Thursday, July 24, 2008

"Blade " is alive and well :)

Hiya, Blade here........

I am reporting back after my computer failed me and has just been returned to me. I am having to reinstall all my software. Congratulations to Q on all his hard work on the server during my absence in the last 3 weeks, excellent progress ............well done. I shall just install up to 1.69 and enjoy the new server in all it's glory. I am hoping that some trace of "Free Blades " still remains, and that i will still have my existing characters ?

All the Best .........hope to see you guys again soon :)



Deurack said...

Glad to hear you're back, I'm looking forward to bashing you soon :P

Qwildurn said...

Yes, all your character files and database info is there and waiting.

Simon Hawk said...

Welcome back, Blizzade.

SF Daishi said...

Glad your back buddie! People were asking .... I had no idea where u went. Wasnt about to send you another are you mad e-mails lmao!

Qwildurn said...

Welcome back!