Friday, June 27, 2008

Server Problem

Posting here as unable to contact Quildurn on his email ( )

Problem :- Server only lasts for a few minutes and then restarts / this repeats all day

Hiya Quildurn, Blade here.

I was playing fine this morning until 07.30 AM (GMT) when the server restarted with this problem again. I have been unable to play properly during the daytime in UK because of this.

It seems to resolve itself later in the day, not sure what time, maybe 12 hours later ? or when someone has intervened ?

I play all day long, or I used to lol , but now a big chunk of my daily gameplaying has gone :(

All i can do whilst the server is like this is to quickly kill the Royal Assassin if i'm lucky:(

Iwould be grateful if you could look into this, as i love to play ( at all hours !!!! )

All the Best ............Blade (zenblade)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Death Warrant

So I had my first run-in with Nubbie (Monk20/Rogue19/SD1; login name- Tyrswrath) a couple nights ago. I come to find out afterwards that Simon has had altercations with this douche-bag before. Anyway, here's what happened:
I'm running around the Subterraneum with one of my level 30's trying to grind out a level before I hang it up for the night. After running the circuit a few times, I was getting low on cleric buffs, but since I was close to level I thought I'd push it a little. I round the corner only to find a ton of spawns- my first clue that a level 40+ was in the vicinity. Usually, this isn't an uncommon occurrence in the Subterraneum because any Uber PC that wants a shot at Ryuji has to cut through there. Since azers and umber hulks are a joke for that build I pounce on them because it's good xp. Then I see Nubbie in the corner of the screen using HiPS. After a minute, while I'm killing azers one after another, Nubbie starts shadowdancing up and looting all of the azer bodies for hammers. I don't really need the hammers, but the audacity of this punk-ass to come in and steal from a level 30 was getting on my nerves. Still, it was more pathetic than anything--- a legendary character having to steal 8k hammers for money??? There are MUCH easier ways to earn cash in the Badlands with a decent build. Anyway, I'm still taking all of this in stride when Nubbie starts to get really bold. At first, he had been keeping his distance, but after a while he starts coming up and trying to pick pocket my PC while I'm fighting azers. That was the last straw for me. It's one thing to steal the hammers that I wasn't bothering with, it's another thing to try and PP my inventory. I consider PP a hostile action equivalent to an attack. I turn and try to get a KD in, which was evaded, but land a few hits before he disengages. Meanwhile, I finish off the few azers that were left. When the MOBs were gone, he asks me "you attacked me?", I said I tried to KD him because he got too close and PP'd me. He plays dumb (if there's one thing I can't stand, it's anuses like Tyrswrath that play dumb... recall that 'Ball' was notorious for playing dumb). Inconveniently, my happy green squares all start to blink as my buffs wore off. I try to slap on a couple fresh ones, when he jumps me and KDs me. I made a run for the sanctuary but didn't make it. A sneak attack got me before I made a safe zone. The last thing I said was "now you're dead". I logged in Gnimble since he's my legendary PC of choice for dealing with rogues and dexers. After Nubbie sells all of his unearned hammers in Dozo, he chickens out and logs in a lowbie (some sort of paladin/sorcerer named Freak). At this point, I'm exhausted and don't have the energy to hunt down his flaming homo paladin, so I log off and make a mental note to PK Tyrswrath on sight from now on. My guess is he'll just death log when I catch him anyway. Oh well, some people are just bitches.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Script Generator.

Apparently theres a program that someone made that automatically creates Neverwinter Scripts for you. I have not tried it yet but I have downloaded it. Alot of comments by users make it out to be a very good tool. I hope this will help any of you making a module.
Script Generator

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New Web Address for Qwildurn's DND Server

I finally got the web site Qwildurn's DND Server back up and being served from my server at my house. Some of the internal links may not work for now but I will fix them. The link is a web hop to

Just click this link and redo your old bookmark: BadLands RPG


Reign of Gods Test.

Yesterday my brother and I worked on the Reign of Gods module, I'm planning on having it up for a short time starting at 8pm eastern time till about 10:30pm or so.

The whole concept is a high magic world that contains many powerful hidden items & equipment for you to find, crafting is not available yet so any fancy weapons will have to be searched out in the mod. You'll have to fight bosses to get keys that will open doors to other areas. Anyone used to strict D&D may not like this mod due to the fact it was created by someone whos never played the game (my bro). Monster encounters will seem out of place for the environment to your average D&D'er, but it'll be alright.

The basic foundation has been laid out of the starting town and areas leading to the second town, which will be the main hub so to speak. Our goals for tonight are simple.

1.) Try to actually host said module.
2.) Mess with DM Client.
3.) Have players adventure through the beginning areas to see what happens.

If anyone plans on logging in tonight, don't worry about making some UBER build or anything, just make a simple melee type char for testing purposes.

