Ok people, here's a bit of advice for you to make all our lives a little better. If you're a high level character in a lower level area, PLEASE kill the monsters you spawn whenever possible. We're all guilty in one way or another of mega-spawning monsters that end up killing lowbies trying to XP their characters. Well this past weekend somebody (not me) mega spawned a massive amount of bears and left them on the mountain. Guess what happened next? Thats right, our very own Qwildurn walked right into that huge pile of pissed-off teeth and claws with his new character and got ripped to shreds. Why is this such a big deal you may ask? I'll tell you why, it's a big deal because Qwildurn is the host and DM of BadLandsRPG and when you piss him off, bad shit happens. Hellie Layne and a few others paid with their lives that fateful day. I don't like dieing for other peoples mistakes so please kill your mega-spawns if you're walking through an area.
(The picture below is an example of how to kill the mega-spawned bears.) :P
That's only half the story!
It actually began the night before when I died to mega-spawns while killing bears. At level 25, one bear is a lot for a single player. And then some high level player sweeps by and leaves not just the five he spawns but the other ten that are (were) chasing him. Now I got fifteen bears on me. Did I mention I was a low level 25?
Well, I died! In a fast bloody way!
I was tired and logged. When I logged back on the next morning, guess what happened? I logged into a ambush of bears! A new swarm of angry bears was there! I actually had figured I would be safe there because I knew I was not on a trigger. (yes I know where ALL the triggers are). I died to fast to see more than one bear so I re-spawned, buffed and ported back to die to a hornets nest of bears.
If you lost count, I died three (3) times in one spot to monsters I did not spawn. If anybody tries to say they wouldn't be pissed, we all know they are lying.
I got my DM and killed every player that had enough hit points to be able to spawn that many bears. Three of the four players were Innocent I'm sure. Then I singled out a player in the area that clearly wasn't killing his own spawns on the way to Bosses. I gave him bears until there was no room to move. The bears could not hurt him, but I kept spawning bears until his buffs wore off.
Then he died.
I bet you can't guess who complained about being killed by monsters he did not spawn.
lol! I wish you would've gotten a screen-cap of the bears you kept dropping on that person. That would've been great. :)
It was not the first and won't be the last time this kind of thing happens.. that's for sure..
And Simon, you can always bug Vedd.. He'll be more than pleased to mega spawn monsters on you.. :D
Well, I have a question about Roleplay and Alignment when it comes to mega-spawning.
If the reasons to kill your spawns are more meta-game like not clogging up the server and creating lag, then that applies to everyone. But what about an Evil character, especially one that is Chaotic? If the reason to kill off your spawns is so they do not kill lowbies, then that Chaotic Evil character would be completely unmotivated to kill those spawns. In fact, he might enjoy running through areas creating lots of monsters in the HOPES that they will kill other charactes.
I guess this is targeted mainly at Q. Do you want us to kill our spawns "Because the Server Host wants us to" or do you want us to kill our spawns so that others wont be killed by them? I'm not saying there's anything wrong with either one, I would just like some clarification :)
I know you will ROF-LYAO, but I don't know how to take a scene shot. It wouldn't have done much good because he kept casting darkness and not even a DM is immune to darkness. There just wasn't much to see until he died.
No doubt it won't be the last time mega-spawns kill somebody.
Deurack brings up a valid point. Just what is my stand-point for all of this? And what about the "Role-Play" aspect? This particular individual was not chaotic or evil. Most of the players I've checked into were not chaotic or evil. There has only been one or two players that were chaotic and/or evil and they did point that out. I had no real choice except to back down some.
Most are just lazy and don't want to be bothered with it. I do know, as the player that I am, what a pain it really is to kill swarms of monsters and not get any real xp for it. All buffed up and no place to go. I suppose I could mumble something about responsibility.
My biggest reason is personal I suppose. It's not so much that I don't like dieing, it's the reasons that I die that bother me. Why should I have to suffer because somebody else is lazy and then makes up cheap excuses as to why it's OK.
