Monday, June 2, 2008

Tournament of Champions

Are any of the DM's interested in holding a legendary level character death match someday?

Winner gets a statue with his name on it posted in Dozo for awhile.


Deimonos said...

That's interesting..
And maybe the only way one could kill whoever he wants without getting any grief about it... right Simon?
I think that's a great idea!

Simon Hawk said...

Well, that's true, but I'm not saying I'd be able to do much killing, it'd just be something fun & different to do rather than farming all the time.

Then we'd really find out who actually has their shit together.

Deurack said...

That sounds awesome...we could even do it like the level 8 Death Match, where everyone has to make a new build and go buy their equipment. Of course, for game balance we would probably need to delete all the level 60's created for the tournament, but it would be pretty interesting to have level 60's fighting it out.

Simon Hawk said...

As interesting as that would be, I don't think DM's will wanna deal with all that trouble. Plus it would take forever for people actually level their new builds and buy equipment ect. I'm thinking just bring in any existing character 40+ and duke it out for title of BadLands Badass.

Maybe even fight it out tournament style with tiers rather than a plain deathmatch.

Qwildurn said...

I agree with Simon, it would take to long to level up and get equipment, just to be forced into deleting them after one battle.

Playing what you have already leveled with any boss items you have would be better. Then the winners (and losers) get to keep any XP or prizes they get from the tournament.

Terry17 said...

I'm in, just post a date.

I only have one high level legendary character though.

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