Thursday, July 10, 2008

The 1.69 Upgrade is Public

It took so long I had begun to think it would never get finished and I almost forgot about it. The 1.69 Upgrade is now available. As I had feared, Fast French does not work with 1.69 NWNX2 does work with 1.69 and works with our existing database. But, but, but, (yes I stuttered), a conversion needs to made.
Fast French was built on the foundation of NWNX so the conversion should not be as bad as it sounds. Fast French and NWNX are 3rd party programs. They both act as a server monitor and will restart the module if it crashes or lags to hard. Also, they both take care of the data-base interface. The good news is NWNX can work with the data-base Fast French uses, MySQL. This means we won't lose our existing data. Data like: Boss Drop items, Guild stuff, bind location, the location we were (with in the last 15 seconds) when we logged off or crashed.

Until I can find or make a fix to this problem, BadLands will be using 1.68. If you upgraded to 1.69 and want to go back to 1.68 Bioware has that available.
You can also find 1.69 in other languages here.

1.69 has many new things:
8 new tile sets
100 new monsters
rideable horses for players
new armor
The list goes on. It's almost like a new game.

Back to the dungeon I go, Master.


Qwildurn said...

I have BadLands RPG 1.69 up in beta form now.
It has it's bugs still but most of the database/moniter functions work.
It is not ready to use the existing database information nor is it using the current server vault.
But if you want you can play there using the new 1.69 upgrade.
When I get the last of the database read/write issues resolved then I will make it the active BadLands and use the normal database and server vault.

What I'm trying to say is the 1.69 player information is TEMPORARY. You will not lose your player / guild / boss drop information that you've spent month on.

I will build the DM list now.

Qwildurn said...

I fixed the logon issue - it was a database read/write issue.
The subraces are not being built correctly yet.


Unknown said...

Will we have horses on our module? O.o

Qwildurn said...

Yes do have horse on our module.
Players can ride them too. To ride a horse you CAN NOT be a subrace.
Correction: You must have a normal player body. An Orc or Ogre can not ride a horse. A Dwark or Tiefling can.
There are some horses in Dozo. On your radial menu is a new set of icon so you can "Mount" a horse. The new icons can be put on your quick bar. Select "Mount" and target the horse.
There are some "known issues" that I have already seen in the beta releases. It will take time to cure these issues. Most of them should not be much trouble to take care of.

My priority is fixing the data-base. The 1.69 module is the updated module I've been working on, and has some other unfinished stuff. It all will happen in due time.


Unknown said...

help! i cant log on Badlands RGP 1.69 at all

it worked fine before i installed CEP

and downloaded some overrides....

i thought badlands supported overrides?

SF Daishi said...

Well, I'm gonna check it out! Thanks Q!

Qwildurn said...

BadLands RPG does not use CEP or any "HAKS". CEP 2 is not compatible with 1.69. The next version, CEP 2.1 will be 1.69 compatible. I can't decide if I will actually add CEP or not.
You having CEP or any HAK is not an issue. HAKS only get used if the hosting module calls for them. If you don't have a certain HAK that a module uses, you can't log on. BadLands RPG does not use any HAK.
BadLands RPG does use some overrides. Weather you have overrides or not, I don't think this is an issue. Renaming your override directory to override_1 would disable your overrides for the purpose of testing.
Please note: 1.69 installed about 8 overrides in your override folder. I don't know the use or importance of these files. I can't remember their names.
BadLands RPG was experiencing a "logon" failure. I had fixed this shortly before the posted "HELP". This was due to a database read/write error.

Important note: Until the severe bugs are worked out, BadLands 1.68 will be up and BadLands 1.69 will be considered "beta testing".
I was trying to work with the beta 1.69 releases, but Bioware kept changing stuff and I had to redo almost everything I made for 1.69. Now it's final and I need to start over, again.

Qwildurn said...

I fixed some more problems tonight. You will now be returned to where you logged off from and your hit points will restored to their logoff state.
I worked on the horse riding stuff some too. You will no longer "float" if you logoff while on a horse.
New subraces are still not being built properly, and HGLL is not adding levels correctly.

Qwildurn said...

It seems that the HGLL engine works on the server but not on my private tester. Go figuare! The DARII subrace engine is still not working. DAR has always been problem-matic while HGLL has been bulletproof. I think I now know the solution, but I can't get to it till tomarrow.

This never gets old: A noob logged on and attacked the first NPC he say. Of course the NPC fought back and won! So now the noob shouts out, "This server sucks!" ROF-LMAO


Qwildurn said...

Scratch that - the HGLL leveler is not working. But the Hit Points Max is working. I just tried to build a 41 real quick at my Ladies house. Subrace, and HGLL are not working. I can't even spell frustrated or disappointed and I think I am both right now :(

Qwildurn said...

After a lot of false promises, the next chapter of BadLands is ready.

I had to convert the database interface from Fast French to NWNX. And then I had to disable wings and tails on subraces. I can put wings and tails on players, but just in a different fashion.

So.... damn I'm tired.


Qwildurn said...

You will get your wings and tail back, just not today.

Simon Hawk said...

So I take it this means BadLands 1.69 is ready to play?

One dumb question, will our existing characters from 1.68 be useable on the new server?

Thanks again for the hard work.

Qwildurn said...

yes, yes, YES

Simon Hawk said...

lol, Best voice set ever. :)