Annoying players are something that have been plauging our little gaming group more and more lately. We've been getting bombarded with "invite's", why in the heck do players with low level characters feel the need to invite everyone on the server into some gigantic MEGA-party? When I'm playing my higher level characters I only want to be in a party with players in the same level range so we can communicate normally and grind out some levels. It's a pain the rear when you're trying to kill Insane Druids while the lowbies are talking about that rat that took 47 hits to kill down in the tombs.
Which leads me to my next complaint, babysitting players with crappy characters, nothing is more annoying to a party than that one person that has like a straight 40th level fighter that only used the "reccomended" Button to build his chacater, and doesnt have any gear. Just the other day there was some idiot that needed us to escort him from Northbound to the north face of Sheelo mountain because his AC was 27....27! Come on! what the heck, go buy some frigging upgrades, when we asked him if he was going to upgrade his gear he said "no". Seriously, what the heck is wrong with people like that? If you're going to gain enough levels to go to Sheelo Mountain you probably have enough money to at the least add +5 AC to all of your gear.
Another problem is gaming with players that speak a different language, and when the player pretends that he doesn't understand english so he can steal your boss drops. Jim Brannick speaks of a time when he, Darian The Bold, and some non english speaking player, killed the shark, and when Jim went to pick up the boss drop it was gone. Darian told Jim that he could have it so it was wasnt him, the only other person that was in the party was the non english speaking player (nesp) who convienatly played dumb when asked to please hand over the shark skin to Jim (who was the one that killed the shark in the first place). So if you run into any NESP's beware.
I really hate it when people abuse 'shout'. The worst one is when this certain player we all know just sits there and repeats "I'm bored" over and over again. Well, why the hell did you log in then? If you're that bored why not try to gain some levels or go exploring, but oh wait, you have a crappy character that has to be babysat by every player on the entire server so your only option is to cry and whine when nobody will party with you. Oh thats a good one, players who cry and whine when you don't want to join their party. This has happened to me more than once. Sometimes I just feel like playing alone, or don't have alot of time to make joining a party worth while, so when people ask me to join or send an invite I politly decline the offer. Thats when the whining & begging starts, sometimes its so bad I just log out so I dont have to deal with it. Next time this happenes thats when the PK'ing starts.
I think the worst are players who are just plain lazy. When my friends and I started on BadLands we explored as much as we could, read all the rules and descriptions before we'd so much as ask anything. I hate when people log in and ask for a Dozo Stone. I mean come on, just look around for 30 seconds and you'll find it. Or my favorite, "where's the armory?" Are you kidding me!? You practically run into it when you enter Dozo for the first time, idiot. I wish they'd just slow down and do some exploring and reading first before they start 'shouting' or sending 'tells' with their stupid questions.
These are only a few of the annoyances that happen to us on a weekly basis, if your're one of these people please use some common courtesy when gaming on BadLands, it's not difficult and it makes the place more fun for everyone.