If you want to kill players do it direct.
One of the reasons I stopped playing on Leaf's server, after several years as a regular player, was that I got tired of all the mindless PKing. I got tired of being killed by players that I had no defense against. Players that were bored and thought it was funny to be invisible and watch noobs die by the swarms of spawns. High level players going into low level areas and stealing (killing the mini bosses) the quests they can't even use. (that would be Bane in Savored Sands)
I realized that I would have to run my own server if I wanted things to be different.
Leaf Stone, the original builder of BadLands, refers to the differences as, "The Past" and "The Future". The Lawless Past and The Lawful Future. It's not that I wanted to bring Law into a Lawless land. It's that I wanted the Spirit of DND to be a part of BadLands.
I really and truly love BadLands. I don't want to take away from the BAD in BadLands. And I don't like thinking of it as bad-Players. It is BAD-LANDS. Paladins acting like a psychotic axe-murderer and killing noobs IS NOT in the Spirit of DND.
If certain actions are done in such a manner that it can be viewed as Role-Play, I'm good with it. If a DM is on and things of question are pre-approved and DM supervised I've got no argument. If no DM is around, then.....
Give the other players a chance to get back and not feel so cheap and used.
Story: I was in a group of 5 or 6 and we were about level 13 or so hunting trolls in Mosquito Wolfe. A high-level named WarPath came through and killed us all. We all re-spawned, came back and rested. I don't remember anybody buffing up. WarPath was up on the cliff looking down at us in the canyon and I was in a spot he might not have been able to see me. The others were further away from him. I guess this high-level thought he was immune to use and rested. Knowing he would be blind if I attacked I did. The party joined in and we had a glorious battle. I died as did most of us. But one of us got him on a crit and WarPath died. We rezed and rested, stood around bragging about how bad we were that we killed WarPath. We should have thought to leave before WarPath came back and killed us again. But somehow it just didn't seem to matter anymore because we had killed WarPath.
Qwildurn Bluemoon
LOL! Q, all you have to do is press the "Print Screen" button to take a screen capture. Then what I do is open microsoft paint (because thats all I have) and 'paste' the image there and then save-as .jpg.
I have a role-play mega-spawn question as well. What if I'm trying to hunt down an opposing guild champion or warlord in order to gain a key to a fortress. If I spend all my time killing mega-spawns then I'd never find said person, and if I did manage to find them I'd be totally out of spells by that point.
Usually what I do is kill my spawns if I'm doing something mundane like going to buy heal-kits or walking to an outpost to do a boss kill.
Any thoughts?
Everything comes to in which side you are when that happens.. if you are on the bashed to pieces' side, you'll be a little bit pissed off.. you may think to retaliate or leave it be..
Your point is valid but that lvl 28 that came all the way from lurid caves has nothing to do with that.. and still, he'll be squashed like a bug once he gets to the mega spawned area..
It will always come to this dilemma.. "Im evil" or "I'm hunting someone. If I stop to kill my spawns, I'll lose track of my prey".
Sure, they all make good and reasonable points but in the end, someone is gonna get screwed by that..
One way to prevent some of that is to make regular "Fortresses tournaments" so ppl won't need to run all server trying to find someone..
It is a way to give every guild a chance to capture a fortress. Relying only on killing a champ isn't working good enough lately..
Oki, with that being said, I need to ask a question because I'm ignorant in this subject.
Can the spawn points be edited in such a way to limit the number of creaturs? OR can the spawn point 'read' that there is a high level character on the trigger so 'don't spawn 90,000' monsters? I think that would be awesome and helpful.
And on to Deimonos's fortress comment, I think either the tournament idea is good and would be fun, but if the DM's are too busy I think the next best alternative is to make ALL outposts and fortresses claimable by killing bosses to gain access.
Guild champions and warlords are never on enough to make claiming the forts possible. If you made everything accessable by boss killing then the players could defend their territories or forts if they see the server shout "so & so killed the mighty fortress guard". I think it would make things self sufficent and would allow the DM's to do DM stuff rather than babysit a tournament.
