Thursday, April 30, 2009

Awesome People - Triumph the Insult Comic Dog at a Star Wars Premier. One of the saddest, most pathetic things I have EVER seen!

This is primarily about Star Trek losers, but then someone shows up who makes even the Trekies look good. You'll know it when you see it :)

The question is, who does the black wizard with the Filet O'fish play on Badlands? I think it's Dano, but that's just a guess.

Blind Quests, need SOME braille!

Okay, Im sorry, but after reading the comments from THIS post, I have to wonder about the person creating and DM'ing these so called "Blind Quests".

Here is how I interpret Q's logic on quests & DnD.

Qwildurn as Dungeon Master of a Pen & Paper Game

Q: “Your party wanders into a town”

Player1: “Is there anyone nearby I can talk to?”

Q: “Yes, but they don’t know anything.”

Player2: “Do I see any signs?”

Q: “Yeah, but they don’t lead anywhere helpful.”

Player1: “Oookaaay, do I have a gut feeling telling me where to look?”

Q: “No.”

Player2 “Grr, ok, I start digging right here, do I find anything helpful?”

Q: “No.”

Player1: “WTF, ok, I map the entire city with a 12” x 12” grid and comb the entire thing. Anything now?”

Q: “You find a map that doesn’t lead anywhere, and a broken compass.”

Player2: “This is INSANE, I’m gonna go stab some horses in the face, let me know when you find something .”

And the night continued on like this until Players 1 & 2 drank themselves into oblivion.

A Day in the Life of a Beta Tester

Many times I have been asked, "What's it like being a Beta Tester?"
Quite often I get asked, "What does the Beta Room look like?"

With the help of an unsuspecting Beta Tester, I will try to glamorize what a typical day is like for a Beta Tester. This is a Reality Show, it's not scripted and they aren't actors. This is the real deal folks. And please, don't try this at home. This is extremely dangerous and people can die. They are professionals, you are not.

Simon Hawk, one of our finest DM's and beloved Beta Testers was caught on a new secret spy cam I was testing inside the Beta Room. Obviously he is laying down on the job. Tsk Tsk.

When questioned later by the Cult Leader, Simon said, "Hey dude, not sure how this happened. But I logged off of BadLands while in the Beta Room, and when I logged back in I died. It was weird."

One thing a Beta Tester needs is quick wits, like Darian who was on to something and pointed out what the others had missed, "Clearly what's happening here is that the Beta Room is finally developing some class ....I mean .... to kill Simon shows she knows whats she's doing.............. I say Beta Room 1, Simon 0."

(Makes you wonder what Darian and the 'female' Beta Room do when the lights are out.)

It seems that a new spy cam was not the only thing being tested that day. Qwildurn told us about her other new toy. "I planned it that way. :) It's the new AI (Artificial Intelligence) I'm testing. Simon just did a Beta Test. Soon, all areas will be killing Simon. LOL."

Being able to roll-with-the-punches seems to be a much needed skill for a Beta Tester. And I think Simon had to use his Acceptance Feat this time as well. "LMAO! You know you're screwed when empty areas start killing you! hahaha", was Simon's responce.

After some brow-beating by the Non-Believers, Simon finally owns up.

"I remember being near death when I logged out. I was in a rush to go and PK "Gina the wild thing level 49" because she mega-spawn killed my level 20 in the Drow Stronghold." (Do Beta Players really PK others? Or is this another test?)

"I ran in the Beta Room to check player position so I could go get my level 43 Mage and teach a lesson in manners. I finally tracked Gina down to the Newport Docks and started to dispense some justice, but she immediately ran back to the safe zone." (Ahh, now the test finds a coward, results are what Beta Testers live for.)

"Since I was already at the docks I decided to kill the Royal Ass, but Gina decided she had balls and jumped me while I was attacking the Royal Ass. But that didn't matter, Royal Ass was on his back so I turned my attention to Gina. The fight didn't last long and Gina was dead. I ported out, rested and came back to finish off the Royal Ass, only to discover that he was walking about in the docks area. He then proceeded to cast a FIREBALL spell on me WTF?" (What they don't know is this: Assassins are good at other things too. This test proves that a well built assassin can pick Gina's pocket and use that stolen scroll to piss off Simon.)

