Sunday, July 27, 2008

SF Daishi for DM :)

Hiya Blade here,

I wish to propose SF Daishi for the role of " Dungeon Master " and can vouch for his integrity. I have had the pleasure of playing Neverwinter Nights with him and his family members on a few different servers including the Permanent World " Dalakora ". I understand that he has been working on finding out all he can to assist him DM on Badlands RPG. He has even been the DM for Quildurn on Dalakora if i understand correctly.

May I encourage all those who are in favour to add their post comments to this one :)

All the Best ...........Blade

PS this should help a lot during US playtimes :)


Qwildurn said...

I do have an older copy Dalakora which I hosted as a private game. This was for the sole purpose of SF Dashi showing me some stuff and giving me a Grand Tour. We were both in DM mode. SF seemed to learn the DM menu quickly (or already knew it). And the tour was Grand.

We could use another DM, and I do prefer long-term players who "know the ropes" at BadLands RPG.

Without commenting on SF, or anybody else, I decide who we try as a DM. I don't make this decision lightly and I always discuss an important decision like this with my DM's, not by a tabloid consensus. I have had to fire more DM's than I care to remember.


SF Daishi said...

Yes the Dalakora mod is posted on my website! I remember sending Q the link. I have to say this is super nice to be nominated by Blade. You're too cool pal! As Blade said yes not a lot of DM's on in the morning or early afternoon. OFTEN. Sometimes I remember that I can post my issue or email the dm's to let them know of my (or someones) issue. But , I just go see what's on the T.V.
Love peace and chicken grease , SF

Deurack said...

Jeez, Blade is back for 2 days and he's already nominating DM's...what arrogance!

Just kidding of course. I dont know SF very well bet he seems a decent guy. I will say that having more DM's would definitely be a good thing. Sometimes newbies have to wait HOURS to beg a DM for buffs, and that's just sad!

Garble said...

Creeping Doom is a nice buff. So are enervation and petrify.

Qwildurn said...

Deurack said...
Sometimes newbies have to wait HOURS to beg a DM for buffs, and that's just sad!

ROF-LMAO What's sad is players who think it's the DM's job to buff them. It's a player's job to buff players. DM buffs are week anyway. We don't have any levels and buffs use caster levels for time and power. Even a poorly built caster will have better buffs than a DM. You high level casters could make gold buffing low-level chars. Or selling wands. Noobs can sell blank scrolls to mages.

Be creative. Think outside the DM.
Like garble. Fireball and Ice Storm make good buffs too.

Blade said...

Hiya Blade here :)

(Pulls foot out of sticky treacle)

I believe the primary role of the DM is to balance the game, either Pain or Gain :)

But the Game should also be fun fun fun.

Some things i remember from when i first came online........:-
Memorable DM stuff:-

I remember a DM " Gating In like a Balor or Succubus.....awesome!!!

I remember my fairly low lvl char, say lvl 10, being whisked away by DM and plonked in an Arena and he was " Tested "...experimentation gotta love it!!!

All sorts of low level monsters were thrown at him, with chances to rest in between, and Rezs when neccessary. Then the monsters got harder lol. At the end the DM Rewarded the newbie according to how well he judged he had built his character :)

I know we are an "Action " server and so lvl up very fast, but many players spend a lot of levels in Newport Sewers, this sort of Testing might make for a spot of "Light Relief " lol

I would love to search the Badlands for " Black Barrels " with chance to find something unusual perhaps or maybe valuble?

I know we have had issues with placeables causing lag in the past, but we have a new servwr now.

i would love to be able to find a hidden entrance to a DM built area, with maybe the ability to "combust" or blow up with gunpowder some obstruction to get through to the prize....:)

Does anybody else have any interesting memories of DM involvement ?.....other than just " Can you relevel my char please ....kind Mr DM ? "

All the Best ..Blade the Arrogant:)

Simon Hawk said...

""Be creative. Think outside the DM.
Like garble. Fireball and Ice Storm make good buffs too.

I'm going to start using the "KILL" button more. Everyone beware. :P

Deurack said...

