Everyone grouped at Hot Cave of Madness for the fortress battle.
Free Blades had Thor and Lycan.
The other side, the combined forces of Chimeria, Phury Shadowblade (both from Shadow Blades) and Merin Kensai (Warlord of the new Sword Saints guild)
First bout ended quickly with thor dev critting his opponents..
Second was no different and ended with Free Blades winning easily..
Then Chimeria had to leave and Merin/Phury team had a new member coming to their aid, the mighty Uthlari Rendflesh from Death Dealers.
Merin and Phury were already down but Rendflesh was calm. He came striding into the battlefield and with strong hits, he bashed Lycan to oblivion.
and then went after Thor. After a couple of minutes of a well balanced brawl, Rendflesh got the upper hand and Thor had no choice but to retreat. Trying to heal himself, the free blader couldn't dodge nor block Rendflesh's attacks, so he was defeated in this epic battle..
After everyone left, it was up to Uthlari and Lycan. Good and old 1 vs. 1.
Uthlari gave his best. Couple of strong and deadly hits on Lycan but the latter knew how strong the half-orc was, so he relied on his divine powers to defeat the DD member.
2 well placed harms and Uthlari was badly wounded but he didn't give up, he kept swinging. Lycan said the magic words and another harm came flying into the orc's body and he couldn't fight anymore..
Free Blades had won the Fortress Battle!!
It was time for Lycan to choose wich fortress he wanted. And he thought UD was a good choice.
Yep, it worked alright. It'd be more interesting if we had way more members, especially from other guilds as well.
Hmm, next time I'll remember to hit TAB so you can see who's who in the pics..
""It'd be more interesting if we had way more members, especially from other guilds as well.""
Schedule a day and time in advance and make sure to advertise it so players can plan ahead for it. I would have stuck around yesterday had I know you guys were going to do that.
We just got the idea by noticing the recent lack of activity from the former owner of the UD fortress, Bloodkin.
Seing 4 warlords on, you, Phury, zenblade and Merin, it striked me as an opportunity to make that happen.. by the time I was about to send a tell to ya, you said bye and logged of.. :(
Next time, we'll be sure to tell everyone about it in advance..
Yeah, I would have loved to have gotten in on that action. I was pretty much just hanging out last night and would have loved to PK some peeps :)
I do like the idea of the tournaments for ownership of the Fortresses, looking forward to having a regularly scheduled Bash Fest :)
BTW, what's the story on the new Sword Saints guild? First I've heard of it, and I hardly remember seeing Merin Kenai on at all...funny how people who play at different times can get to really high levels without you seeing them :P
Funny to hear you say that..
You are the one barely playing lately.. Merin on the other hand is on every day.. not a surprise she got a char high enough to be a warlord..
More info about that, you should really log on and talk me some.. I'll have some news for ya..
lol, guess you got me there. I've been really focused on school lately but I'm almost done. I'll be around more often soon :)
Totally awesome. Nice pics and write up too. To bad I missed all the fun :(
We can't have (or won't) have regular scheduled battles for Fortresses. Any Fortress that appears to be abandoned becomes subject of a "Hostile Takeover", (LOL), just as the UD Fortress was. Simply not logging in with high-ranking members often enough (to give the enemy a chance) can be considered ABANDONMENT.
If you want regular scheduled tournaments (DM run) that can happen. Since we only have two active DM's, the time will need to be to their convenience. I can add a permanent sign in Dozo, Newport and Underdark displaying this time. Say every Saturday at 8:00 GMT, for example. We could even have two or three tourneys per week.
I used GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) because we all live in different time zones.
I don't have a problem adding more DM's to the help out, but, the reason we only have Darian and Deimomos is because most of the players I've tried as DM were untrustworthy or some other terrible thing and I had to fire them.
I never add on a DM, or any other major decision, without discussing it with ALL my DM's first.
I guess I kinda jumped the gun as far scheduling tournys. I was just kinda talking out of my ass (as usual) because I missed out on the brawl. Whatever happens, happens.
Yeah, I like the idea of putting "abandoned" Fortresses up for grabs :)
"We just got the idea by noticing the recent lack of activity from the former owner of the UD fortress, Bloodkin."
10 days isnt that much >_>
and i lost the emerald fortress too.. :\
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