Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Let us Port up the Mountain beyond North Face :)

Hiya Blade here,

I have some thoughts & observations which if implemented might save us from some of the problems of the " Mega Spawn ".

In my experience, worse than the Polar Bears, is when Legendary chars want to go get their new Shark Boots. I have about 20 chars that could use this upgrade, and it is increasingly difficult to find a time when the server is quiet enough to send your level 50+ up to the shark without causing some disruption to other players. The last few times I have taken to going invis from Northbound through the Beetles on South Sheelo and round the back way to Lonely Slopes to avoid causing spawns on North Face where people are more likely to log in and want to play.

What i would like is some sort of equivalent to " Snow Pipes " to get us up the mountain higher to say where the new +6 Crafting Stuff will be :)

Maybe this Port Stone could be Level Limited to Level 41 ?

I tend to leave my characters bound in the UDark, but for those that bind in Mountain Shelter it can be useful to capture the outpost in the UDark, so that you can port your champions down there without running through the sewers.

Another observation (Hope this isn't too much of a spoiler ), but the Ancient Caverns Outpost allows the option to port to a number of locations around the Game World, maybe this sort of thing could be implemented more ........ " Greater freedom of movement " to alleviate these problems when moving the higher level chars around :)

All the Best ...........Blade :)


Simon Hawk said...

I think having a portal in the unused "Mad Clerics Tower" would be great. The area already exists so why not utilize it.

But, on the other hand, if the mega-spawn issue is corrected then it won't be that much trouble to get to the shark from northbound either. Hmmm, options options.

Deurack said...

Yeah, either solution would be nice. Either the ability to port to that tower or just making it so that the triggers didnt spawn anything unless you were at the right level.

A different, more "Round-a-bout" path that gets you to the Lonely Slopes so you can get to the shark is to port to Northbound, go up past the shelter and up to the next level. Go through the cave with the giants and sprint past StridAst. This will put you on the Lonely Slopes without having to deal with Spiders, Formians or Beetles, although you will be forced to slaughter a large amount of Bears and Undead.

Qwildurn said...

Blade said: ...(Hope this isn't too much of a spoiler ), but the Ancient Caverns Outpost allows the option to port to a number of locations around the Game World, maybe this sort of thing could be implemented more ........ " Greater freedom of movement " to alleviate these problems when moving the higher level chars around :)

It's not to much of a spoiler. In fact it could help attract new guild member or even a guild war. I'm sure that there are a few more Outposts or even Fortresses with this feature.
Go look in the Newport Barracks.

These are some good ideas and feadback.
The Mad Clerics Tower would be a great place for a bind point, a port stone, or even an Outpost.
ATM, the upgraded module I've been working on includes some stuff inside this tower (a +6 shop for melee builds). I think I did include a "World Portal" in this. Not sure now.

To set it so you can Free Roam if you're to high for an area would be easy to do, but only on my Monster Triggers. Maybe something like: You must be over level 40 and 10 levels above the expected.
Just an added bonus of being Legendary.


Deurack said...

I vote for both updated "No Mega-Spawning Triggers" and a new port in the tower, but then I'm not doing the work :)

As far as I know the Newport Barracks only lets you go to one specific place...and there's no way out of that place. That seems to be of limited use, unless the Barracks have secrets that I have yet to unlock, which is certainly possible.

Qwildurn said...

I just checked the barracks with my DM and it's not a world portal - it used to be.

Deurack said...

I also wanted to toss my 2 cents in on the idea of multiple bosses/guardians for Fortresses/Outposts. Seems like a pretty good idea to me, especially considering that most of the players who have been around for a while can kill almost any boss they want using whichever build is best suited to that particular boss. There are bosses that are super easy for Mages (Sheelo, StridAst) but some that are pretty difficult (Ryuji, Sabbath) and others that can be bashed by a good Melee build (Medusa, Rakshasa) and others that are very difficult (Meph, StridAst). Combining these bosses would make the process of claiming territories or fortresses MUCH more difficult. Also, there are monsters in the game that could be added to a room (even continuously spawning during the fight?) that could make it much more difficult. Mega Minions, Glooms and ... dang...what's the name of the female looking monster that's near the Glooms that casts "dispel magic"...anyway, you know what I mean. Having those things dispel buffs while Glooms try to sneak attack you would make killing a boss much more difficult.

