Monday, February 18, 2008

The best part of playing a cleric is the buffs, the worst part is casting them

I've played on chaotic world and world of greyhawk. I like BL/RPG better but man could it use a sequencer rod. The rod version I saw in CW didn't seem to work in combat, and required that you have the spell memorized. I have no idea if it's easy to add, or a huge huge pain for the creator. But it's a huge pain having to sit there for 2 minutes and cast buff spell after buff spell. The worst part isn't the waiting. The worse part is Jim having his character claim to be bored over and over again.


darianthebold said...

This is true garble but there is a major benefit in what u say. Jim needs ur healing and magic to survive ...remind him of that next time hes there. Clerics keep people alive itf they cant wait learn to RESPAWN alot.

Garble said...

It doesn't matter if he needs my spells or not. Hell, he and Simon will say "Bored" Over and over while I'm casting buffs on them!

Matt McMinn said...

I'm bored.

Simon Hawk said...

The sequencer rod sounds pretty damn cool, I'd like to have one for the wizard buffs as well.

Even though it's boring, a good buff from Garble is always appreciated.

Matt McMinn said...

"Even though it's boring, a good buff from Garble is always appreciated."

You are so gay for saying that you're turning me gay.

Jim Brannick said...

I haven't played a pure melee in so long... all my current builds: Bard/RDD/PM, Cleric/Monk/Fighter, and Wiz/PM/SD all require considerable "buffing". But, not the kind of buffing that Garble and Simon do when they're alone.
So, the only time I'll rip on Garble is if he's casting a bunch of crappy first level spells that won't even stack with all his equipment and ability upgrades.
Oh, I will definitely give you an ear-full if you are buffing unnecessarily. By that, I mean using totally worthless buffs for the current situation. If you're farming ants, slap on a mind blank and a stoneskin. There's no need to go thru every quickslot you have and cast your freedom of movements, death wards and any other spells that won't do a lick of good vs. the current enemies.

Garble said...

You mean useless spells like Bless (+1 to ab&dmg) Protection from Evil (+2 to AC and immunity to mind affects vs evil) or mage armor (+1 dodge AC)?

Jim Brannick said...

Wow, who would've thought clerics would get sooooo defensive?

No, Garble, that's not what I meant (read the comment again). To clarify: people with full equipment upgrades that cast every single ability enhancers (e.g. Owl's wisdom, etc.) annoy me.
Does that make you feel better Cleric boy?

Garble said...

Wait, were we supposed to be nice and reasonable on this blog? Sorry, I'll keep that stuff for the house from here on.