"I used Bigby's and some IGM's to finish off the Royal Ass, and then I found some interesting drops from him. A sweet magic wand. That's a new one on me. Maybe a DM was on at the time? Not sure. Either way I got a cool ass drop for some reason. (BRRF, you loose. No DM's on. It seems that a fireball scroll wasn't the only thing the "Royal Pain in the Ass" stole that day. And this Beta Test confirms that if you can kill the Royal Ass, you to will get any stolen items he has.")

I lost count, just how many times did Simon die during this Beta Test?

And what did we all learn from this Beta Test?


How about, 'Gina the wild thing' is so tough she can kill players when she isn't even trying or in the same area.

No, that's not it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Can We Bring This Back?

Speaking of interesting items and things that could spawn some different build ideas, can we bring this little beauty back? Right now the "whip drop" is the Ritualist whip, which sucks Donkey Schlong (in my humble opinion).

Just a thought.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Lich, a Quested Subrace

A Lich is a Mage that has literally "Sold His Soul to the Devil"! Greed and Power can drive a person insane.

As I recall, killing a Lich is much harder than killing a regular Mage. Not only is a Lich much more powerful, they have a lot of immunities and better defences. Typically, a Lich does not die just because you kill it's body. You only think you killed it because the body was destroyed. The Lich's soul finds it's way back to it's container (I forget the name) and will eventually find a new host body to control. Call it respawn if you wish, but it's actually quite different. Destroy the Soul Container to permanently kill the Lich. I remember the container as being easy to smash with a sword, but the explosion was usually fatal. Finding the container was usually very hard. On rare occasion I would find the container first, and the Lich later. Without a container, the Lich was screwed.

I also remember finding hordes of magical items where I had killed the Lich and again near it's container.

I do have a Lich system I have been working on. It is not finished and there are adjustments I need to make. Testing it has not even begun. But I will give you a walk-through.

1) This Mage seeks to become a Lich and looks upon four varieties of Lich bodies he might possess. Most likely it has something to with The Power that the Mage/Lich possesses as to which body he can possess. One body appears to be floating and is assumed to be the most powerful.

2) This Mage has 30 levels of Wizard, 10 levels of Pale Master and specializes in Necromancy. I won't spill any details about the quest or quests involved in getting to this point.

3) The offering begins.

4) "Oh Dark Lord, I have done your bidding as you wished."

5) "I have upheld my end of the agreement. Now I call upon you, Oh Dark Lord, to give me what I have earned."

6) A magical storm begins. No doubt an answer from the Dark Lord.

7) The magical power climaxes here in this ritualistic area of Darkness killing all living beings.

8) The transformation has begun.

9) From life to death to undead. From mortality to immortality.

10) A new young Lich has been unborn, ready to do thy Masters bidding.

11) Just a few of the promises have been kept. You just can't trust an evil Lord these days. Maybe I need to hunt down the Dark Lord and kill him myself in order to get more power.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Wise Cleric's Guide

In a post by Deurack in Garble’s Guide to Power Leveling in the Badlands., he brings up a good point about Turn Undead and Charisma. I was going to post this there, but when it got this big, I decided it would be best to start a new thread.

The way NWN did the mechanics behind 'Turn' is that it is "hit-dice" based. Only Paladins and Clerics get 'Turn'. I think COT can add to 'Turn' but does not get 'Turn'.

A Cleric uses his / her Cleric levels to determine the base 'hit'. A Paladin is 'Paladin level -2'. Cleric levels and Paladin(-2) levels are added together. All other class levels are ignored. COT levels might be used, I don't remember. This number is compared to the 'hit-dice' of the Undead monster. If the undead has a greater number, you just lost. PERIOD.

Once you do hit with 'Turn', your Charisma bonus is used to determine the strength and damage. It starts at your location, moving in a growing spiral. The 'turn' will attempt to turn as many undead as your charisma bonus and stop regardless of how many were turned. The charisma bonus is used again to determine weather you killed them or just softened them up.

There is a dice roll here for each undead. Each undead rolls it's own dice and you roll for each undead monster. Some will be 'Turned', some will not.

Feat: Turn Outsider works the same way except with different numbers. Taking Turn Outsider will strengthen Turn Undead as well as all the other 'Turn' based monsters. Other 'Turn' based monster are 'Domain' based. Only Clerics get a Domain.