Oh, I remember all sorts of things, most of them are very similar to your memories. I had a new build in the Dozo Ruins and one of the DM's (I think it was Q, not sure) came and began spawning lots of undead to test the difficulty of the monstes in relation to the build I had. He started with a few Zombies and gradually moved the difficulty up until I was dying fairly quickly and he got tired of rez'ing me. It was good though, he helped me get about 3 or 4 levels very fast.

There was another time that Q did an event with me and another person where the Drow in the Underdark began coming out of the Stronghold and attacking me in the Beholder tunnels. It was quite a while ago, but I believe they were attempting to convince me to leave the Underdark and never return. It took an army of them to kill me (I believe I was using an early version of Sidian) but they eventually did, and we called a truce where I would not hunt the Drow anymore.

Then another DM that is no longer with us began to have the Drow invade Dozo and the area where the Kobolds are. I fought through hordes of Drow, Driders, Manticores and other monsters to 'save the city' from the rampaging horde. Pretty fun times.

Deurack said...

Oh, and on the subject of giving out "Deadly Buffs", I can certainly relate to the frustration of newbies begging for buffs and gold, and most of the time that happens in Dozo or I would probably unleash some wrath upon them as well, but I have taken to trying to educate the simpletons instead of eradicating them.

Let’s be honest, more players on the server is a good thing, regardless of what your objectives are. If you like PK, you have more targets. If you like Party Play, you have more people to group with. If you are trying to build the strength of your guild, having a larger base of people to choose from ensures better candidates. However, if the new players get on the server and get immolated or frozen to death by a highby when they ask for money or buffs, they might just leave. And even if they stay, their learning curve will be slower than if we point them in the right direction.

Dont get me wrong, I DO NOT hand out buffs or gold to people that ask me. I used to, and I realized how stupid and non-productive it is. It creates insipid, clingy, helpless players with a sense of entitlement that end up either creating irritating, incompetent characters that get stuck at level 30 or they just create more new characters that they assume are entitled to the same free shit that got their previous build to level 30.

I have found that a much better approach is to try to educate the newbie as to how easy it is to get gold and buffs on the server. The healer will give them all the buffs they need for a very low price, and it’s extremely easy to get enough gold to supply those buffs, even for a level 3. Some of them will complain and hopefully leave, but I’m hoping that more of them will use the information to get better acquainted with the server and become competent players.

That way I can kill them later without racking up tons of PK Points :P

Qwildurn said...

Deurack said...
Let’s be honest, more players on the server is a good thing, regardless of what your objectives are.

I think it's safe to add that it's just more fun with more players, even if you like to solo.

When I first started playing NWN online, oh so many years ago, I chose servers based on the name and/or description. My conclusion was usually made in the first 15 minutes, "Oh this server sucks!"

Eventually I started choosing server based on popularity (amount of players). BadLands was at the top of the list. Always, for years. It took me about five minutes to say, "I like this server!"

Since then I have tried other servers. Even though there are plenty of other good servers out there, I always came home to BadLands.

I eventually decided I wanted to build my own game world. That didn't work out to well. I was pretty lost (not pretty and lost) in the tool editor.

I eventually got my grubby little hands on an old copy of BadLands. I figured I would use it as a pattern to learn how to do things.

About this time, the only BadLands server went down and I started hosting BadLands. Overs the years, others BadLands servers have come and gone. Some servers have re-named BadLands and re-vamped it.

BadLands 1095c came online just a few weeks after BadLands RPG. BadLands RPG and BadLands 1095c are the only two BadLands server with continued consistency.

BadLands 3k has changed hands many times and goes up and down as the server hosts get tired of it.

BadLands 2k has followed a similar trend. I was the last server host of 2082. Leaf has not sent me an updated version for 1.69. Leaf has giving me permission to merge the two modules together. Effectively bringing the newer bosses, areas, boss drops, quest items and such from 2082 and adding them to RPG.

Hmmm..... How did the topic swing from "A New DM" to "The Amount of Players" to "The History of The World"?

Qwildurn, The Queen of BadLands