Monday, October 15, 2007

New Wit Da "Q"

I had a lengthy discussion with Qwildurn about the BadLands RPG server yesterday. All the other BadLands servers you see are just different variations of the original server, but hosted by other people. I guess the whole thing started as a private server for a few friends to play on and then went public after the creator got tired of it. It was originally an arena style place for players to go and fight each other, one disappointing thing that I’ve learned is that there isn’t really an in-game point or a story to go along with playing. You basically login, level up your characters, and fight with each other.

PK’ing is okay to do so long as you are fighting a player of equal level (no baby killing as Q put it). Q also told me that he has taken care of, or banned a lot of the players that PK the lower level characters, he’s also made adjustments to the level of power that a mage has. Q said certain mages could go through the server and kill multiple bosses without resting. Of course once those players powers were reduced they complained and supposedly quit playing on BLRPG. If you’ve been wondering why it’s been quiet around there lately that’s why.

Q seems like a cool guy, he’s got background in playing pen & paper D&D (of course) and was surprised to find out that we all played as well, so I told him about our D&D games and that we even dabbled with some whitewolf stuff as well. Just so you know, Jim and Garble, I told Q that you guys were our regular DM’s, maybe Q will hit you up for ideas or help or something someday.

I tried steering the conversation towards getting some help with my Rana Ellow 40th level fighter that is forever stuck in the server vault, unfortunately I didn’t get that far yet, especially after Q and I talked about all the annoying people that pester him on a regular basis. I felt weird just meeting the guy and trying to get him to fix Rana’s “problem”, oh well, I’m sure it’ll happen someday so until then it’s leveling with my other builds. And if you’re in my level range, LOOK OUT! I’m a going huntin’! :)


Garble said...

What did he do? I checked and the only nerfs I saw were to Timestop, eliminated the stacking of acid sheath, elemental shield, and death armor. The Isasc's stuff has always been nerfed there. It doesn't look like the bigby spells have been messed with, what did he do?

Simon Hawk said...

I have no idea, he just said he was doing stuff.

Garble said...

About the biggest exploit I've seen is Gith. +6 to dex and 6+lvl spell res. Is nuts. I can't believe i didn't use it more lol.

Qwildurn said...

Just looking for a really old post and stumbled on this post I never read. I reall like the part that says, "Q seems really cool."

Amazing how long ago that was and the change the Realm has gone through since then. And It's even more amazing how many of us still play here.

Deimonos said...

"Amazing how long ago that was and the change the Realm has gone through since then. And It's even more amazing how many of us still play here."

Hmm.. that's 2007.. if you go 1 year back, the number will be only 3. Well, 4 with you.
Unless they are too drunk, they know who they are.. I'll give ya one tip: Their nicknames start with a "D" :)