Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The New Hardware and ISP is Working

I just want to say that I think the new server hardware changes, including the new ISP, are finally working well.
I have resolved the "crashing without players" issue by adding a "dummy" script that forces some constant activity. It generates about as much activity as one player. I've been able to play alone on BadLands RPG, BadLands 2082, and BadLands 1095 for several hours each without a crash. Unless we get a constant 40 players this should not create any lag. I can alter it to turn it's self off/on at a certain number of players but until that's needed I won't.

I am currently hosting three modules, RPG, 2082 and 1095. Mostly just to see if I can. Partly so players can see what the original BadLands was like. Which brings up the question, "What is original?" BadLands 1095 was the last public release by the original author, Leaf Stone. From that common point all other BadLands modules have gone separate directions. BadLands 2082 is Leaf's continued direction which I host for Leaf. As to why BadLands 1095 was made public and Leaf suddenly made such drastic changes to BadLands is a whole new blog and a lot of BadLands (dirty) history would have to be retold. I was a part of this history so most of it would be first hand.

I did set the DM list on all 3 mods to be the same, but it's unfair to expect anybody to actively DM more than one mod.

The downloads are being sent at full speed and what took 45 minutes now takes about 5 minutes to download. And it does not seem to make the server lag like it used to.

Qwildurn Bluemoon


Blade said...

Server is great, and i can play all day :) Thankyou Q for all you have done and continue to do on our behalf :)

All the Best ........Blade

Qwildurn said...

Please fix the link on this site to my web. Just add :8080 into the current address to look like:


Thank You

Simon Hawk said...

Oki, the link should be fixed now.

Qwildurn said...

It is. Thank you.