I have actually gone into the 'Turn' Script to get the exact list.
  • Element
      • (fire domain counts as +2)
  • Vermin
  • Constructs
  • Outsider
There are several pitfalls here as far as BadLands goes.
  1. If you want to turn a construct in Highland, you will need something like 35 cleric levels and the Destruction Domain. I'm not sure if Paladin and COT levels will stack here or not.
  2. This NWN script has NOT been modified to see over level 40, so you will never be able to turn a Construct in the Doom Mines.
  3. Players are not recognized as anything except players.
    • Monk level 16+ should be an Outside, but NWN did not provide support.
    • Elemental Subraces are not seen as true elements.
    • Pale Master level 10 should be seen as Undead and should become evil, but NWN does not provide this support.
    • The list goes on....
I do have plans to change most of this in the future. I was working on, and did most of it in a mini-mod that includes a new quest to become a true Lich.

The way the Lich thing works is you need to be 30 levels of Wizard or 30 levels of Sorcerer and 10 levels of Pale Master and Chaotic Evil. Once you do the "quest" (no details here) you can be transformed into a Lich. But guess what? For all the extra power you get, a well built Undead Hunter has the means to take you down because ..... you are now Undead!

Don't hold your breath and don't get your panties in an uproar, cause it won't be finished anytime soon. But, the PVP Action goes on.

Garble’s Guide to Power Leveling in the Badlands.

There are other ways to do it. But if you’re tired of wandering about the mosquito wolfe killing trolls 200 exp, hunting for slaad tongues to sell for a pittance or wasting precious time looking in potted plants for spare change this might help. I’m going to keep spoilers to a minimum. I’ll say what/how but not where so you’ll still need to explore.

The basic idea is to use a caster to get gold, blue bolt this gold to your other toons, and use the uber equipment to own the 800exp areas.

You need a good build to start with. A con based S29/PM10/R1 is solid all around. If you’re not sure what spells you’ll want you can change it to a wizard and have a little more flexibility. Shade is a good Subrace.

Take this build down to the dozo ruins and start killing rats with burning hands. You’re going to want to stay down there until you’re level 8. It won’t take long. You don’t really need to upgrade any gear yet since you’ll want 12K gold for a hasted cloak at level 9. This will get boring but it’s quick. If you get good at aiming you’ll be killing 7-9 spawns with ha single spell at 87 exp each. By the end. That’s not too shabby. You’ll want to use ghostly visage as your only defense. It’s all you need.

Now go to the smoke shack as quickly as you can. Please be careful to kill your spawns or Q will be displeased. Under no circumstances should you turn invisible and run through. The exp is low and it’s tempting to just bypass these areas but it’s against the rules so don’t do it. Going through this area the right way will net you one level.

Once you have a haste cloak your lvl 9 caster can grind out bugbears / slaad / harpy for exp. You’re going to want to get to lvl 11 as fast as you can. I like the harpy/hags for the exp. Your spells will make you immune to mind attacks so you’ll have a nice advantage. This is actually the first slowdown for your build.

When you are level 11 you can go to the UD and put +5AC to your Robes, Belt, Boots, Amulet and +12 to your Chr/Int. You won’t have this much money but that’s what you’re building towards.

When you can cast Undeath to Death go and hunt vampires. Invisibility is a nice defense if needed. Rest often and level very very quickly. Stay here even when the exp drops off. The UtD kills them so fast it’s insane.

When you can cast Bigby’s forceful hand you can kill the royal assassin and get your first boss drop. Farm him and Stride for their drops until you have enough gold to max out your gear. This should get your to lvl 18 or so. Now it’s time for the Drow. Invisibility, Wail, and IGM will help you lvl quickly with 800 exp a kill. If you don’t have max gear get back to the boss farm. Unless you have more than three MOBS on you your best damage spell will almost always be IGM. Don’t waste time looking for gold in plants or chests. It’s quicker just to farm.

When drow start to drop off in exp you want max your fort save and hunt azers. You might die once or twice on a bad save but it’ll still work out in the long run. Than make your way up the mountain and kill spiders and frost giants. If you started with a non-caster the giants are where your money troubles end.

Once you have 10 levels of PM you can kill the weapon master. (how should be obvious). Your money troubles are now completely over. Build up a nice bank of gold to transfer to your other toons.

Your next build can have Haste, +20AC and +5 to their weapon, and +12 to their main attribute at lvl 11. With this equipment advantage you’ll be able to level well ahead of your ‘proper’ level.

As a side note, the dev shield is well worth still spell, auto-still spell 1-3, and shield proficiency for your caster toon.

