Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Verizon FiOS vs Time Warner Cable

I tried a new ISP (Verizon FiOS, Fiber Optic) that was supposed to be about 30 times faster than my old ISP (Time Warner/Road Runner, Cable). Verizon FiOS was faster, yes. Nearly 30 times faster, yes. BUT! and that's a BIG BUT! I could not get my server to do server stuff. After a day and a half (36 hours) and countless calls to tech support and the companies that made the new equipment it just isn't going to happen. Verizon finally realized that I wanted to run a REAL Server and they said that's not allowed. I had read the fine print before I signed up and never saw any thing about that. When I pointed this out they did not say a word except, Quote, "We want more money. You need to talk to a different department now.", unquote. So then I told 'em to make it work or remove it. "That's a different department", was their response.

I hooked up the old equipment with the old ISP and the new server is working just like it's supposed to, as a REAL SERVER! Working correctly at a slower speed is better than not working at a faster speed.

Qwildurn Bluemoon, server host of BadLands RPG


Unknown said...

Noooooooo! Stoopid FIOs People!

keel them all -.-

I thank you for what youve done Q

i've never seen someone that dedicated to a server, well done


SF Daishi said...

Oh well cant beat the monopoly. Thank's for all the effort! Sorry it didnt work out.

Simon Hawk said...

I was "jonesing" so bad I actually started playing NWN2 finally.

Grats on the server running again.

Unknown said...

Is there any technical reason that I still can't reach this server? I am still getting "connection timed out". It's too bad because I've recently gotten addicted to this server module.

Unknown said...

I still can't log in though:(

Pyro - trying to figure out how to lose that damn name

Deurack said...

Yeah, it's still doing the same thing to me too, telling me the server is timing out. Help Q, I'm starting to run around attacking random people in the neighborhood grocery store...if I dont get back on Badlands soon, I might be "going away" for a while...

Simon Hawk said...

Deurack. LOL!

On a side note, it sure has been nice claiming all of House Thanatoses territories :PPPP

Deurack said...

Thursday, 5pm, and I still usually cant even find BadlandsRPG in the server list. When it is there, it says there are people logged in and playing, but I can never connect. Any ideas what's going on?

Qwildurn said...

The Riddle of The Bugged Server
Crap! I'm at my girl's house and I can't log on either. I getting just what you all have discribed. Not that I didn't believe you. It's a firewall / port issue on my server. Finding the exact deal might be difficult but I will solve The Riddle of The Bugged Server.

Simon Hawk said...

Ah, yeah, well, I think IM gonna login, work on some builds maybe kick-back and claim some territories have a few Ale's. Throw a few eggs at Belpheronds house. You know, it's just so EASY now. :PPP