Having worked with Q's monster triggers, I don't know if that's possible since they were made exactly to notice the difference between a lvl 40 and a lvl 55.. thing that the bioware version doesn't do..
But I think it'd better if Q answered that one..
About the fortress stuff.. I think that would be interesting.. And maybe instead of only one guardian.. two should be a reasonable challenge.. so one couldn't do it alone.. it would take a group effort.. hmm
How cool would be to walk into an area and see the drow wm hanging with Ryuji? :D
Damn, after writing up a long reply I crashed and lost it. I thought I copied it into my clipboard too. It will have to wait until another time now.
Q! grrrr
More appropriately titled:
Random Thoughts of Un-Organized Crime
Coricho Krown was a big influence in changing the guilds to Outposts and Fortresses. I turned down his suggestion of Boss controlled keys because I didn't want the Fortresses to be stolen while you where sleeping (logged out). They are TOUGH FORTRESSES not weak outposts. But it has always been a problem that not enough high-ranking-players are logged in. Another reason I set the key-system up the way I did was lack of trustworthy DM's. (Not a current problem).
I could lower the rank-level so more Guild Members can be targets.
What other ideas can we come up with?
Although an epic, not epic, LEGENDARY BATTLE of bosses might work. A different set of bosses guarding each outpost.
Monster Triggers: There are two types of monster triggers in BadLands RPG.
The Bioware trigger.
My Monster Spawn trigger system.
Bioware triggers do not know the difference between a level 40 and a level 60 character. That's why I made my own trigger system. Most of what Bioware did is hard-coded and can't be changed.
Both trigger systems are set to create 2-5 monsters normally. (builder adjustable)
When a Bioware trigger is activated, it reads ALL players in the AOE, regardless of party. This means that a high-level-char only has to be in the area and mega-swarms are created.
When MY trigger is activated, it only reads the PARTY MEMBERS in the AOE, ignoring any other players not in the triggering party. Now that the random part of this is working I plan on changing most of the realm over and this would help slow down the mega-swarms.
I can add a MAX-MONSTER-COUNT for an area.
I could set it so that if you are over a certain level (for the area) you don't create any spawns. ... hmmm .... this might work.
I have often thought about counting the spawns created by each player. I would have to un-count them as they died. If a player had too many LIVING MONSTERS then the server could do something............ If a player then died to these swarms it could be part of the PK System.
Then I think about all the NEW problems this could bring about and decide it's not fool-proof.
So, what do we track and what do we do with that information? I'm open to ideas.
As far as hunting players and having monsters to deal with at the same time.... The monsters are a common enemy. Both you and your prey might die to them.
Having more high-level-areas with less need to travel through noob-land has it's merits.
Lets not forget that in this WORLD LEVEL game of Capture-The-Flag, we are sharing the world with NON-PLAYERS. If every player logged on was in a guild and actively playing HUNT-THE-ENEMY, it wouldn't matter much what else happened. But there are NON-PLAYERS in this world and they don't want to be innocent victims of stray bullets. As a Guild Member this becomes your responsibility to keep the noob death to as small a count as possible.
It is so stated in your guild book.
I'm stopping now to catch my breath.
- Q
""I could set it so that if you are over a certain level (for the area) you don't create any spawns. ... hmmm .... this might work.""
I like that Idea Q. You dont earn XP anyways so why spawn the monsters in the first place. Just seems to cause trouble for those using high level characters.
""I have often thought about counting the spawns created by each player. I would have to un-count them as they died. If a player had too many LIVING MONSTERS then the server could do something............ If a player then died to these swarms it could be part of the PK System.
Then I think about all the NEW problems this could bring about and decide it's not fool-proof.
So, what do we track and what do we do with that information? I'm open to ideas.""
Sounds like to much work and has the potential for alot of bugs. Don't make yourself work to hard now.
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