Also, I dont think anyone would disagree that Mages have a very easy time with MOST of the bosses in this game. It's very well known that if you want to make a "Boss Killer" you make a 29/10/1 Wiz/PM/??? build. You can see them running around all over.

I can only think of one boss (Sabbath) that has SR. There are a few that seem to be immune to some types/levels of magic and those are diffinitely very difficult for mages to kill, but not completely impossible. The boss type that is conspicuously missing is a Mage that has rediculous SR (like 80). I know the Drow Mage is pretty Badass, especially with the Weapon master in there with her, but the 29/10/1 build can kill them easily. If there was a boss that could not be knocked down, IGMS'ed or Critted, that actually behaved like a good mage would, but that a good Melee'er could kill, I think it would make people happy. As it is now, Mages have an overwhelming advantage in killing bosses and therefore claiming territories. My level 55 Monk/Cleric/SD can only kill a few bosses that are connected to outposts, while my 29/10/1 can kill all but one.

Deurack said...

Correction, my mage can kill all but 2... :P

Simon Hawk said...

Way to go Deurack. Now we'll have to WORK for a living. :P

My only concern is having to rely on other players to accomplish a task, and that is difficult due to schedule & game play time issues with everyone. It is fun though partying with people to do stuff, dont get me wrong.

Other than that, I say bring on some new challenging bosses.

Garble said...

I think new anything would be cool. But if I wanted to make life harder for the current 'good' builds I'd add

1. Another Monk based boss with reasonable AC and high SR.

2. Spawns that cast greater dispel. Most of the good melee/cleric or cleric/PM builds take 15-20 levels of cleric. Greater disspell would slow them way down. or a paladin
boss with a nice holy avenger.

3. Traps. Chests with traps, and locked chests that can't be bashed open. These should also give exp. That might make it more useful to multi-class rogue. At the moment, there's not a lot of point to that.

4. A cleric based boss would be cool if not for the AOE restriction. SOV, Blade Barrier, Harms and if that doesn't work they'll hit you with a club. Also a boss with half a dozen greater restorations would be tuff.

Qwildurn said...

Simon Hawk said...
My only concern is having to rely on other players to accomplish a task, and that is difficult due to schedule & game play time issues with everyone. It is fun though partying with people to do stuff, dont get me wrong.

That's what makes a GOOD leader, being able to schedule things and manage people. You could include some guild requirements about making certain events.
But since we all live in all parts of the world with real life schedules, it needs to be understood that we all can't stay up all night or skip school or work just to play a game.

Qwildurn said...

Garble said...
I think new anything would be cool. But if I wanted to make life harder for the current 'good' builds I'd add...

Anything new would be cool. Anybody that disagrees deserves to be PKed.

Some of that is in works actually. The other stuff is good ideas and should be added.

I will review anything the players send me. If you care to build anything in the Tool Editor and send me an ERF or Mini-Mod, I will be more than happy to review it and use it if I like it.

The Desert Mines were sent in by a player named Boom. All I had to do was tie in the area transitions and Boom knew exactly were he wanted them.
Bebilith was sent in by a player, I had to make some adjustments but it was helpful.
Darien and some others have sent me the information on numerous Sub-Races that I've used directly or with modifications.
Deimonos has sent me Boss changes and some terrific areas with new monsters and a Boss. This will be included with the next module upgrade.
When I actually get it finished and available for testing it will be a lot of new stuff.

Don't be shy! Don't be afraid! Build something that you think fits and send it in.

email to: qwildurn@verizon.net