More Character Building Tips for BadLands RPG

Character building takes a certain thought process and proper method to not turn out like crap on BadLands RPG. Here's a few ideas to help you along.

Few things to remember and consider in my opinion are as follows.

1.) No one build is going to accomplish everything, so you need to make a hand full of toons to get the job done.
2.) Decide what you want to accomplish, are you going for PvP or to kill a specific Boss or maybe a dual purpose when alotted.
3.) Do you need to be Crit Immune? Spell resistant? Have an exceptionally high Attack Bonus? Ect…
4.) Some excellent feats to consider on BadLands include in no specific order, Dev Crit, Epic Dodge, Epic Mage Armor, Epic Warding, Knock Down / Improved Knock Down, any Great Attribute feat, epic prowess, armor skin, blind fight.
5.) Don’t screw up your PRE-EPIC ATTACK BONUS!!!! By taking your 3rd class to early!
6.) I like to focus all attribute points into 1 attribute. Choose a subrace accordingly. A good basic dev-crit build will want all points into strength at character creation, then choose a subrace with a strength bonus to add even more. Same goes with a good dexer.
7.) Don’t use shitty weapons, there are excellent boss drops to be had, make sure you focus your build to use them. Research the links in the side bar of this blog to choose a good weapon.
8.) Don’t take your skill points for granted! Use them to the best of your ability without wasting them! Tumble, Use Magic Device, Heal, Concentration, Discipline, open lock are excellent ones to use if you didn’t already know that.
9.) Use a shield if you can! One of the best boss drops in all of BadLands is the Devastation Shield.
10.) Spend some time outlining your character on paper, don’t waste precious game time hoping you have all the requirements met for your character, a few minutes out of game goes along way to a successful in game character.
11.) Keep your equipment always maxed for what ever level you are currently at. If you’re lvl 16, make sure your armor and weapons are upgraded that high ect. Every little bit helps ensure your survival before you hit lvl 21 and can max out everything.
12.) Don’t forget to add extra spell slots to your cloak! Especially you mages and clerics out there!
13.) You can only have a +12 total attribute bonus to your gear, so don’t waste space and money adding more than that.
14.) Keep a watchful eye on your level splits, no need taking extra pale master if you don’t finish on a level that gets you that extra AC bonus.

These are just a few things you can do to make sure you do end up with a crappy character on BadLands RPG. Please make sure to add your advice in the comments section.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Character Building for BadLands RPG

The discussion about how to build a toon (character) is never finish, old, or boring. One more time, it has come up in-game. Most can't start a new topic here at The Blog, so I will because a few have asked for it. I will collect the links to the older topics and publish them here, then open it to an 'open mike night'.

If you find something I missed, send me the link so I can add it here. As new topics are made, I will try to add them to this list.

Let me remind you, that what works on one server may not work on another server.

Links arranged oldest to newest.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The New Evil Guild

Skullcrusher (Troll Snott) has reached level 50 and been given a guild slot. He wasn't my first choice in guild leaders, but Darian thinks enough about him and made it happen. But, nobody else was willing to stand up and say, "I want some abuse time too!"

"Black League"

"Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! Want us to steal candy from your baby brother? We will kill him to get it! Want your neighbors old dog kicked? We will castrate him too!"

Skullcrusher is one of those brash types that just rubs you the wrong way. Speaking of which, I've got a fresh story about Skullcrusher and a noob.

I was on the other day as Qwildurn DM. Not many players on and one I didn't know, so I port over to say High and welcome. This new player didn't waste any time complaining to me about Skullcrusher.
"I asked him a simple question and he got all mad and was real nasty to me. And then he lied to me and claimed to be a DM."
"Skullcrusher is one of my DM's.", I replied. "Me and all my DM's are players first, DM's second. You will find them playing more than DM'ing. What was it you wanted to know?"
Chatter continues and he tells me that a "good DM" will be happy to give new players armor and good stuff. I begin to tell him about the guilds and how the entire realm is one big playing field, and he says to me,
"Yes, I know all this. I had a level 59 before the wipe."
Did I fail to mention his question to Skullcrusher was, "What is there to do in this world?"
"No wonder Skullcrusher got pissed.", I was thinking.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Badass Hall of Fame

Who thinks they have what it takes to be a BadLands RPG Badass?

We all know it's easy to make a botched-up build. It's not all that hard to make a decent toon actually. But, who has what it takes to build a truly remarkable and outstanding character. And, why is this build of yours so damn tough? What has it (he/she) accomplished that is noteworthy? What is unique about your special toon?