We'll probably have the mod limited somewhere between 6-8 players max since we have no idea whats going to happen and that'll make life easier for now.


Simon Hawk

Monday, June 23, 2008

Module Building.

Ok all you DM's and module builders, this question is for you.

How do you fix the NPC's in the module to NOT attack you if a PC accidentally does?

I've got an issue where every NPC throughout the entire MOD will be permanently pissed if one of them is attacked on accident (or on purpose depending how you look at it.)

I've got my brother working on his Reign of Gods mod again, we've found a bunch of pre-written scripts online that will fix alot of existing issues but nothing to fix or change the NPC faction/reaction thing.

Any help is appreciated.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fortress War

Another topic by DM Dark Force that I recieved. Thanks for doing all the work BTW hosting the tournaments. I know it wasnt easy dealing with all of us. :P

An alteration to make fortress possession fairer spawned this idea.
This weekend a fortress match was scheduled.

Guilds got together to fight for the right to keep fortresses.

The guilds active were Free Blades , Arcane Brotherhood , Order of the Stick and BloodKin.

Several contestants stepped forward in pitched battle.

After multiple fights the two main foes Borg Master { Order } and Paine Killer { BloodKin } rose from the pack.
Aria { Free Blades } finished third after deving Borg in the multiple combat style.

They fought each other to a standstill with Borg winning the final match.
He claimed the Emerald Fortress and Paine Killer claimed Zurs Weirding Way.
Feel free to ask any guild members about joining conditions in the future if your new.

Many new and exciting tactics and rules were unleashed and the crowd begged for blood throughout.
Thank you to the guild representatives that participated in the Fortress Wars.

Some of the contestants on Sheelo waiting to fight it out.

Everyone ported to the Hot Cave of Madness because it was way easier to fight there.

Tournament Results

Here is what was sent to me regarding the results from DM Dark Force. Simon Hawk, over & out.

Last weekend saw the first two pools of some idiots wet dream..... the =
Tournament of Champions.
The Dms got together two groups of around level 40 characters and many =
watched the fights in Dozo Arena.
In the first group the contestants were Drago Dirgeblade the dev bard , =
Saman the mage , Celarawien the cleric and Lord Silvermaine the =

These fights were often rapid and after some hefty harms and igms the =
pool finished Saman 2.5 wins , Celarawien 2 wins , Drago 1.5 wins.

Round began shortly after having Paine Killer - monk menace , SF Fade =
the tragic , Brad and Lady Silvermaine the powerful.

Also these fights demonstrated world shaking power is handy ..... and =
after many knockdowns and blasts the score showed.
Paine Killer 3 , Lady Silvermaine 2 , Brad 0.5 and SF 0.5 wins.

After a Level 8 death match was contested with the dwarf Droguer being =
too strong for many.

Congratulations to all the contestants since many gave away sometimes 15 =

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The New ISP Is Up And Running

The new ISP, Verizon FiOS is working now. Players are logging on as I write. I'm getting most of the 15/15 they promised, about 14/14. With the old cable service I was getting 10/1 which is nothing to complain about actually. Oh yeah, and my faster service is costing me the same amount of Gold Pieces. After all the bullshit I, and you went through it was a failed part that Verizon was responsible for.

My Web Page is not working because Verizon has block the Web Port (port 80). I will need to find a hackers way around this.

My new email is:
My old email is still working for now:

Yay! It works!


Friday, June 20, 2008

Resistance is futile

Very, very futile. Here's why:
Last night I logged on to do a little territory claiming for the Arcane Brotherhood. Surprisingly, there was no one on when I logged in. After claiming a few territories with my gnomish wizard, I brought in a different legendary character (Elric Darkfyre) to take a shot at Meph. I had noticed that Terry logged on, but didn't pay much attention to it. Big mistake! After trekking to Highland Island, I stepped inside the cave only to find Borg Master waiting on the bridge for me. Now, Elric has a very respectable AC of 92. After pausing for a moment with a dumbfounded look on his face Elric was promptly planted on his ass. After the initial surprise wore off, he scrambled back out the door to enact a few battle buffs only to walk back in and get put back on his ass. For a minute, Terry thought I was death logging, but I was only ducking out the door to drop a greater restoration and rebuff. (*by the way, death logging is for pussies and okis, and I will NEVER do that. NEVER. If my PC's go down, they go down swinging*). Well, eventually Terry figured out was I was doing and ran out to finish the job. Being the gentleman that he is, he raised Elric, after which I groveled at his feet. Not since Darian would get bored (or pissed (or both)) and drop Bruce on me have I been obliterated quite so badly. Getting slapped around like a red-headed step-child can do wonders for reducing one's ego. I know I wasn't the first to be "assimilated" by the Borg Master... and I have a feeling I won't be the last.

