:port is the current IP:port to BadLands RPG.  It will change from time to time.


Qwildurn Bluemoon, server host BadLands RPG

PS... If you have any questions about this, please post them here and I will try to answer them all.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

GameSpy Problems

The server has been unusually quite this week.  I was beginning to wonder what was up with that when kovalxxx from badlands logged in.  He said that all the servers in GameSpy were gone.  I can't ever see my own server in GameSpy so I don't logon with GameSpy, therefore I had no idea that GameSpy had gone down.

I did some checking and found that GameSpy changed owners back in August.  The new owner of GameSpy told the game companies to pay their bill or loose their service.  Neverwinter Nights and a whole bunch of other old games got the red letter boot.  I'll provide a few links to a few articles.  The first is a Facebook post by the current owner of GameSpy.

At this time the only suggestion I have for anybody that wishes to continue playing BadLands RPG is to build a desktop shortcut and do a direct logon.  You can find full instructions here:

If anybody finds an alternative to GameSpy, please let us know about it.

Qwildurn Bluemoon, server host

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

ISP Troubles

My finances have changed and I changed ISP last week.  Now I have an intermittent internet connection. The technician should be here in a few days to fix the problem.  Until then I have shut off the server.  I may lose my connection before I can finish posting this note.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Player Security System

After much frustrating thought, I finally started doing some work on making your accounts secure. I actually considered abandoning the whole thing, until I started jonesing for my BadLands fix.

The biggest problem here is how to correctly identify legal ownership of said account(s). And what to do when a second person claims that they are the rightful owner.

I finally settled into:
- One account per CD Key.
- Wipe all the accounts and start over.
- Each CD Key is linked to the one logon account name.
- Anybody trying to access an account that's not theirs will be frozen before they can do anything and then booted.

Now, I got play the tough guy and tell you not to loose your CD Key or forget your logon name. I won't send you or anybody else that information. It's your CD Key, you paid for it and you own it. It's your account name, don't forget your own name. It's your responsibility to keep track of your personal stuff, not mine. I will do my best to keep others out of your account.

All the player information has been wiped, the only thing that remains is the list of permanently banned CD Keys. Gart, when I said I was banning you for life, I wasn't messing around.

I fixed the problem that was allowing banned players to login, a typo...duh...

So, log in and secure your favorite user name before some dweeb takes it.