This is not a trip down memory lane and what you had before the wipe, but rather, what have you done lately!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Guess Who's Back?

Shady's back...back again...Shady's back...tell a friend...guess who's back, on his back, been attacked, he's so whack...

Ok, I cant do much more of that. Anyway, after SWEARING that he's gone for good, and we can all suck it (ect) he's back. He says that he needs to recreate his "army" of toons before he'll make another guild, because you need an "army" to run a guild. That way when someone smacks your build around like a little bitch you can try to find one that can kill the bitch slapper. I remember him and Quad taking LITERALLY 20 minutes trying to come up with 2 builds that could kill Belpheron after I challenged him. Yeah, I challenged HIM and he wouldnt fight me without Quad there. It took me all of about 10 seconds to kill them both, after they had 20 minutes of preparation.

That's why I'm so excited about seeing Dano and Quad back together again. The server just wouldn't be as fun without them, and we wouldn't have as many opportunities for homosexual innuendo either.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Will the Real Slim Shady Please Learn the PK Rules?

Well, tonight was an extremely interesting evening. It's possible that we've seen the last of Dano, aka Shady, aka the leader of the Shady Undertakers. He got really upset about some events tonight and swore he was leaving, never to return. I think it's best to let these pictures do the talking.

Here you see some perfectly legal PK'ing going on. I don’t know what happened, I wasn’t there, but from the shouts it looks like there were 3 people there but only 1 fought Shady. And even if it was 3 on 1, it might be cowardly, but if you're going to be the leader of the Chaotic Evil Guild on a PK server, you're gonna be a target. You have to expect some of that. Anyway, witty banter ensues;

Now, here's where it gets interesting. Anyone who's fought Dano knows that when he gets killed, his typical response is to log off, get a toon that is higher level than the people who killed him and go get revenge. But he made a big mistake...he killed people who were MUCH lower level than him who were NOT in a guild. Can you say "PK POINTS?" anybody? The picture is worth a thousand words:

You’ll notice if you look carefully that Shady has switched toons. The one that Blade killed was around the same level, but Shady Shadow is level 57!! Also, I think he forgot that there was a mage nearby, and the mage, Rune Rifthook laid the smack down on him and killed him. And here’s where it gets really fun. Apparently Dano never took the time to read the PK rules, and didn’t know that if you get enough PK points and you get killed by a player, you get sent straight to Jail. Dano thinks the DM put him there, and hilarity ensues:

Look at the first line, he thinks the DM did it! He’s blaming the DM for not using the Jail system that put him in Jail…now THAT’S ironic!

People start feeling guilty and talking about their feelings:

And just to make sure that everyone knows exactly what happened, I made it very clear in a series of shouts:

Here’s a friendly little note to anyone who’s thinking of starting a Chaotic Evil PK guild: You might wanna know the PK Rules of the server.

Just a tip.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Name That Tune

Just how many musical references are there in BadLands RPG?
How many can you identify? Now try it with your eyes open!
I can think of a few, just off the top of my head. No doubt there's more. Some might be accidental. Clearly, most are intentional.

The winner will receive an all expense paid trip to beautiful downtown (where do you live again?)
The winner is responsible for all travel cost, housing, meals, hospitalization, tips, bail, bar tab, lodging, .... Don't forget to take your laptop so you play BadLands in our lovely lobby on our free WiFi (a rate of .25 will be applied to all out of town guests).

So hurry now and get your entry in early!

Will the real Evil Guild please stand up?

Ok, I just had a conversation with Shady (dano) who told me that contrary to my passionately held belief, the "Shady Undertakers" is not a massively lame name for an evil guild because "dude, look up Shady Underground on the internet, they're all bastards".

So I looked it up and realized that the supposedly evil guild on Badlands right now is named after the rapper Eminem. Now dont get me wrong, I think he's an awesome artist and I like his music, but really...RPG and all that, not to mention that the "Shady Undertakers" just makes me snicker.

So here's fair warning. Belpheron is level 40. So is Sidian Saine and Necur is getting close. While none of my toons are in a guild and I cant claim any territories, I'm just going to start bashing anyone I see that is glowing, regardless of the color, because as far as I'm concerned I havent seen a guild yet that is worthy of any respect.

If I'm wrong, show me, but expect a good fight.