(side note: what are the odds that two PC's would run into each other in the vastness that is the Badlands??? I'm not saying that Terry cheated, I'm just saying that Borg Master may have had a slight tactical edge :-p

Logon Problem Fixed

I think I fixed the logon issue. Still using the old ISP but....whatever works.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Continuing Saga of The New ISP

So I called the Billing Department at Verizon and told them to remove my service. This was Wednesday morning. The lady want's to know, "Why? You've only had it two days".
"It does not work for me! Make it work or remove it!", I said with all the due politness I've learned at BadLands RPG.
"Wait! Let me get you some real help". I think my Dwarven accent scared her. It's not a Smellaphone so it wasn't my bad breath.
The tech I spoke with said in a hush-hush manner that the Verizon equipment is junk and that's the problem. He has FiOS at home and need ports open to play a game and went through all this. He said he will send out a tech to change something then I can open the ports to the server and get my 15/15 and host BadLands. Don't hold your breath because I sure as Troll Snott won't be holding mine. Hopefully this will work but....... I am willing to try.
Oh, by the way, he did not say when the tech would be out.
Ya know, I told the installer what I wanted and I showed him my server, why didn't he make that oh-so-simple-adjustment then?


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Verizon FiOS vs Time Warner Cable

I tried a new ISP (Verizon FiOS, Fiber Optic) that was supposed to be about 30 times faster than my old ISP (Time Warner/Road Runner, Cable). Verizon FiOS was faster, yes. Nearly 30 times faster, yes. BUT! and that's a BIG BUT! I could not get my server to do server stuff. After a day and a half (36 hours) and countless calls to tech support and the companies that made the new equipment it just isn't going to happen. Verizon finally realized that I wanted to run a REAL Server and they said that's not allowed. I had read the fine print before I signed up and never saw any thing about that. When I pointed this out they did not say a word except, Quote, "We want more money. You need to talk to a different department now.", unquote. So then I told 'em to make it work or remove it. "That's a different department", was their response.

I hooked up the old equipment with the old ISP and the new server is working just like it's supposed to, as a REAL SERVER! Working correctly at a slower speed is better than not working at a faster speed.

Qwildurn Bluemoon, server host of BadLands RPG

Monday, June 16, 2008

Simon Says.

Well, yesterday was a day of 'firsts'. I usually do cool stuff when nobody I know is around to witness it. Usually it's the other way around, if I do something totally ridiculous EVERYONE and their brother is around to see it. Oh well.

1.) Finally figured out how to claim the Maze of the Lost. OMG, I must be dumb but it's so freakin' obvious now. My caster had an ace up her sleeve that I totally overlooked. I was sitting there just scrolling through the different options and was like "oh yeah, duh". So watch out, Arcane Brotherhood should hopefully own the maze more often. :P

2.) Solo killed Dark Ryuji, damn it was hard and took a few tries but I did it. Im thinking I need a few more levels (Like 10 more) to be more effective with that specific character.

3.) Solo killed Meph, he was easy (mega minions are a pain), I don't know why I never tried doing it before.

4.) I learned that I still really really suck balls at PvP. The next few weeks I want to devote to PvP training and tactics. Next time Paine Killer won't be so lucky. :P.

All in all it was a productive weekend (as far as gaming is concerned), and thanks again to Q for hosting the BadLands. Even though there are some bugs to work out, with a little patience all the new hardware and ISP speed with be totally worth it. Hang in there everyone and try not to give Q TOO much grief (well, maybe a little at least).

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The New Server

I transfered everything over to the newer, faster server today (Friday the 13th). Something is out of adjustment still. One thing that I have noticed is that the module is back online much quicker as compared to the old server.
I am working on the problem.
The old server is turned off completely now. The Web Site and everything is being server from the new server now.


Friday, June 6, 2008



On Monday, 16 June 2008 I will be getting a new ISP (Internet Service Provider). I will also be transferring your user accounts over to a faster computer.

  • The new ISP is Verizon FiOS (fiber-optic).
  • About 30 times faster than my current cable.
  • Bandwidth: Down / Up
    • Old: 8k / 500
    • New: 15k / 15k
  • The new serving computer has four (4) 2700 MHz Xeon CPU's.
  • The old server has four (4) 500 MHz Xeon CPU's.

  • Way fast I think it will be!

I will need to shut down BadLands RPG to copy your user files and data base over. I don't expect the server to be down much more than two hours, but........ Hopefully this transfer will be painless.

As you probably allready know, I host BadLands and my own web site Qwildurn's DND Server from my house. If there are serious complication's, I will be on it.


Qwildurn - Server host of BadLands RPG and BadLands 2082

Edited for readability by Auther

Monday, June 2, 2008

Tournament of Champions

Are any of the DM's interested in holding a legendary level character death match someday?

Winner gets a statue with his name on it posted in Dozo for awhile.